RPGM - Ashley the Pirate [v0.5.6] [YioruYioru]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game could be amazing, but its just at the end a slut game and not a corruption game really.

    What i mean is several people at the very start asks you to fondle your chest and you say yes or no... if you say yes you get more corrupted so there is no reason to say yes if youre trying to do a "immersive" corruption play through.

    There needs to be more scenarios where you either get blackmailed or coerced or drugged or tricked or forced. There are situations where you are drugged/forced but its like 10% while the rest is you randomly saying yes to random people asking at the very start.

    Im playing as a princess, why would I let random dudes touch my tits? stop this and do more forced fondling at bar or corruption because she doesnt have a choice.

    At this state of the game you can just grab a potion and it instantly makes you a slut and its not even hard to afford.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is not completed at the time of this review. Will re-evaluate in the future

    So far I am on version 0.5.2 and I already think it's amazing! You can tell the creator has put a lot of work into this, and is constantly taking feedback.

    • The freedom in this game is great, you can have a virgin run, or blowjob only run, or anal only run. The game never forces you into anything.
    • Every scene in the game is animated, which regardless of art quality, is a notable feat, and a rare one to find in these kind of games.
    • The game itself doesn't have much fluff and even though there's combat, H content is integrated into it which is always a plus.
    • The mechanics of having your own ship and crew and being a pirate by themselves are pretty cool

    • Ashley's personality is pretty bland. She doesn't really have much dialogue, and I think this is really just an issue with the writing itself as a whole. Dialogue, especially for H content, is not very good in this game and is very skippable.
    • On that note, the corruption itself doesn't feel as genuine since the character of Ashley is not portrayed well. The freedom in the game comes at the cost of Ashley's corruption arc not being very solid as it's not linear enough for the corruption to be believable.
    • The art is probably the first thing that sticks out as not the best, but I won't knock it too hard, since there's animation involved.
    Overall, the game itself is great but could use some better writing, which is really the biggest thing holding this game back.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    it's just amazing, the dev have done an incredible job with this game!
    Lookig Forward for more updates.
    For me this is the best female protagonist game, i play alot of games but Ashley is just amazing!!!!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    oddly satisfying sex scenes and freedom to do whatever make this game awesome. hopefully the dating system is expanded to include more characters in the future. somewhat crude art style is charming and well animated. Ashley's dialogue throughout is cute/funny without trying too hard and her character is more believable than most female protagonists. solid game!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for v, but I've been following the thread since the beginning)
    Great game! IMO, one of the best female MC games on this site.
    Interesting story, good pacing, good balance between dialogue scenes and action (enough to get invested, but not enough to get bored), gorgeous MC, attention to details (LOVE the see-through dress) and real choices.
    GREAT work!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Hello my name is Siderophilia and I have played Ashley the Pirate v. by YioruYioru.

    Looking at the preview for this I for some reason expected a game with mediocre art which would make up for it with interesting writing, but what I received was something of the opposite nature. Playing this game I got the feeling that the author is clearly inspired by other female protag games, but simply fails to recreate the story which (in my opinion) actually makes those games interesting.

    Starting off with the actual gameplay, it's pretty much a typical RPG with (quite a lot of) turn based battles. Fights are for the most part uninteresting. While the game actually employs a grid-based system which could be used for introducing some more interesting tactical aspects to the battles (e.g. abilities with different areas of effects or lines of fire that would actually force the player to think about how the characters are positioned and when to use different abilities) the absolute majority of the time zero use is actually made of that engine, so that it might as well have been scrapped entirely from the game with no loss. Simply consuming items between fights as spamming the base attack is all it ever takes to keep advancing, making combat feel like a slog.

    The art is as I said the one thing that positively surprised me. While there is a certain lack of detail as seen in the preview pictures, the vast majority of sex scenes are actually animated with quite good fluidity, which by nature would be hard to combine with a highly detailed art style. Though nothing spectacular and the perspectives sometimes look at bit off, I also realize that animation is highly requested by a large player base and quite a challenge to include in any game. The main character's moans also add some sense of liveliness to the scenes and are probably the high point of an otherwise rather unremarkable sound design.

    However as per usual good writing is probably what I think makes a game, and here it is sadly absent. While the game keeps record of Ashley's purity and sexual experiences, even to the degree that I believe every scene might have an alternative version pointing out if Ashley is a virgin at the time, the sense of actual corruption, that Ashley changes as a person due to her sexual experiences, or even that the sex has any impact at all, is absent from the game. All the characters (including Ashley) are very flat, devoid of emotions and motivations. Despite what I would assume should be an upbringing that places great importance on her purity, Ashley never really seems all that bothered by sexual harassment and it seemingly doesn't take much pressure for her to lose her way. Even what should be extreme scenarios such as losing her virginity to a rapist don't seem to have much of an impact. For such a scene, the dialogue mostly consists of moans and characters simply outright stating what we can already see is happening ("hoho I am taking your virginity"), and as it ends with the Ashley being brought back into town by some nondescript rescuer the event is never brought up again and it's back in the saddle. What the game really lacks is a good internal monologue. In an event such as the one just described the reader should probably be getting the sense that the main character devastated to be deflowered and shamefully doubting herself as she finds that her treacherous body begins to enjoy the act and embarrassment to be rescued in such a state. As of now there is none of that, we just watch an animation play out with some shallow writing mostly consisting of moans which we already have in the sound files. The facts such as that the main character starts out as a pure virgin and that the game has a purity stat seems to me like it implies that the developer set out to make a corruption game, but simply fails to grasp what makes corruption stories interesting.

    In summary, gameplay grindy and uninteresting, writing disappointing, animations and sound kind of nice. None of the flaws are so big that they ruin the game entirely, but they make it far less interesting than it has potential to be. Feels like a 3/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I missed such a game. I feel this freedom and that I have control over Ashley and can do what I want with her. The creator of this game spends a lot of time on it and every now and then he will fix it and add new elements to the game. Great for me ~!
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    Not great, not bad, but somewhere in between.

    What positively stands out are the unique artwork and the animations. It's not often that games in this genre have so many animated lewd scenes, so that was a nice surprise.

    However, although I applaud the dev's attempt to implement a decent story, the 'corruption' process itself is very repetitive and predictable, and this quickly gets boring. There actually isn't any corruption at all. You just end up in a town with exclusively perverts who ask you to do sexual stuff, and you can either accept or decline. They all want to abuse you and since you (the player) are probably also a pervert they all succeed in pretty much the same way.

    I missed some variety or suspense to keep me interested.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a good game worth playing, just for the above average art, and very lovable MC.

    • Great art. It looks a bit unprofessional at first in the preview pictures, but that did not bother me at all when playing.
    • Good content, many animations (10-20).
    • Good story, dialogues, sexy situations. The game has a funny writing and a "cutey" artstyle that contrast very well with how everything in the world wants to f*** you.

    • Very unoriginal gameplay.
    • Too easy. Most of the fights are an instant win once you're lelvel'd up. During text events, often the characters try to blackmail you into sex but you can just say no without consequence.

    I can speak maybe for other fans of the tags female protag + rape, having to intentionally lose or act stupid to see scenes is bad design - it would be better if there were really interesting combat mechanics, and a "hard" mode where it would truly be challenging to not get raped.

    That said, a great game overall especially considering it's advertised as version 0.3 .
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Basically, a decent game.
    The graphics are unremarkable, but the storyline is good and the developer seems to feel some obligation to progress the story -- not just keep expanding the MC's range of sexual perversions. The developer also appears to have at least a vague concept of the completed story, which is a VERY GOOD THING.
    I believe that you can maintain progress through the main story without ever losing the MC's virginity. (She can be a real princess, but she will be sailing very close to the wind to achieve this.) The virgin princess will need to grind really hard to accumulate cash. Someone more determined than me may like to try this option.
    Another interesting feature is that the MC's corruption can be entirely voluntary if you avoid losing fights. It's good to see a MC largely in control of her own destiny.
    There are also options to both recover the MC's purity and accelerate the loss of it.
    All in all, a much better effort than a lot of other offerings.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential, which is already showing.Even though some h-anims are rough around the edges, dev will probably flesh them out and then the game will be great.And after all, not every developer makes their own assets for the game, which i find admirable.But yeah, there is grind in this game, though i've seen more of it in some other games.
    I rate it about 8/10.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game, I had a lot of fun playing it.
    It's still a little low on animations, but you can change dress to make them more spicy.
    The plot is nothing special, but do his work very well.
    In this game you are very free to move and interact with various mobs, that make the player the real owner of Ashley.
    At some time you have to skill her in combat or you can't pass over the pirates quest, maybe this part will require some minutes.
    I like the graphic's style, even if at some point it become a little ripetitive, but as a work in progress I hope in more different animations in future.
    Good job!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a very great adventure themed porn game with lot of content, sex event, rich story and lot of location and areas for players to explore and enjoy the fun
    _ Art: 5/5
    Some people might think that I was being nice to Dev and that the arts wasn't that great, but truth is I have seen lot of good porn games with a much horrible art style and lot of bad games with top quality artist. The art style in Ashley is average and quite rough but it fit with the game setting and environment, the longer you play the game the more you start to liking it
    _ Story: 5/5
    The story are simple yet very interesting and will make you hooked into it: Player as Ashley separate from her father and had to travel from island to island to find him, discover the treachery from the enemy and now vow to taking revenge to those who has wronged them.... Beside that you will need to help villagers to deal with dangers on the way
    _ Gameplay: 4/5
    I must say the gameplay was very fun and quite diverse, go from typical RPG battle where you go full bounty hunt fighting monsters/bandits to level up the MC and party members to find work in a bar/blacksmith/shop/prostitution to earn money to buy equipment or even clothes. It can be a little grinding because you need to be high level to deal with boss, some of them can be a pain in the ass for low leveled party
    _ H content: Solid 5/5
    You could say this game is filled with it, even when Ashley was low on Lust the lewd event would still happen even when it was limited only at grope or lifting skirt but the moment the Lust bar reached the highest level your penis and hand will working nonstop. Not just that but the wardrobe system help trigger some of the lewd event with NPCs too, depend on what Ashley wear (or not wearing aka stay naked) the NPCs would react differently and would either go from groping to sexual assault her and that was my favorite part of this game
    _ Conclusion: Beside a little bit grindy and some repeatable sex event Ashley the pirate is a good game that people need to download and have a playthrough to experience the story, gameplay and specially all the sex content. It's worth a try for newbie and trust me after that you will bookmark the game and checking every day for more updates in the future
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Cute, but repetitive gameplay wise.
    Story wise is your run of the mill sheltered yet buff princess.
    After a couple of hours I see that the only challenge is having the will to sink hours into it to grind xp . Won't be doing that, thanks.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 468469

    Pretty good game, lovely arts, nice gameplay and a story where i cant wait to see the progress. For sure, the game needs still some improvement, but for the beginning its simply a great game.

    Not to mention the fighting system, which I have never tested before in other games. But its simple but way better than the old style of RPGs.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    i really like this game i am playing it on mac sometime gets lagging but its very game if u work a little bit on the animation and make it better its will be the greatest game ever even the story is too good
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    for some reason, this game reminded me of the masterpiece Sangeki of Gear, I feel that love is invested here, I really like it when the heroine needs to be corrupted gradually, but it would be better to do the battle according to the standard or somehow complicate it, I really liked the game, we can only hope that the author will continue to develop and supplement it ... thanks a lot to him
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Rebeca H.C

    It's a pretty good game and it has the ability to corrupt the heroine; Because of the gameplay it's very good, especially since you can do NTR, which I really liked. On the other hand, the only thing that is not very well done is in the visual aspect; The animations are very well done. The only bad thing is the visual aspect leaving that aside, it is a very good game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = decent plot ruined by overuse of annoying things about RPGM games. (grind, running around huge maps, killing a lot of trash enemies, respawning enemies, etc.)

    Story: 3/5
    + Story is about typical sheltered princess that has been put into unpleasant situation and she decides that best solution to solve it is by doing whatever is necessary (becoming slut). Nothing special, pretty normal story.
    - What I find annoying is lack of corruption. The princess lacks morals and she is okay with doing absolutely anything from the moment intro ended. Doing blowjobs, running around naked, running around map with cum on her face. Everything is "okay".
    - Although main character should be some sheltered princess, she is slut from the start. There is no gradual corruption. Its boring.

    Art 3/5
    Art isnt anything special. Its very basic, but I guess some people may find some cuteness in hand-drawn art. Based on your taste the value of art varies. I give it 3/5

    Gameplay: 0/5
    This is worst thing about game. Think about anything annoying about RPGM games and this game has it.
    - a lot of grind!!!
    - New locations are unbalanced! New locations will have huge spike in difficulty and that will make fights almost impossible. You will have to go back to old locations to grind more levels!!!
    - Game will remind you of Walking Simulator, because maps are huge!
    - Quests will make you run a lot! You will have to often go from one place to another side of map and then you will have to run all the way back.
    - maps are full of enemies! (roads are narrow and you cant avoid fights)
    - respawning enemies!!! You will kill monsters while running somewhere and on the way back you will have to kill those monsters again!
    - There is a lot of boring conversation and "skip text" doesnt feel fast enough.
    - I didnt find any way to manually "hide" textbox.

    To sum it up:
    This game has some nice events, but you will have to grind through a lot of boring stuff to get there. I think I have spend over 95% of my time doing annoying or boring stuff. It wasnt very entertaining.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    In a way, it's funny, but badly balanced.
    On the first island I ran through the woods very often and fought, so I got the boat only with Lv 8. Lv 5 would probably also be possible.
    But already on the next islands it is very difficult to pass the Spider Dungeon or to hold out a fight against 3 slime and 4 goblins on another island for more than one round, because the goblins alone cause more than 120 points of damage with not even 600 life points of the heroine.

    In this case it would be highly recommended to include an escape option.
    So I was dragged into her cave by the spiders, but two levels further up three spiders are running right in front of the ladder patrol. Only with healing herbs you won't survive the fight, you need healing potions, but you can't buy them.

    Loops without end, so that you can level up to have a chance against opponents. This reduces the fun of the game. If there is some fine-tuning here, you could well get 5 points.
    The graphics are not everyone's cup of tea, but well drawn in their simplicity. Therefore a point deduction would not be justified here.

    Correction concerning balancing:
    I found Raymond too late. Fighting with him at the party would have been much easier, of course.