Average age of the f95 user.


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I dare to say 16-50 years (quite sure most of 11-15 kids dont like this kind of stuff, they prefer real porn or hentai and if u are 50+ and need porn... wow)
You'd be surprised how many AARP-aged people out there that are still sexually active, still visit brothels, etc. and still consume porn of various types...

Heck, that US Prez guy was banging porn stars (allegedly) in his 60's...
Also, that Ron Jeremy guy.


The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
I dare to say 16-50 years (quite sure most of 11-15 kids dont like this kind of stuff, they prefer real porn or hentai and if u are 50+ and need porn... wow)
I always keep some room for the exception probably bc I started earlier than most would. I imagine even when im 50+ I'll be jacking it even if I'm surrounded by beautiful women at least until my genitals fail to work then I'll probably either given up on erotic works that lack any decent writing or all together if the frustration of being a living tether ball where erections become impossible and my sack drags along the ground only to be run over while crossing the street. Also I do remember my dad being caught once by my mom with porn and he was like 55 at the time I think and I will never forget what kind of porn it was. Anal porn. Pretty common but part of me was just happy to have another thing in common with my dad.:FeelsGoodMan:
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
I dare to say 16-50 years (quite sure most of 11-15 kids dont like this kind of stuff, they prefer real porn or hentai and if u are 50+ and need porn... wow)
Well us over 50's still like our porn, age does not change anything, Hugh Hefner was still into porn at the age of 91.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Average may be around 30. You will likely find all age groups from around 10 to around 50 here, in about equal distribution. Of course older people also like porn, but less often do the research neccessary to find a forum like this, nor do they usually consider games an appropriate medium for porn.


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Remember that (now) old people created, built, and still use the internet...

Share of adults in the United States who use the internet in 2018, by age group

Share of population
to 29 years 98%
30 to 49 years 97%
50 to 64 years 87%
65+ years 66%

Also, Pornhub has been tracking age statistics for a while now...

Note that the above article has a bunch of other useful information for adult game designers (i.e. most searched for terms, percentage of porn viewers by sex, etc.).

Here's an article from AARP about adult gaming in general.

So, while the percentage of people over 50 that play computer games is lower than younger generations, yeah there are a lot of 50+ peeps that game. And a lot of 50+ peeps that watch porn. So it's not much of a stretch to assume that we don't have at least a few people that are 50+ on this forum, out of nearly 900,000 users.

Heck, we even have a few 50+ people on this site that mod or design adult games! I'm not naming any names though, that's up to them to tell you who they are (or not).

Sure the over 50'ers aren't anywhere near the majority of the users here, if you are looking for which age group is largest, and hence most worth targetting. But that isn't the same as assuming that they are too stupid to know how to use Google to find porn, and by extension, porn games...

Assume = ASS out of U and ME.

BTW, Al Lowe? Who is Al Lowe, you ask?

All Lowe created the porn game Leisure Suit Larry, which is tame by today's standards but was quite controversial for it's time.

He's 72 this year.
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Apr 18, 2018
Ah, yes. Larry Laffer. Horn dog of the first hour. Most unlucky S.O.B in (porn) gaming history. :D

Here's to the memories. Or mammeries, in Larry's case....
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Older people watch porn and use the internet. I do not doubt that. But they are much less likely to search to internet for porn games and stumble apon forums like this one. This is not YouPorn or PornHub, so it's not the first place you find when looking for porn on the internet.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
If I recall the average age for gamers in general is around 35, so I wouldn't be all that surprised if consumers of adult games mirror that fairly well. I'm over that average and I know a fair few people on here who are as well based on some previous conversations where age came up. I would hazard to guess though that site wide age averages would vary a bit depending on which forum you are visiting. I would guess those who stick to just the game and comic release forums would obviously have the widest range and include a fair bit more from the younger end of the spectrum than you are likely to run into here on general.


Sep 3, 2018
having survived the poisons and the boiling water (things people do do get rid of an ants nest ) i have made it beyond 40


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
having survived the poisons and the boiling water (things people do do get rid of an ants nest ) i have made it beyond 40
Don't forget the having to walk up hill both ways to and from school every day...