I was gonna give it 1, but out of pity im giving it 2.
The game is really really really bad. Its just plot and plot and plot, some combat and more plot (which is decent, but dont expect complex dialogues or language) and some random sex in between, most of the time performed by others and totally unrelated to the Mc. It is lame fanservice, since you can not move forward with anybody that i know of, you just get sex "because".
There are stats of love and corruption for the girls but they dont seem to matter at all.
Sex scenes are not even average, they are pretty basic, by the way.
A couple of attempts at animation, one of them will brake you brain.
The plot is about someone who is super powerful but is finding every now and then other someone that puts him to sleep with 0 effort. This person is never told what is going on, it doesnt matter what moment in the plot or who he is talking to.
The ending i got comes out of nowhere, there is no indication whatsoever that the mc is a deviant who would desire that outcome. Its like " we know this shit is bad and doesnt make much sense, how about we give you a lame fanservice ending with another really poor sex scene"?
Dont lose time with this cause its not worth it.
Edit 0.67
After finishing playing 0.5 skipping the ruhsed fanservice ending I found that If I payed more atention to the story I would know that there are 2 women that are supposed to be MC sisters. Which after a chain of logic deductions makes me feel sad cause the sex scenes feel numbing, there is no added value. You say whatever you fuck that character, you go to the next one, you fuck that character, and in between you may not notice that 1 of those is supposed to play an important role, but since you treat everyone the same, and everyone pretty much responds in the same way, it feel like everything is a dejavu.
For those reasons everything surroding the sex scenes is not working for me.
As for the rest of the game, the plot gets quite contrived, and all the battles inbetween make the experience draggy. Since sex scenes are almost there but not quite, many characters seem to be copypasted, and visually the game is kind of average, specially lighting, the game doesn't connect.
The amount of "content" deserves praise for sure, but in my opinion is clearly quantity over quality. In my opinion if the quality doesnt stand out, at some point all the content becomes numbing, which is my case.