RPGM - Ashley the Pirate [v0.5.5] [YioruYioru]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The art might be good if repetitive, but the writing makes this game kinda unfappable. Every sex scene, at least in the initial island that I've played, is either the guy going "lemme do X to you and in exchange I give you Y reward" "ok", or "lemme do X to u" "yes", or just rape. Then the awkward animation of doing X with some basic ass dirty talk, then the end. There's like no interesting scenarios or setups to the porn.

    This is not really a corruption game. If you get off to the increasing depravity of the character becoming a nymphomaniac, don't play because that doesn't happen here. The difference between sluttiness level 1 and sluttiness level 5 is that in level 1 you can suck dick in exchange for money and the dirty talk is rapey and at level 5 you can fuck in exchange for money and the dirty talk is more enthusiastic. There's no particularly depraved scenarios, and you can't see much of how her psyche evolves, there's the basic trope of disliking rape at sluttiness 1 and enjoying it at sluttiness 5, but it barely affects things beyond basic dirty talk change. There's other corruption games that showcase this evolving psyche (corruption) way better.

    The game feels like it has the idea of being character driven, with nearly every person you can bang having a tailor-made character portrait and name, rather than having you get banged by mostly nameless NPCs. But again, nobody has barely any personality or conduct beyond maybe some basic tropes, so that's a bit wasted. I've seen other character-driven corruption games with way better characters.

    Can't say much about what the game has apart from the porn, it's simple RPGM stuff that serves as vehicle to show the porn and is not enough to hold up the game on its own without the porn part. So I can't feel like giving this game any more than 2 stars.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Art 100/10: there are many cgs which are enticing to watch
    And sex scenes are well animated

    Gameplay 10/10 : combat is great and the sound during attacks
    And also gameover and battle fuck

    Content 100/10 : great amount of quality content

    Story 9/10: great story but not ssss tier

    All in all a great game with great art and outfits
    Look forward to completion
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice game... with plenty of sex scenes and a pretty good background story.
    I also hope to get some of the outfits used by other candidates in the fighting arena...(Though there are quite a few till now)
    I really hope there will be a good virgin ending too

    Waiting for more updates!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential and scope.

    Just needs more time and development. Hopefully the creator continues with the project and fleshes out a few things i.e diversify combat, slight longer sex scenes and more of them.

    Looking forward to future updates
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great scenes, a lot of content, and it's very sandbox/open world. The only downside is that the English is awful. It kinda takes away from the scenes. It typically goes with the mc saying "oh please don't cum inside". Then the guy goes "oh I'm cumming inside!" That's usually how every scene goes. But besides that, there's so much to do, so I think it makes up for it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a triumph in every aspect. The graphics are extraordinary, the details are impressive and well-crafted. The gameplay is engaging, and there's never a dull moment thanks to the variety of challenges. It's an exciting experience that captures your attention from start to finish. If you love games with outstanding graphics and fun gameplay, this is a must-play.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Think of a game in which you're an innocent pirate who gradually becomes corrupted, well, so far there are many RPG-type games, but this one took me by surprise, its content is huge, simply huge, and it doesn't stop there, you can take up to 2 different paths or even more, choosing to be evil, or to work for the good guys.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright this is fantastic the art is beautiful and I love that there is another cute girl. I like how there are different scenes gives you amount of quality and sudden movement. This is definitely a game I will play several times and come back as well. The story is pretty decent am vibing with it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A good RPG game with lot of content, a good story , some humour and so much options. I have much fun if i played this game because the Devloper make a more new content and change from user advice some details if he make offer like face, eyes clothes etc.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Really solid game, with such an indepth world. from a morale system of good and bad, and bounty hunters to tail you if you do decide to break the law.. and then a prison system, you can serve your time normally. shorten it with a list of sexual deeds that lower your sentence by different values.. or escape..

    indepth and well written story that keeps you engaged, rather than pointlessly skipping and clicking to just get to the lewd scenes.

    an open world that allows you to travel to different lands, with a chance of coming across other pirates, or the law. and within these islands can be vastly different from the last. with their own set of quests.

    the lewd stuff, offering you the basic corruption system.. allowing you to work hard to maintain your honor and virginity, or to slowly and eventually give in to your desires, which range from handjobs, boob job, oral, vaginal, anal and more. theres also NON con stuff too, for those that ticklle that fancy, but alot of it doesnt spell it out for you.. which would be preferred, so i know if im saying no, i can either enter a fight sequence to chance my luck of getting away, but then if defeated, you then get non con.. basic animations that are more than welcome in a niche industtry full of either still images, IRL PORN, or just robotic animations. dont get me wrong, the animations arent ground breaking by any means, but it definately adds to the really nice art style of this game..

    cons: i wish this game had more details on the body (the butt hole), as well as options to shave to keep yourself hairless, but the longer you neglect shaving, the hairier your body can get (ass hair, leg, vag, armpit) etc, which can drastically change dialogue options if you dont clean often (wish cleanliness fit more into dialogue too).

    will say some dialogue needs correcting, as im noticing alot of broken english between parts, and i mean for the most part i can figure out what the dev is trying to portray, however there are some lines of dialogue that are beyond comprehension.

    some bugs also here and there. which already i have extended to thee dev

    wishlist: more detailed body details (butt hole).. a cleanliness feature/system that takes note if you clean regularly and then fits into dialogue accordingly. a shave feature to where you can either be hairless, or be hairy asf with a hairy butt, pits, legs etc, and it also visually shows as well as changes dialogue.

    and maybe some animation improvement, making it more smooth, or maybe animating more of the scene (ass cheeks rolling back etc).

    overall summary: ashley the pirate is one of those hidden gems amongst floods of trashon this site. this game offers you an interesting story, and branching side stories, a bare but basic morale system, with a law system and prison system to compliment it. lovely art style, that although i would say could use a touch more detail, but still lovely and my preferred style of art. the animations are truly welcome, as most games just go the lazy route and choose not to bother, and even though i would say the animations are basic, theyre atleast not robotic. sure they could use some general improvements, but theyre still solid, and they never take you out of that immersion of the scene.

    this game so far is a solid 4/5 stars, that could use some polish, and some quality of life additions/options and overall improvements. but the build we have so far is well worth the investment and time spent playing. i would say this is truly worth supporting the developer, so feel free to go over to their sites and show them some love.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My mind on this game changed, as I see it moves into a good direction, the new combat is generic to an rpgm, so Im not really mad about it, but with more thought I think it could have been something more unique. Just as a side note. While the art is slowly improving and we get more scenes I would more appreciate putting more effort into already existing scenes, especially since all can be repeated, making them higher quality or unique to certain npcs, would really improve the games overall quality. Maybe redoing them from scratch but that is a long and draining process, so it shouldnt be rushed. Maybe implementation of unique moans, during different positions would also be a nice change, getting a dedicated Lewd VA for Ashley would be fenomenal. But overall, its an enjoyable experience with a lot to offer and loads of hours of gameplay, in an open world map, and story. The sex scenes, even when imo they need more improvements or overhauls, are awesome on the first playthrough. Although I only complained and pointed out how it can be improved, because I believe in the potential of this game, I highly regard and recommend it, to any one interessted. Because of the beforementioned quirks like, the excellent open world, the countless NPCs, slowly improving art and combat system.. I believe it to be an excellent game, and something everyone should give a shot. The Developer themselves are open to suggestions and are one of the nicest people I know. Not only do I think that this game will stand above all other, maybe not with art but with the open world, the story and the freedom I believe that the games the dev will bring out in the future will be outstanding as well. 5/5 Stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It is one of those rare games that is very entertaining and does not feel repetitive, with its titillating consistency well crafted. The story commences satisfactorily in itself, our leading character and side characters are unique in terms of variousness. Although the combat mechanics are straightforward, are not boring. The access to the lovemaking scenes is easy and pleasing, which improves the playability and replayability of the game. The CG quality is satisfactory, and some of the positions are quite suggestive, I hope we get a chance to see more interracial settings, beasts, sex positions, costumes and incubation content. The game is promising in its current state, if it resumes like this, I expect we will see promising results, I enjoy it very much.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art! Really enjoying this one. Gameplay seems pretty standard but that isn't a bad thing in my opinion. The English needs a little work and more variety with NPC conversations but otherwise I'm looking forward to this hopefully being completed.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game! the characters are awesome the animations and artwork are great. The story and gameplay is engaging. the H content is animated with some sounds and its just great. Def enjoy this and hope for more like it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I quite like this game. It is entertaining, semi-grindy to a degree (goodness it doesn't feel like a chore), it's got some nice jokes, and there's lots of pervy stuff. All in all, I feel like it'll keep you entertained for a good amount of time.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.4.4.3] review

    Boring and confusing combat. Extremely repeating scenes/animations. Not hot enough.

    Yea that's the short review. I've tried playing this a couple of times but it just doesn't do anything for me. For me to keep playing you need to deliver 1 of 2 things:
    * Hot as fuck scenes
    * Fun gameplay
    This game accomplishes neither.
    The lewd scenes are just the same over and over and over again. To they point they don't really mean anyting any more.
    If you put a gun to my head and forced me to name one positive, then that would probably be the first rape scene in the game, the one with the tower thugs. That one seemed believable for a bit, but then it kinda fizzled out and it seems my MC didn't really care about what happened. Only +15 lust or whatever. Is she secretly enjoying being raped? That could have been hot but sadly, no, she just doesn't care, it seems. Urk.
    Every other sexual encounter felt extremely volontary.
    Like: Random NPC: Show me your tits! MC: Ok!
    Eeeh what? C'mon man.

    Yeah thanks but no thanks.
    It seems a lot of work was put into this so I kinda don't want to give this game a score of 2, becasue honestly that's what the content deserves. I'll be extremely generous and leave a 3.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game could be amazing, but its just at the end a slut game and not a corruption game really.

    What i mean is several people at the very start asks you to fondle your chest and you say yes or no... if you say yes you get more corrupted so there is no reason to say yes if youre trying to do a "immersive" corruption play through.

    There needs to be more scenarios where you either get blackmailed or coerced or drugged or tricked or forced. There are situations where you are drugged/forced but its like 10% while the rest is you randomly saying yes to random people asking at the very start.

    Im playing as a princess, why would I let random dudes touch my tits? stop this and do more forced fondling at bar or corruption because she doesnt have a choice.

    At this state of the game you can just grab a potion and it instantly makes you a slut and its not even hard to afford.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is not completed at the time of this review. Will re-evaluate in the future

    So far I am on version 0.5.2 and I already think it's amazing! You can tell the creator has put a lot of work into this, and is constantly taking feedback. I've played my fair share of these H-RPGM games and this one so far is easily in my top 5.

    • The freedom in this game is great, you can have a virgin run, or blowjob only run, or anal only run. The game never forces you into anything.
    • Every scene in the game is animated, which regardless of art quality, is a notable feat, and a rare one to find in these kind of games.
    • The game itself doesn't have much fluff and even though there's combat, H content is integrated into it which is always a plus.
    • The mechanics of having your own ship and crew and being a pirate by themselves are pretty cool, even if we're not talking about porn

    • Ashley's personality is pretty bland. She doesn't really have much dialogue, and I think this is really just an issue with the writing itself as a whole. Dialogue, especially for H content, is not very good in this game and is very skippable.
    • On that note, the corruption itself doesn't feel as genuine since the character of Ashley is not portrayed well. The freedom in the game comes at the cost of Ashley's corruption arc not being very solid as it's not linear enough for the corruption to be believable.
    • The art is probably the first thing that sticks out as not the best, but it's not terrible.
    Overall, the game itself is excellent but could use some better writing, which is really the biggest thing holding this game back.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    it's just amazing, the dev have done an incredible job with this game!
    Lookig Forward for more updates.
    For me this is the best female protagonist game, i play alot of games but Ashley is just amazing!!!!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    oddly satisfying sex scenes and freedom to do whatever make this game awesome. hopefully the dating system is expanded to include more characters in the future. somewhat crude art style is charming and well animated. Ashley's dialogue throughout is cute/funny without trying too hard and her character is more believable than most female protagonists. solid game!