VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Atonia Blues [v1.1 Extended] [3Diddly]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very short but worth a quick play. Action is straight to the point but with enough build-up and tease to make it worth your while.
    - Art is a little dated but the girls are beautiful
    - A little more corruption progression would have been nice
    - Just too short with lots of room for more content
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    short short short short! But incredibly sweet nonetheless. A hot 10 min story to go through if you're an NTR fiend like myself. Good animations, just wish there was more story/ choices to go through. Also would be nice to reclaim the wife.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I realy like the game but there are some things that could be better in my opinion.
    -I realy like the Asian Girl(wife). Shes very hot.
    - Story is Interesting and believable.
    Things i woud do different
    - I think the game ends to early. In other games(Femdom wife or lost in Paradise) for example the MC ends as a Pussy licking Slave.
    - the Wife is to nice to the MC. I woud like to see the Wife turning into a dominating bitch.
    - the Sex Scenes are ok but could be better. They have too much clothes on and the angle could be better.
    - just my opinion but im a little tired of black Bulls. Every game has a black bull.
    Sorry for my bad english.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice, but really short VN ~ I like the way NTR is written and the plot ~ I would like to see more games like this~ I absolutely recommend playing this game to all respected NTR Enjoyers <3
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    (Developer added new content to a game and this make it 5/5 game now!~ I really like new addition to a story.)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent if very short NTR game. For a first time game by the dev, it is coherent and finishes it's story. The renders are passable. No animation and MC's wife clothes aren't attractive to me. You can do so much more to depict her gradual corruption. Choices are minimal.

    Overall, not bad for a 20 min playthough.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A decent NTR game, not too quick, not too slow. There's a lot of misinterpretation of what NTR is on this site, but this game is true to what an NTR game should be. If you enjoy the genre, then you will enjoy this game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite enjoyed this one

    Doesn't overstay it's welcome, renders are good and the characters are decently written.

    Could have been longer with a more gradual corruption of MC's wife but I won't hold it against the Dev.

    Well worth a go for the NTR fans looking for a quick fap
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Completely lacks any story line, i.e. at one point your wife disappears with the antagonist for a month and comes back tattooed and dressed like a whore.
    There is no emotional discussion between MC and wife, he just watches and does nothing as his wife is stolen from him. It's a wonder he ever lost his virginity let alone got married.
    Very short, few sex scenes and no plot with lazy writing. I don't understand why the Dev even bothered with this VN considering some of the other stuff he has done is way above this standard.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Just ignore the haters. They want free games and always expect them to have the quality of Becoming a DIK lolol.
    + Story is interesting enough to replay, have the potential to be expanded.
    + Long enough for a free game
    + Good models, typical of the creator
    + Should have a better ending for the protagonist
    + Not long enough, but again, it's a free game after all

    All in all, pretty good game, and one of the best free games
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    Only play if you're a trained masochist

    Loved how the plot unravels and how everything leads to the inevitable gradually.

    Lin's transformation from someone shy to someone with extremely low inhibition is so arousing <3
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Here’s what this game is: a short VIRTUAL NOVEL that explores themes of NTR, jealousy, humiliation, and corruption in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. It’s the equivalent of a short story (a visual novella?).

    Here’s what this game is NOT: a long, sprawling sandbox style game full of places to explore, harem members to obtain, and opportunities for the MC to assert his dominance and manliness on opponents.

    Much of the contempt and vitriol on the thread is basically from people upset that this game doesn't suit their personal preferences. It’s like complaining, “Pulp Fiction is a terrible movie because it’s not a romantic comedy.” It would be nice if people could accept it for what it is instead of getting bitter for what it’s not, and wasn’t ever intended to be.

    I like 3Diddly’s approach here. It’s a solid premise set in an interesting location and a difficult conundrum MC has to deal with. If the dev were to someday expand on this overall concept—add more characters, locations, quests, etc.--it would be a welcome addition to the adult gaming landscape. I also like the artwork. As per usual, 3Diddly doesn’t spend much time developing dynamic environments that characters interact with, but instead uses simple, but effective, 2D backgrounds. As a result, the focus is much more on the characters, which he renders in compelling fashion.

    My only complaint is something I think could be fixed, and it has to do with the tone. I get that post-apocalyptic stories are bleak by design, and that’s fine. But I think the "gut punch" could be a bit stronger. The prospect of losing a LI to corruption would be more emotionally potent if there were more occasional elements of happiness, innocence, and beauty associated with her. This could be done with a few brief “lighter” scenes. I’d like to know more about who she is (or was, before the apocalypse), how she was innocent, and what exactly the MC loves about her (aside from the fact that she’s hot, which she certainly is). Some of these lighter touches do exist, but more of them might make the emotional impact stronger.

    But overall, this is an intriguing and entertaining offering from 3Diddly, and worth the download. I hope he shapes the tone a bit more, or possibly expands it into a bigger game. If he decides not to, however, that’s fine. I’d happily download other short VN’s he decides to develop.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    so much potential so much lazy execution. If you do something do it right or not at all.
    The story could have been a great premise but i think the whole game had 5 locations and overall te visuals were under average.
    just disappointed.
    unfortunately most games with this genre are just executed badly. Surprizingly most of the times the story/ otential just isnt there. sigh....
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Its... not good.
    This feels like a game where the creator was perhaps learning the engine? The models are by far the best part of the game and there are maybe 15 positions total for all of the models combined. The pacing of the story was weird and the protagonist is literally just a cuck.
    The story feels like the creator wanted to make a kinetic model but added in the choices to give the ability to people to skip the NTR (which still happens in the story anyways). Basically the choices exist to skip content.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Underwhelming NTR.

    The visuals are standard 3Diddly fair. Models look pretty good, but the render quality is subpar, using floating models on static backgrounds.

    The game is super short, as you can obviously tell from the overview and file size. That's not the issue. A short story can certainly be an effective vehicle for NTR. The problem is that this game fails to deliver any real stimulation. The dialogues are extremely terse and uninspired, and that applies to sex dialogues as well.

    And here is where I will offer my thoughts on why exactly this fails. Short story NTR needs to ramp up quickly and drastically. It fails to do so here. You know about those 4 panel NTR mangas? You see a starting state then immediately cut to some outlandish NTR outcome. If those 4 panel NTR mangas tried to do a gradual progression and ends before a proper climax, they would be trash, just like what we see here.

    The dev tried to include some sympathetic angles to all characters, but the game is just too short to pull this off, especially with the stilted dialogue present throughout. A game this short would honestly work better with simple, classic NTR tropes that ends with a bang.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    It is exactly what it claims to be.
    A short ntr story. There are not many choices, and only one 'path'. But if that is what you are looking for, then this is a good example.

    The images look good, and the story is well written.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    although i know this game is the first game of that developer

    but ...

    to make a 3DCG game and make so little renders is shit
    if iam interested in text based games i will walk to them

    but when you choose 3DCG then it's renders not text based
    the game seems to be text based game

    no animation too in a time that al most all games have them
    ididn't see much decisions to take else

    finally i got bored at the middle of the game and had to skip the text from the boringness and i didn't find good sex scenes too :(
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty good game and if you like ntr i feel like this is a good one. it is paced fairly well and the characters are introduced okay. Not much here yet but it gives you a little flavor of what to expect.
    The chicks are hot. pregnancy tag is interesting.
    Likes: Drak3
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and sweet, a good Visual novel. I enjoyed the NTR (although I admit I wish MC was more enthusiastic about it) and the setting was creative and interesting. At the same time I wish there was more choice in this VN, as I feel that it was pretty much a kinetic novel at times.