RPGM - Completed - Autumn Boulevard [Final] [DiscipleofVirginia]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    - Heroin's butt
    - Creepy old dudes

    - Buggy
    - No quest logs, and no dialog logs. If you missed something, you are screwed.
    - Can't hide textbox (despite the game telling you that you can by pressing shift, it doesn't work).
    - Walkthrough doesn't help
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game that checks a lot of boxes. Just be sure to save often as there are a few game overs. Solid rendering and a good narrative really allow the story to push along without feeling too much like a grind. Its at least worth a try in my opinion and is a standout for the RPG maker genre.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is lowkey one of the best games on the site. I can't stand most of the fetishes and it can be pretty buggy sometimes, but this game's preposterous interweaving of porn, bizarre lore, and creepy shit elevate it into some kind of absurdist horror-comedy. I don't know if this is the creator's intention or not - I think it kinda is, given how a lot of the sex scenes are portrayed - but it gets there nonetheless.
    Absolutely worth playing for a unique experience, though if you're a big baby like I am you might be off-put by the genuine tension that the game instills in many of its scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game with an interesting story. Plenty of adult content, and a lot of choice to go down paths you do and don't want.

    The game is incredibly linear, just go where the characters tell you too and you'll ride a long fairly smoothly. The main character is also very attractive and I like her personality.

    The choice by the dev to exclude all the grindy RPG bs we're use too in these kinds of games is why it gets my 5 stars. Worth playing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This fictional narrative game, while containing numerous inaccuracies concerning the dialogue levels of elderly men and women alike that may annoy greatly or be ignored in favor of consuming the story of main female protagonists focusing her struggle against evil monstrosities as well as humans of malicious intent, possess excellent examples of deterministic philosophy at play.

    What is to be noted by the exceptionalism in that regard, is the fact that the author did not feel or at least show us fear of it being contradictory with fantastical element of angels, fairies, gnomes, vampires and numerous other paranormal beings that would by their very existence without necessary direct explanation of the narrative show us that indeed the characters have souls of their own which laws were not explained, yet they obviously deny idea of fate and would point us to free will of every character and possibility of denying pleasures of the flesh that this stories fundamentals obviously are; pornography.

    Whether this is a fruit of laziness or an empty space in the artists mind I can not simply answer. It's undeniably not impossible, yet quite unlikely that indeed author has understood all this and took into consideration while doing his, perhaps imperfect but still marvelous, craft.

    For ones that are indifferent to the term of determinism, I shall quickly note here that deterministic philosophy claims that every being posses no free will, and all choices are either non-existent or appear to us of pitty scale, while being able to circumscribe our life or death.

    There is no necessity in looking for the example of such, further than the piece I review in this text. For Autumn Boulevard offers many, even if only exceptional mind is capable of spotting them. First example I will present is that the consumer of the product encounters without any ability to interfere, which as much as may appear inconsistent to the statement of the philosophical movement itself is only in such fault because of the imperfect ability of the narrative and it's necessities to show us that the petty choices we make impact the story significantly in the events that take place in the future. This example is that Harry offers the protagonist a drink and her accepting starts the path that makes her go from the intellectual such as we to an object that is regarded by the populous as "bimbo", yet I prefer to use words as "child in an adult's body".

    Second example is that of a "monster" (quoted because the narrative itself points that the character is more moral than many of the ones that walk in suits and call upon ideas of power rising from the people, also known as democracy) Asmadeus attempting a dialogue with the protagonist instead of a fight. This of course ends up with protagonist accepting the dialogue for herself being moral and Asmadeus showing no signs of active threat to her life or of her furry animal. The dialogue goes the way it is intended but just as it begins, to unfold more of the plot thanks to which the world takes colors of grey, the player may pick between seemingly the same lines, Either simplistic "Fine, let's talk." or provocative "Why don't we have a chat in my house?". The latter later in the story makes the protagonist slave of another member of the same species that took advantage of the wrong choice of words that the player made and dooms the main character to the life of addictive pleasure, neglected pain as well as servitude.

    This, fine background the author presents to the reader as well as the main attraction that is all the pornography material of sexual relationship between attractive females and unattractive males which undeniably increases ego of all men that have this displayed without experiencing feeling of disgust, from the naked members of the same gender that is natural to the heterosexual type of males.

    Music was definitely not forgotten by the creator, for it doesn't blend in or get noticed. Sounds that are with the consumer through the product enhance it, instead of dominating and possibly destroying the piece. I have noticed many similarities with "Joker" of 2019 in that regard. Subtlety must not be denied.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Getting into 3D visual novels in the past year has been an anemic side-stare for me, mostly. Not much I've seen besides base harems, seduction and romance stories. Then I found this, in some user's signature. Autumn Boulevard is a game shooting for as many sicko fetish marks as it can, so how well does it shine, on the heel of it's uniqueness? tl;dr - if you enjoy spanking and corruption, hurry and give this a shot. It's worth it's disk space in popcorn.

    - English is not native for the writer, I was fine with this. It's not unreadable in any case, just not quite there.
    - Writing on the story is vague, which is nice. For a horror piece, this novel relies heavily on folklore aesthetics and does a great job supporting the mood of every monster (there are plenty) in their turn.
    - Writing in the erotic scenes is less than stellar. Often the text will rely on narration, rather than visual or dialogue input to convey the experience of the protagonist. I take issue with this. I've little need to know that Sylvessa "loved every second of it" since it would be better left implied, as all guilty pleasures should be. The scenes themselves, specifically in the early game barely have any sort of lead-up. Though their abruptness will be assuaged at times with the help of Disciple's unexpected tangents of humor. Oh, this game has jokes (and good ones, too. Seriously)
    - Visually, this appears to have been an undertaking. The creatures especially are beautifully rendered, and detailed. The sheer variety of them would justify dividing this game into many chapters. Environments are more than adequate- The visage is mostly snowy, but it fits. No complaints here.
    - Character design as with the monsters, is fantastic. The heroine specifically has some aspect to the bone structure of her face which helps her to feel like a beautiful woman in her late twenties rather than a token model of CG idealism. The goblins have a human skin tone rather than a light-green outlook which only aids in their repulsive demeanor. The archangels whether on the frightening or elegant side will always be slightly terrifying.
    - UI is rather odd as of beta 1.1. Also no recollection mode.

    In summation- nothing about this title is in the grey area. The writing could be either brilliant, or awkward at best. the sex is either revolting or exhilarating. I was glued to this game until I finished what was out, sure I'm not alone. Happy reading
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    just finished this story.

    con: the artwork is okay, it is the weakest part of this story package, but the art is okay. the art is able to support the story well. However, it can be seen that artwork at later parts of the story had improved tremendously. I am sure that as DiscipleOfVirginia get's more pledge support, the hardware and software upgrades will up their game considerably.

    the story: WOW!! EXCELLENT!! SUPERB!! ... I just could not put it down, it was that good!

    the game play: RPGM ... it's a crap shoot ... very thin line between grind, and just enough to keep the player on his toes. Autumn Boulevard got he game part of this VN down to a pat. It was not grindy ... and it served it's purpose of making the VN more exciting and engaging.

    Verdict: PLAY THIS!! Best VN game package experience I played so far.

    Exceptions: Don't play this: Those who cannot stand NTR, Corruption, Cheating, Blood, Gore, Horror, sleazeball characters, and other such bad elements.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Autumn Boulevard Version 1.1 BETA
    The reason for this rating is the following points -
    - Crashes
    - Bugs
    - Lag
    - Bad writing in some places

    Would benefit of a Quest Journal System or a reminder if you head the wrong way.

    Suggest shrinking the map slightly as there are large open spaces used for nothing.

    Images are OK between nice and nightmare fuel.

    This is my personal opinion on the matter.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Well it started off decent but obviously it's far from perfect. The graphics are okay as well as some of story, there's shit I wish I could've avoid seeing like the fat ass hairy cop getting a rimjob. I'm not into that and I really wish the dev would've gave an option to skip but, laziness I suppose. I get some of it is fantasties but it still made my eyes bleed.

    Next issue is the dialogue... I find it really hard to believe that old man in their what? Late 60's? Talk as if they're teenagers. Everything is slut this and bitch that, and don't get me wrong the language isn't the issue... it's the fact that they sound like hard up high schoolers. I'll definitely try to keep a look out for this game but it'll probably remain in same. I enjoyed being a cat though.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most atmospheric games -- from music to writing -- and deep lore without being overwritten. It's in RPG Maker, there a bunch of bugs (save often!) and mostly gross-out fetishes, and I feel like the ghastly models from the (avoidable) bimbo storyline are starting to seep into the other characters (painted eyebrows, etc.), but I'm still giving this five stars because if you're looking for original, dark storytelling with pervasive h-content and an MC that you just want the best and worst for at the same time, this game is almost in a class of its own.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I would give a five star just for the narrative and world building alone. It has a unique and original atmosphere that really cannot be found in other games here. Even though the game in rpgm might kill the fun some times, the smut scenes make most the frustration worth it. The instructions in game can be much more clearer and fleshed out. The Harry parts I hope can be more convincing and consistent in tones compared to the rest of the game. It seemed too much like one man fantasy instead of the protagonist horror. I hope that it gets better as the updates come. Ya, the narrative and story is the best while the mechanics can still be improved. I sincerely hope the game can be worthy of 5 stars but for now it is 4 stars for me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Autumn Boulevard is really a unique experience, one of its kind (if you don't count other games from the dev), a combination of tolkien-esque worldbuilding, Swedish folklore, absurd humor, and ugly bastard NTR (true to Kafka's Castle, on which the story is based on). And don't be off put by the fact that it is RPGM and that you start playing as a cat as I did before :)
    Likes: Gisgo
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The game runs poorly with frequent crashes, sometimes the game doesn't register that you've interacted with an objective so it doesn't let you progress without reloading your save, and there are several holes in the architecture that lets you go to places you shouldn't.

    The CG renders are all absolutely atrocious. The supposedly human characters are all far uglier than the monsters that's chasing them. I'd give this game 0 stars if I could.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Three and a half stars from me.

    Autumn Boulevard has a decent, if a little edgy story, fun and funny sex scenes with a thicc female protagonist who you can watch and choose how she'll be corrupted in various ways.

    If you're not into fat, ugly and degenerate old men (and woman) then this is most certainly not the game for you, as the only partners you can choose from are of that demographic.

    by far the weakest link in this game is it's poor utilization of the RPGM this game could have been done in renpy and lost nothing. Fortunately Disciple of Virginia is open to the constructive criticism given in regards to the instakill sections as they are few and far between.
    Likes: Rudzi
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    This game is an excellent example of why developers should not use RPGM unless their game design demands it. But more significantly, it is an example of how not to do gameplay. Ultimately, this is a game to pass on.

    1. The story seems like it is well-thought-out, even if the player sees little of the story until well into the game, so it's hard to say whether the story is successfully resolved as the other elements of the game persuaded me to stop long before I got to any resolutions.
    2. The music is very good. It sets the mood very well and there's a lot of it, without much repetition.

    1. Map design is horrible. It's never very clear where anything is, and there is no logic to the connections between maps (a street that is three squares wide will become nine squares wide when transitioning to a new map, for instance, or the PC arrives on the east side of a map after exiting the south side of another). Sometimes the map is almost fully filled with water and only a few rows at the top are usable.
    2. Renders are the horror part of this horror story. Almost no characters look human. Some seem to be reskinned supermutants from Fallout, while others are just lumps of protoplasm. The MC changes looks from scene to scene; sometimes she is beautiful, and sometimes apelike and ugly. There can be no suspension of disbelief (required for a scary story to be scary) with these hideous things posing as characters.
    3. The problem with the dialogues isn't the Engrish, which is understandable, but rather the fact that the characters don't talk like people talk. Even when they think it is very stilted and unnatural.
    4. Then we come to the worst element of the game, which almost earns the game a one-star rating, and that is the gameplay. This game simply isn't fun and isn't designed to be fun. The developer takes lazy shortcuts like having the player run the PC all over maps like a rat through a maze to disguise the fact that there are no interesting decisions to be made. The instant and inexplicable game-overs are the reason I stopped playing; there wasn't enough game here to be worth the frustration. The dev may know how to tell a story but clearly doesn't know what makes a game fun.
    The game should be praised for it's original storytelling, but condemned for just about everything else. It isn't fun, it isn't good-looking, and it isn't scary.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Billy Townend

    Been at F95zone a while, this game is just something else. I want more of it, just afraid its gonna end soon :( Loads of content and there is something for everyone. Characters are amazing, keep up the good work and really looking forward to your future updates :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant love this game easily one of the best.

    Has a few issues on the first couple of days and not a big fan of the cat sections but the rest is great.

    Highly recommended and the game maker is one to look out for
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I totaly agree with :

    HolyMolly - This is definetely the weirdest game out here

    From my point of view RPGM is not good for this game taking into account that the more you progress in game the less you will move.

    Graphic are very good, story line is rich and weird.

    I love RPGM but I regret this game is on RPGM, the lasts updates are pretty straightforward so RPGM is just not good for this, from my point of view.

    Sex scene are very hot regarding graphic quality and story context (bath scene with hobos is my favourite ;) )

    I would love more choice, repeatable event...

    Anyway thanks the Dev for this and "Bravo", I support you on Patreon some month.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This is definetely the weirdest game out here. Even if it's not for me I think it's actually not that bad even tho it is an RPGM there is no grind and the story progress quicly wich is a good thing, everyting that you do in the map lead you do one scene to another without break and that's nice. I can give props to the dev for making the game that he like even tho it have some very targeted fetish/type of atmosphere.

    That being said, let's be honest most characters looks very scuffed and goofy. Like the neighbehood old man bear looks like a cheap fake one sticked to his face, the cop body looks just unhuman, diformed. I get it you want to make him fat but the proportions of his body, the shapes and stuff it just all looks so scuffed and poorly made. The way hairs are render on characters body is just horrendously bad as well. I don't know much about 3D render but I guess you are very limited by your software or something.

    Also there is too much caracters who are the same "fat old pervert" and they pretty much all act the same way by being very agressive sexualy wich kinda make it redondant and too much. Even if it's a fetish that you like, having a duplicata of the same character is never a good thing.

    The overall quality of the renders is poor but there is a lot of them, so I guess it kinda make up for it.

    The choices in the story only comes to what fetish routes you want to continue or not, wich is fine to me.

    The choice during the "actions" scenes are extremely bad and should be removed tho. Most of the time you have to choose, 1 one of the choice leads you to game over wich forces you to save your game before every scene. This is just stupid tbh.

    But overall it's ok i guess, there is already a lot of content in it as well.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game has the most interesting story of all. Very nice ambiant, the horror is very well done, remind of silent hill game with a nordic touch, and of course the corruption growing slowly make it even better. One of the best game I played :)