Daz Asset misteriously disappeared from content folder


Feb 21, 2018
I downloaded a 3d asset, particularly a genesis 8.1 character, I downloaded it from an unoficial website I usually do this is because sometimes I need to test certain specific things about the asset before buying it because there's not enough information on the daz store, instead of having to go through a refund process if I'm not entirely satisfied with the product. If that's the case, I always delete all traces of the file from my daz content folder. If I do like the product I ALWAYS buy it and replace the previously mentioned files with the legitimate ones.

The thing is, yesterday I downloaded (from the unoficial website) an asset and tried it out, I was able to test it without issues, see the model, move it around, do everything like normal. Ok fastforward to next day, I'm like yeah I'm not feeling 100% about this one so i'm gonna uninstall it. (Important to note that I install all my content manually by putting the files in my daz content folder manually and I uninstall it the same way, by deleting each file manually) But when I went to uninstall it it was already gone.

I did not do it myself so I was completely confused, I have no idea what happened, another product I downloaded from the same place but earlier than this one was there and I was able to delete it no problem. But this particular one was already gone, no traces of it in the content folder, therefore not available to use within daz either, it was a character so, yesterday I was able to load the character by opening the "character" folder and selecting it from there but the character wasnt there anymore. Please don't lecture me about piracy, I just want to figure out what happened here because I'm losing my mind over this and I can't figure out what happened I'm the only one that uses this computer, I've run antivirus programs and everything and almost nothing was found. Could it possibly be some sort of issue syncing with the daz server and my content folder? does daz have any way to automatically delete files that you don't own and then you happen to have in your folder?. I just want to have piece of mind that about this issue, I don't want to get banned from using daz or something like that, I'm most likely going to just stop testing stuff before buying them this way.