Ren'Py - Babysitters [v0.1.1 Part 3] [T4bbo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.0.2c] - NTR OFF

    The graphics are very well done all the girls are pretty and have a different personality. ..dont seem like just a different model for the same girl like we see in some games.
    The story in going okay so far and i think that the dev is going on the right way.
    I dont experienced any kind of bugs and i dont have any complaint about something specific....and you dont need to worry about free roam, sandbox or grinding because this game dont have it.
    The Dev is doing a good job!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on 0.01bfix

    Although it is too early to judge, as the things can go on both ways afterwards, I think and I hope that this game will fulfill its potential.

    I like the setup for the story (it's not too original, but certainly it's a nice one), and there are/will be a lot of interesting and hot womens/girls, complex developing relations, many in-game choices etc...

    promising story
    nice renders
    hot chicks for every taste
    a lot of content for the first release (i think someones could expect even more, but for me this is just perfect demo!)

    Five stars, and looking for even more/better in future :)
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    TGI Games

    This was released too early, so this version is rather disappointing. Expected a little more than this in terms of content.

    But what's worse is that the existing content is divided between way too many NPCs, so we learn almost nothing about each. So it's hard to get excited about what else will happen with them.

    There is too much going on at the same time but none of it is worth the time right now because it doesn't go anywhere. Would have been better to focus on introducing a fewer number of characters and have something interesting actually happen with at least one.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of Babysitters [v0.01] is:

    + Fantastic Renders
    + Easy Playing
    +Active Play
    +Nice Closeups
    +Mystery Setting
    +Beautiful Women
    +Long Game Play


    are you kidding me?, can`t believe this,it took me almost 45 minutes to play this release,and it is only version V0.01????.
    The Story is great,the ladies look lovely,damn long game play,and as a bonus on top of all that, turn NTR On or Off,I think Im in heaven,please turn NTR on and give me the same long Game play and we will see each other on Patreon.
    Lets see what the future brings us with this game,but it stays this way,you would be a fool not to support and follow this Dev.
    Damn worth the Download.......:love::love::love::love::love:(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    My general feeling after playing this is "meh". It's not bad, and definitely produced better than a lot of other games here, but relative to what the dev's making money wise, it leaves a lot to be desired. I can't say much about the story thus far, since it's still so early, but the actual writing itself is mediocre at best. I don't know if the dev is a native English speaker, or even if there's a proofreader working on it, but from what I've read, it doesn't appear so.

    As for the renders, they're a mixed bag. Which again, I'd give the dev a pass for if this were their first rodeo. But it's not. While the character designs are quite good, the amount of grain in a lot of images, combined with the uneven lighting is inexcusable. Quite frankly, it looks like a rushed job. Which I suppose makes sense considering they're juggling two games at once.

    Anyway, while I don't think it's a great first showing, it does have potential. It just needs a lot of polishing to get there. Hopefully, the next version can rectify some of these issues so I can update this review with a more positive one. Good luck.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has some great art. The characters are all quite distinct with varying personalities. One of the best parts is the optional NTR. For those worried about seeing some unwanted NTR content, fear not! The game utilizes an early toggle switch choice to enable or disable such content as the player wishes for the rest of the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The story has great potential. It's not unique per say, but it's very good imo. The renders are amazing and well done, animations thou are almost non existent, but tbh i find it a good thing. Even when it's perfectly done and not looped( taking into account you require a good amount of funds to time to do them ) they are not always in the right time. Haven't noticed too many language mistakes, but i see that for some grammar nazis could be troublesome. Best way to describe it is "potential", so will have to see where the dev takes it in the future updates
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Do not play shit. * / *****
    - It's a short, very flood of 3 minutes of playing
    - The guy does not know about renderings, and animations! You will not see such in this game.
    - Bad writing has nothing interesting and English is bad. Many mistakes.
    - Only 200 render? Version 0.1 should reflect what is to be done in the game here is not so. Boredom is a bad protagonist, ugly female characters.