[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Paid Share Artist wanted for a serious long-term project. (Position Filled)


Feb 28, 2017
So I am starting up a game, and I do have a composer on board, possibly a programmer (me being a writer of horrendous smut). So I am looking for an artist that would be willing to join this game project for a long period of time, as I would definitely want the art consistent.

What kind of art am I looking for?
I'd like art for the entire game of course. Menus, textboxes, the main map, sprites and whatnot. It will be a trainer style game, with the characters facing towards you as you speak to them, normal stuff there. It won't use any rpg maker sprites or anything like that, and I think it's going to be in ren'py, if that matters.
When it comes to the sexual stuff... Well, it is going to be in the vein of DILF (some overweight, generally unattractive men paired with hot gorgeous ladies), hot busty girls (not insanely though), possibly ntr, corruption, humiliation and degradation. She won't be very happy for the most part, so I hope you won't feel bad drawing a girl that's suffering...

What kind of artstyle am I looking for?
This is the big question that I am very unsure about. I think I would be just fine with 3d, but I am a 2d man at heart. If you can show some examples of previous work I can just tell if I'm going to be interested or not. For 2d art I am more drawn to various western styles rather than eastern anime style art, but again, I might just change my mind. I won't require you to draw something new to impress me (which would just be drawing for free), anything you've done previously would probably suffice. I can tend to be picky with what I want, so I'll just apologize ahead of time if I'm going to be hard to work with:p

What am I offering?
I absolutely believe that good art should be paid for, and I have some idea that artists might have difficulties finding good paying comissions. While I think they definitely deserve money, there are comissions that stretch up to several hundred dollars, and seeing that I'm going to need several dozens of pictures and even small animation loops if possible, that is just unfeasable for my current budget.
Now IF there is a better payment option that I'm not aware of, just disregard this entire thing. This is just the best idea I could come up with with the money I can afford to spend.
I thought of a way to pay you before the game comes out and would start getting some patreon funds, but it won't be the entire earlierly stated amount per picture. It would be whatever you could be comfortable with being paid, but in an inverse, you would get more of the patreon share going forward. This is a passion project for me, so I am not in it to make alot of money. What your rate would be is something we could discuss, but it would be some combination of direct pay and patreon share, as long as you feel satisfied with what we can come up with.
(Hope I didn't come across as too awkward here, I dislike talking about money)

What do I expect from you?
I mean, art, obviously. It would depend on how much you could feasibly draw from month to month, or week to week, however we'd agree on it. I want you to be comfortable with the things you're drawing (this isn't consensual smut, exactly). I would expect more than, say, two drawings per month obviously, but I am not entirely sure what would be feasible or even a standard to do. And I know everyone has their own pace. And of course, the more you draw the more I pay you (have mercy).

Why haven't I told you what the project is yet?
Well when I started I was thinking I should keep it under wraps because 'what if someone steals my idea oy vey' and so on. In the process of writing this, I got a bit less paranoid, so here goes: This is going to be aFinal Fantasy7 trainer, and the player is Don Corneo, in all his opulent, sleazy glory. Main girl is Tifa, with some possibility to add more cast later, we'll see. The themes would be heavy blackmail/coercion, with Tifa more or less agreeing on selling herself to keep Cloud safe (though she is getting fooled). There isn't an obedience meter, as there is very little she wouldn't do to keep him safe, but if you try too much too quickly, she might break out, realize you never had Cloud to begin with, and that would be the main game over screen. There is also the new Shinra Corporation acting as an antagonistic force towards you.

Well, so that's it. I have never done a game before, though I have written lots of smut before. I could link a 10k word example of what I've done previously, but I figured that it didn't get across what I wanted to write for this game, as that one had a bit more very extreme fetishes, and this would be more... Acceptable by anyone (I guess?)


Feb 28, 2017
Edit: I feel I should add that when I said I wasn't much interested in eastern anime style, it would depend highly on the style there too. I am not going to watch an anime style drawing and be like 'ew no', not at all. It is mostly the 'very big eyes, round face' type artstyle I am not super interested in. Honestly, if you're at all interested in this but is unsure if your artstyle is what I'm looking for, please reach out to me anyway.


Feb 28, 2017
Hi there, sorry to say that I already found an artist that I am working with for this game. Best of luck to you.
And regarding the not being able to message me, I think f95 had some server issues, there's no setting on my side to not accept messages anyway.
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