VN Astronauts Sirius's Visual Novels and incompatibility of Textractor


New Member
Oct 30, 2021
I've tried running Textractor on one of the Astronauts novels: Shin'en Labyrinthos and came across a problem. After I attach Textractor to the game, it just stops working: cursor shows a neverending circle, game itself doesn't respond and I seemingly can't do anything other than not attach Textractor to the novel. Is there a solution to this problem. I came across Astronauts Sirius somewhat recently and was just mesmerized by great art and the fact that they look high-budgety and quite stylistic. I tried attaching Textractor to their other visual novel: Tokuiten Chikan Densha (the first one) and it resulted overall fine compared to Shin'en Labyrinthos. Could someone tell me what the source of might be and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.