Ok, I have strong mixed feelings for this one. (V1.012)
TLDR: Game is fun but have too much Control optimization problems to be playable at a satisfactory level. Wait for QoLs, or be ready to face a very, very clunky game that will eat your storage space very fast.
The premise is fun.
I've never seen a game putting you in the shoes of an AV Director, or at least not with this amount of details. This is its greatest boon and curse at the same time.
If you like the fantasy of being an AV Director, the game is, frankly, very fun. You shoot your scenes and edit those the way you want before selling the final product and enjoy profits (or not lol).
The DA is "good enough". 3D Cell shading is well executed, but we're nowhere near Heat in Summer, and this is now my benchmark for DA and 3D Quality.
Still, this is way better than 70% of the others Anime 3D since they didn't used KK or HH as a rendering Software.
I'm a little disappointed with the animations. Most of them are good, but there's a lot of clipping between objects, and a few of them are really clunky (the 1st cowgirl scene, to give one exemple).
The story is surprisingly light hearted and fun. You're in big debt, both you and a girl you just met, and found no other solutions than try and pierce in the AV Industry to clear off those debts.
Is it dumb ? Surely. Is the girl very open minded ? A tad, indeed.
But the story doesn't take itself very seriously, and that's what make it fun. Devs know this is an absurd situation and embrace it, as you should aswell.
The Phone interactions are cool, and the side characters all have very distinct personalities.
The main FMC is also fine. It's kind of a money hungry girl, smart enough to understand her situation and the things she has to do to escape her predicament.
Personality wise, she's on the Tsundere side if that's your thing, but it's very mild (we're nowhere near Asuka level gahaha)
"So, if the H is good enough, the story fun, and the gameplay innovative, why 2 Stars dude??"
Well while all those things are good, to enjoy them, you actually need to INTERACT with the game.... And this is where it starts falling apart.
The Controls are so clunky, it undermine the game, tremendously.
Camera Control is a nightmare. I don't know who had the idea to use "Hold Right Click AND PRESS WASD" at the same time to move.
And this rule holds true for every camera movement. Want to Zoom? Hold Right Click and press CTRL, etc etc...
The game revolve about shooting scenes, but every single control scheme is made to be 2 Handed... And let's face it, we're playing a Porn Game.
If you HAVE TO use 2 hands when H-Scenes happens on the screen, how are you supposed to fap? I mean, if you're lucky enough to have a girlfriend blowing you while playing, I guess that's fine, but aside from that, you'll lose a lot of momentum during your fap sessions.
But the BIGGEST Problem of the game is how your saved clips are managed.
Every time you record a clip, the game litteraly save that clip on your computer, and so far, so good.
The problem is, you'll have, very quickly, dozens of clips to play with and arrange for your movies creations... And all those clips will eat your Space Disk Storage as fast as fat Timmy eating its Xmas candies.
"Well, just delete them you dumbfk?"
Yeah, well, that's the problem. You can't delete any clips you create IN GAME.
You need to Alt+Tab the game, go to the game directory, open the folder where the Game saves those clips, and delete those from here.
If at any point, a game FORCES ME to go out of the game to initiate mendatory action that should be available, the game is a big NO for me.
I don't know why they didn't thought of putting a "delete clip from library" button IN THE GAME.
And all that clunky control is about everywhere.
As of now, as fun as the game can be, I can't recommend it, because the control optimization is one of the worst I have ever seen in any video games.
If the game receive a few QoL, the rating could go up the 3, hell, even 4.
But right now, it's a clunky mess. And that makes me very sad.
EDIT: I Completely forgot about the NTR Aspect of the game. Basically, depending on your choices, you have a degree of "control" around it. It's up to you if you want your girl to have sex with other people, and if you want to create voyeurism situations.
The game can be NTR, NTRS and NTRi depending on how you want to approach it. So you do you.