Hey, everyone! I would like to discuss some moments you were talking about.
1. Food satiety is increased by 2 times in upcoming update, also food is now digested quickly.
2. Difficulty of some moments like lockpicking, enemies HP, spiders hitboxes... were decreased/fixed.
3. Yes, you can buy recipes from traders, but you need to get some respect with them to unlock new items for trade.
4. One of the reasons of the demo build is bugs. Private build may contain bugs and not balanced content, so testers and some players may try it before it would be released in public. We recently fixed 3 critical bugs that soft lock the game with the help of the testers and supporters.
5. Malagdaer would be added back in the future updates, so no worries.
And if you find some bugs or problems with balance you can just point on these problems and ask me to fix them here or on my game page. No need to be passively-agressive.