The password isMSMRZZRS Can I ask How do I access the developer console through\via the BedRoom LapTop? Can I ask what is Password to access Mikah's Profile?
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0.70 Release and Changelog
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+Added Tom artwork:
~Sex scenes
~Paper doll (now features the game's first Diminished Level 2 depiction)
+The bedroom laptop is now more than just a link, it has a whole interface where you also have access to not just penis enlargement pills, but social media as well
+Added SHiMMER, a social media site where you can:
~Read status updates from NPCs throughout the school year
~Send friend requests to NPCs you'd like to get to know more. Anyone interested in getting to know you back will accept after some time.
~Learn useful, personal information about NPCs to help you manipulate them
+Added a bookstore to the student center where you can buy all sorts of gifts.
+Added ability to give gifts to NPCs to help increase their arousal . NPCs will also have differing 'preferred gifts' which will have a greater effect on arousal than other gifts.
+Added NPC sex act preferences to the arousal tracker, which will show up once the preferred acts have been learned
+You now have the option to put on a condom when having sex. Wearing a condom will prevent your partner from turning into a ph'tanari during vaginal sex
+Wrote 5 of the possible possession scenes for husks
+Waite Hall, the all-girls dorm, is now open for you to visit and mark up the doors
+Added a developer console to the bedroom laptop, with a secret code to unlock (feature will not available in the demo)
+Added a “secret” folder to Mikah's profile on the laptop
+Added a trophy case to the student center
+Added Menu screen with options to: go to the main menu, toggle fullscreen, restart the entire game, or quit
+Added “Wait” option to sidebar to allow at-will passing of time
+Added stat changes to Madison's Infest scene
+Added dates and times to the save slots
*Rewrote the remaining intro scenes
*Exerting your power on frenzied characters will now continually increase dick size, even if you have reached the max size required to view the artwork
*Sex scenes will now tell you when the current sex act is one of the NPC's preferred sex acts
*Music preferences are now saved between sessions
*Fixed Mikah's sex scene, which had only half of the new text and all of the old
*Starting a new game immediately after another one should now properly reset all variables
*Reformatted the menu screen
*Fixed Priya's irresistable advances to be, well, irresistable
*Fixed dual rec center links after Priya is frenzied
*Tom now has a higher starting IQ
*Styled the <hr> elements
*Fixed issue that caused paperdoll art to move slightly to the right, which was cutting off about 5% of the image
*Changed white background in Dr. Sterling's bust to transparent
*Dropdown menus are now red text on a black background (some browsers were displaying them as white on white)
*You can now dig multiple times in the boiler room without leaving the passage in between each time.
*Changed a lot of references regarding exact amounts of stat changes to be more vague, to avoid confusion in the mismatch of information displayed due to how things work behind the scenes
*You can now leave the gym after asking Huong to do your bidding
*Purchasing speed or gifts will now automatically update the cash in the sidebar
*The speed dealer can no longer be exploited through the diminish mechanic
*You can no longer dig in the boiler room if the day is ending
*You can now click on your cash in the sidebar to update the amount
*The business building no longer has a perpetual “Let it go” option
*Arousal can no longer go negative
*Fixed “Expand Map” passage layout
*Fixed issue that prevented players from leaving the Rec center bathroom
*Fixed issue that allowed players to take pills they don't have in the Rec Center bathroom
*Changed character creation inputs for Hair and Eye Color to dropdown boxes, instead of input boxes. This should skirt potential errors from incorrect or unsaved inputs.
*Cleaned up the character creation menu
*Huong's and Dr. Howard's location now properly display in the Affected menu
*Fixed issue with sidebar where you could take an infinite amount of pills you don't have
*Fixed dick size automatically resetting when passing through Upper Campus
*Fixed issue with Exert power showing up in business bathroom without an NPC present
*Changed Dyer Hall to Waite Hall
*Changed Football Field to Locksley Stadium
*Changed library to Weylan-Hyde Library
*Fixed issue with the library waypoint not showing after some intro scenarios
*The option to infest NPCs with parasites is now tied to whether or not there is any time left in the day
-Removed the Save option from the Load Game section at the start.
Download:You must be registered to see the links
Gonna be a hard ask on a literal piracy website, unfortunately. If it wasn't your own thread, people would just make one anyway. Best you can do is request that people please support the dev if they like the work.Would you mind not re-hosting paid content in my own thread? This stuff isn't cheap to make.
It's not like it matters much because it is unplayable since just going to a character gives them their daily boost based on the code not having any checks to see if it is a new day. So you get a 1 in 3 chance of flirt working and a 1 in 4 chance per encounter that they only lose .5 lust.Would you mind not re-hosting paid content in my own thread? This stuff isn't cheap to make.
IIRC the difference between the demo and full version is that you get a month of time to play instead of the full time (3 to 5 I think)so 1 question is the demo tiny compared to say version 0.50 or 0.60, cuz that alone makes me wish to download a pirated version. a pay wall between a delayed and up to date version has always been better and fans like it more and r more willing to support. including me cuz i hate demo pay walls, mostly cuz its a specific version from the beginning where i have to by the up to date version and mayb wait for the completed version b4 it might b free or at a reduced price. but sounds like once its 1.0.0 or w/e itll b same price but completed but a newer more expensive version will b in the making for 1.1+ and stuff. even ik that its kind of semantics but whatever helps fans like the idea of supporting u more is best. it frustrates me to spend on any version of an unfinished game, id rather get a public delayed version and happily support than begrudgingly pay for the most up to date versions or play the free months old demo. ofc most of y i prefer a delayed public version is dont have the cash to support monthly, more like swapping once every 3-6 months between multiple patreon creators for a total of MAYB $20 tri-monthly, so i have $20 to spare most months, like many of us. honestly im spending $20 on patreon instead of better groceries to give me the motivation to get up in the morning. when ur support budget is dependent on ur fans mood i think its best to pick the compromise that u both prefer and can b happy with. -_-
Done and done, but figured there was no harm in asking. Judging by my inbox I was very wrong lol.Gonna be a hard ask on a literal piracy website, unfortunately. If it wasn't your own thread, people would just make one anyway. Best you can do is request that people please support the dev if they like the work.
Of course!@MSMRZZRS
Would you consider converting the music .WAV files into something else? 24-bit PCM audio is extremely wasteful.
Here are high quality AAC versions that should be indistinguishable from the originals in quality but are 1/10th the size.
No worries! Erar is correct, the demo is FULLY featured and is only limited by the amount of in-game time you can play, which is 30 days (compared to 180 days in the full game). At the time of writing this, the demo is a couple of versions behind, but I am planning to update the demo here in the next month or so once I've finished making some rather large changes (primarily to the UI).so 1 question is the demo tiny compared to say version 0.50 or 0.60, cuz that alone makes me wish to download a pirated version. a pay wall between a delayed and up to date version has always been better and fans like it more and r more willing to support. including me cuz i hate demo pay walls, mostly cuz its a specific version from the beginning where i have to by the up to date version and mayb wait for the completed version b4 it might b free or at a reduced price. but sounds like once its 1.0.0 or w/e itll b same price but completed but a newer more expensive version will b in the making for 1.1+ and stuff. even ik that its kind of semantics but whatever helps fans like the idea of supporting u more is best. it frustrates me to spend on any version of an unfinished game, id rather get a public delayed version and happily support than begrudgingly pay for the most up to date versions or play the free months old demo. ofc most of y i prefer a delayed public version is dont have the cash to support monthly, more like swapping once every 3-6 months between multiple patreon creators for a total of MAYB $20 tri-monthly, so i have $20 to spare most months, like many of us. honestly im spending $20 on patreon instead of better groceries to give me the motivation to get up in the morning. when ur support budget is dependent on ur fans mood i think its best to pick the compromise that u both prefer and can b happy with. -_-
There is not a walkthrough at the moment, but I am working on making the objectives more clear in-game as well as putting a walkthrough together!MSMRZZRS
Is there a walkthrough on how to progress the current content?
Bought the game on but feel a little lost about how to get the orgies events or how to trigger frenzy on people.
Also is it possible for people that own the game to access the discord or is that only a benefit for patrons?
Thank you for your hard work!