Am I the only one that finds the dungeon kinda hard?
Anyone have strats?
I think I have all the scenes but like goddamn I don't wanna spend that much time again once the game comes out
your stats are reflect in dungeon, more you have, easier your time. Go to menu to find exact stat and their effect.
have you done 30 wave of the tower defense thing? they give valuable relic that help.
ways to min/max stats(in general, can also do this to help other minigame):
- equip abrac's horn(MP regen over time), plant & reap plant for stat.
- potion. Best beginner potion prob "lily's concoction", specialize stat potion you can make it yourself or find though dungeon in chest. There are also Janet's food & beer/wine. Once you get the 'steal' skill, boss monster drop some better multi-stat potions. Can only use 1 potion a day.
- pray for butterfly in garden.
min/max stat in dungeon:
after doing some of the above(so you don't start from 0 bonus)[honestly, just lily concoction is enough], equip "lirey's charm"(gain 1 stat every time taking dmg) and fight everything single enemy you encounter. Take some extra hit from enemy to boost stat is fine if you have 'heal' skill. Once stat are capped, swap to a different relic/artifact.
abrac's horn tip in dungeon:
- time doesn't slow in in shop
- if you are planning to use this relic, wait out between fight(until you get the time slow icon) to maximize mana gain.