Unity - Abandoned - Atlantia [v0.09] [CoffeeGirl Works]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Poorly constructed at this point. It is too early to call this a game, or even a demo.
    It is little more than a short story displayed through the awkward mechanics of a game.

    Maybe, at some point a game, and competent programming will be added.
    But for now it would be better if they just pasted the text into a word-file.

    I don't normally rate games if I don't have anything positive to say, but my time was stolen by the high rating that cause me to download it. There being only two questionably high reviews has led to the game having a deceiving rating.

    Prove me wrong by turning this into something real and I'll change my rating.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very early build, but also very well written. CoffeeGirl seems to have a good writing head on her shoulders, and she seems very receptive to feedback, which, in my eyes, is a very good sign for this game's life.

    I will leave the review bare until there's a truly meaningful amount of content, but, for the moment, will offer the recommendation to throw a few dollars CoffeeGirl's way if you have them. Games like this are a dime a dozen, and we need to be supporting the good ones.
  3. K
    4.00 star(s)


    Really good start. Not a whole bunch of content yet which is understandable but what it does have is a well developed character creator and a few sex scenes so far. Can't wait to see what becomes of this, I'll definitely be watching the project and I'm looking forward to further releases!

    What I feel this game needs in further updates is just more content, some pics would be appreciated!