Asking for opinion about a potential game


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
I feel a bit weird since I saw this game was released today : sacred princess ^^'
Guess I'll have to edit the plot a bit
Other than royalty having to find their way, it isn't too the same. Also like above mentioned it is censored, and probably just mediocre. Set your game apart with a more interesting/indepthness to it and of course mechanics. You also mentioned that yours had princes and princesses, so when you feel like it down the road add a male MC the player can choose from. Thus allowing player choice, and maybe their own twists/turns/problems. Giving replayability.

In the end, just develop your own game and have fun.
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Oct 7, 2017
Just a small update, I started dipping my hands in rpg maker mv, mostly doing my best to understand the engine and shape it to do what I want.
It's going to be a perpetual learning, all along the development I imagine.
But I'm slowly getting the hangs of it, or at least having a clear idea on how to toughly achieve what I want.
It should soon be enough to start seriously getting into it ^^
I've also more or less planned what I want to do and what I want to implement with this engine.

Here's a rough result of the past weeks brainstorm, it's subject to changes based on the results of tests and trial ^^'
View attachment GAME Ideas & brainstorm.txt


Dec 2, 2019
Grinding is frowned upon in most rpgm games so I'll try to avoid that by make a custom fighting system focused on sex (lust goddess oblige)
- I'm also aiming to create a custom level-up and skill tree system
- Paperdoll system along with other status menu.
It's complicated to describe all this with just words so I'll see how it turn once I start working on this.
Be careful with these. You're starting to tread the territory of, "I'm gonna make a better everything" which is very bad in terms of scope and actually finishing.

Combat. The first question that comes to mind is are you going to use the out-of-the-box system RPGM provides? If so, then forget about doing anything like Tales of Androgyny. Any player is gonna spot the similarity of that default combat system to everything else and no matter how hard you try it's not gonna feel different, it's just gonna be a collection of new skills and how they work. That's not a new feature, that's just reusing an existing feature.

If you want something like Tales of Androgyny then make it your game loop. That game worked because that was the game. The scope wasn't that far outside of it, it is a great hook, and it's very well executed. I don't think that fits in what you're describing. You're gonna have to much complexity without depth. I couldn't imagine doing any kind of territory, resource, or kingdom management ontop of the existing mechanics in Tales of Androgyny. It would feel like too much. In addition of it being scoped too large.

Custom level up and skill tree is something not often used. I think the default turn based system can work, but nobody uses it. They just throw a few skills in there and you use these same skills throughout the whole game. There's no significance in levels, learning new skills, meta progression, or any progression really. That's usually because the combat system these games put in are actually not part of the core narrative of the game therefore they feel out of place. For example, in a contemporary setting RPG with combat. You're gonna have skills like, "kick", "punch", "shoot". Bleh. Boring as fuck. Not scalable, no significance. Combat is just a "flavor option" forced into the players game that could be removed entirely and have no effect on the game. If you avoid this dilemma, I think you'll gain a lot more respect for doing an RPGM.

The question still stands though. Does combat really belong in your game? I don't have a full understanding of what you're doing, but this is a very important question. Like aforementioned, ask yourself, "If I were to completely remove combat from the game, would the loop and gameplay remain relatively the same?" If the answer is yes then you either need to restructure your game around the combat mechanics more, or just drop the idea of it. Do not just put it in to fill content gaps and add play time. That's how you get these grindy games that people talk about. Grinds suck when there is no significant progression that the player can recognize. People grind in games all the time.

I've been assessing the design of combat in adult games for two months now. Considering my current project heavily involved combat, these are all examples and design questions I've asked myself to guide me through making design choices. Hope this helps a little. Just be cautious of scope creep and be realistic. It's a real thing and it happens fast.


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 26, 2019
Hello to everybody coming here, I'm a random f95 user loitering on the forum for about 2 years, mostly quietly. I've been playing lots of awesome games here and then one day I though "why not making my own".
Most might think "Another wannabe game dev who will probably drop his idea after first releases" and... I have no way to answer to that yet, neither do I know where creating a game might lead me.

I don't know when I'll start truly developing since I still consider myself in a "training" phase, learning about both graphical software and how to use game engines.

So about the game !

- I'm planning to use rpgm mv as the engine to make the game.

I know a lots of people here prefer renpy for the eroge they play, but while an awesome engine, renpy is also limited for anything different than a pure point&click visual novel and that's not what I wish to create.

- Graphic part will be mostly done on daz3d... because I can't draw... *blush in shame*

Rough plot :

The king of the Donmaglass kingdom (name is subject to change) feels that his time on the world of the living is slowly coming to an end. He decide it is time to initiate the gods trial, the event that will determine his successor among his numerous offspring.
One by one, the children of the king will be led to the Royal temple where a god will choose as his champion. These children, along with the gift of the gods, will then each be given a place to rule in every corner of the wide kingdom until they are called back to the royal capital. The crown to the kingdom's seat of power will be given to the prince or princess who achieved the best result in it's ruling and that is the only rule of this trial, meaning that everything else is allowed in this fight for the crown.

That's where you come in, you're the 14th princess of the kingdom, one among many, but most important is that you're deemed the less favored royal offspring in this giant game of throne.
And guess what ? You're chosen by what everybody consider the most useless goddess and given the worst territory to rule. How the princess will fare in this trial is up to you.

By the way, was it mentioned the goddess who choose her is the goddess of lust ?

About Gameplay :

I'm planning for the core gameplay of the game to stay coherent with the plot.

- Management (territory, city, army? etc)
- Fight system
- Grinding is frowned upon in most rpgm games so I'll try to avoid that by make a custom fighting system focused on sex (lust goddess oblige)
- I'm also aiming to create a custom level-up and skill tree system
- Paperdoll system along with other status menu.
It's complicated to describe all this with just words so I'll see how it turn once I start working on this.

Art :

I mentioned earlier that I'll use daz3d for the cg and art part of the game and that's the part where I'm asking for f95 user's opinion.

I've already started making some test for the global art direction.

"Realist" direction
View attachment 512733

"Cartoon" direction

View attachment 512732


View attachment 512731

It's the same test model with some change mostly to head, body morph, skin and details to achieve different "styles" as I call them.
*cough* ...also changed the pussy during tests... *cough*

So what do you wonderful people think might fit best with a game like this ?
I can also do more change to go further in a specific direction but as I said I'm not an artist at soul so my abilities are limited in that regard.

Thank you for reading up to this point ^^
I'm not an english native so my apologies for mistakes here and there.
I like the "cartoon" or "in-between" versions better. I admittedly make a cartoon game, but it's not the reason I like that style. For some reason, when developers shoot for photo-realism, every now and again, angles or movements don't come off looking real or genuine, and it just looks clunky and awkward. Personally, it throws me out of the moment, but those movements are "forgiven" in more expressive/less realistic art styles. I think someone else mentioned it. The cartoon version wouldn't age as poorly. I think they're right.

Seems like a helluva project. Good luck!


Game Developer
Oct 4, 2018
I am probably too far from being an expert, as all your art styles seem for me the same))
  • Thinking Face
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Oct 7, 2017
I am probably too far from being an expert, as all your art styles seem for me the same))
Well, yeah they are the same character, same morph, same pose, same hair.
Difference lie mostly in
- Proportions : bigger head and eyes for cartoon
- Texture : realist "style" have... well... a more real feeling, more details on the skin (moles, slight coloration and bumps on knees, etc), for cartoon, eyes color is more fantasy than what you'd find in real life) skin is also more "smooth" and uni-color, as well as overall less detailed on purpose to give this more cartoon feeling compared to realistic one.
- shapes : changing the shape of the face a bit, getting it slightly off compared to standard human anatomy, sharpening the chin, a bit rounder cheeks etc.

All in all, it's mostly small details and minor adjustments to give different feelings to these pictures.

It can go further, but then it wouldn't match what I want for a game

Right now I'm mostly busy with the game engine, but I'm also planning to find a kind of anime/manga style shader to push it a bit further in the cartoon direction.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
hey there I just want to tell you Good Luck with your Game really and ur ideas are very goodi as i'm sucker for game of thrones or ( pre season 7/8) i love the stories about fighting for power and kindgomes anyhow you should really Consider Make MC ? but it will be a lot of work on you to make both male and female MC i really want as this reflects my opinion you should make the game like you said before you are prince who didn't give shit about these stuff but after the stuff u mentioned he need to step up have the game around 3 or 4 families fighting for the power MC can get allies or date girls to fuck them to gain them i know y guys might not like my ideas but just wanted to share it and don't overwork urself you can always downgrade some stuff for more content and better story this is no perfect and good luck really and i'm looking forward your game and if you need anyone to help you with the game i'm here i will do what i can
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