I have something like this:
And a function like this:
And a screen:
What I want it to do is: When I press the imagebutton, it perform the LogGen() function, which will assign a value randomly chosen from dungeon.log to 'action_taken', then perform said action. This has to happen within the same click.
The problem is that when I click the button the first time, even if 'Function(protag.EnergyModify, +10)' is chosen, it still perform its default value, which is 'None'. Then on the second click, it will run 'Function(protag.EnergyModify, +10)', regardless of what is chosen that time.
The action is always 1 click late, but the logs shown in the viewport is correct. It shows 'Energy +10', but the actual value of energy won't change until I click that button another time.
Is there anyway to fix this?
default generated_log_list = []
default action_taken = None
label dungeon_creation:
test_dungeon_1st_floor_log = [
["You searched around and found nothing...", None], #[log text, action]
["You've found an energy drink. {color=#3366b8}Energy +10{/color}.", Function(protag.EnergyModify, +10)]
test_dungeon_1st_floor = Dungeon(
name = "Test Dungeon 1st Floor",
type = "Organic",
bg = "test_dungeon_bg.webp",
progress = 0,
enemy_req = 5,
log = test_dungeon_1st_floor_log
init -1 python:
def LogGen(log=[]):
global generated_log_list
global action_taken
entry = renpy.random.choice(log)
action_taken = entry[1]
if len(generated_log_list) > 10:
screen dungeon_scr(dungeon, next_floor=False):
zorder 0
modal True
add dungeon.bg
add "ui/dungeon ui/Dungeon Info.webp"
add "ui/dungeon ui/Enemy List.webp"
use mc_dungeon_scr
xsize 950
background None
xalign 0.85
yalign 0.065
spacing 10
text dungeon.name xpos 320
value dungeon.progress
range 100
left_bar Frame("ui/dungeon ui/Progress-Bar-2.webp", 10, 0)
right_bar Frame("ui/dungeon ui/Progress-Bar-1.webp", 10, 0)
text "Enemy required for next floor: " + str(dungeon.enemy_req)
xpos 800
ypos 590
ysize 300
yinitial 1.0
mousewheel True
draggable True
spacing 20
for log in generated_log_list:
text log
idle "ui/dungeon ui/Search-1.webp"
hover "ui/dungeon ui/Search-2.webp"
insensitive "ui/dungeon ui/Search-3.webp"
focus_mask True
tooltip "Search around"
action [Function(protag.EnergyModify, -1),
SetField(dungeon, "progress", dungeon.progress + 10),
Function(LogGen, dungeon.log),
action_taken] <----- The problem is here
sensitive protag.energy > 0
The problem is that when I click the button the first time, even if 'Function(protag.EnergyModify, +10)' is chosen, it still perform its default value, which is 'None'. Then on the second click, it will run 'Function(protag.EnergyModify, +10)', regardless of what is chosen that time.
The action is always 1 click late, but the logs shown in the viewport is correct. It shows 'Energy +10', but the actual value of energy won't change until I click that button another time.
Is there anyway to fix this?