Unity - Completed - Assault [Final] [DumbCrow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of Dumbcrow's work. This is one of his earlier games, and has their typical hallmark of complex gameplay, executed in full 3D.

    The game requires actual planning, strategy, and experimentation to win. The scenes are there but you have to actually work for them. It's not grindy per se, and if you are grinding, or finding yourself in death loops, you're doing it wrong. It took me a second playthrough, and reading forum posts, to get a better strategy to complete the game. After that I was able to knock through it in a couple hours. That the game requires more than just hitting the space bar is a feature, not a bug.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    This game is quite decent. A simple concept executed faithfully.

    There is an endgame "twist" that is a bit silly and takes the edge off, as if the game is ashamed to be what it is and goes, "just kidding, lol." I have mixed feelings about the ending.

    Also some rough/unpolished patches here and there.

    Overall, I admire this game's simple audacity. I would love to see some sort of remake or sequel, hopefully at some point.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game only has 2 votes? Reviews?
    Ok then better fix that.

    This game is a 5 IMO
    A 4 at least. No way a 3 or lower. Why?

    Its unique. Its a 3D stalking rape sim. That has actual gameplay mechanics and things to pay attention to, which works given you play a stalker.
    Its the best rape sim I have seen personally. Most are just RPGM or RENPY. The only other thing this is similar to are "trainer" games which are ...fine but its the same thing everytime. However this! This is actually closer to an actual sim which feels immersive.

    Its a mix of minigames, checking locations/stalking, as well as trainer game elements. The graphics are eh, but in all honesty it works for what it is. I think it fits given the dark material it focuses on. If it were hyper realistic it would probably be a bit too much.

    Anyway if you want a rape sim. This is it.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The grafics and gameplay look fun, but the hole money and exp sistem is broken, you need a exessive amount of time to taste how the game were suppose to be enjoyed
    I gave it many opportunities, but it becomes frustrating how hard it is to progress
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A better game than I expected. You will feel the grinfd sometimes. and there's a bug which will reset your fitness to low if you have fitness around 80-90 and slept well (boost for sleeping well exceeds the max limit of fitness I guess) other than that it's okay. animations are good controls are okay