Unity Completed Back 4 Boobs: Sakura's Escape [Final] [Dr. Linch]

2.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Dec 19, 2017
dear DEV if you are reading this, please considere the following:

the shooting part: the character got too much recoil, is like a real 16 girl who never shoot is holding the gun,
the "money" prize is too low like, you wont buy anything goo at least till the very end (IF you dont buy anything before)
the buletts need to pierce the zombies, gimme variety, not just to run like hell and pray i dont get in a dead end.
make upgrades inside the map like the more rifle you got the more powerfull you get, or some power ups

armor clothes and stuff:they are one hit? really? thats old and obsolete the player need the sensation that he is getting some protection, why you make me choice at the beggining some uselles thhings, make me choice something like, upgrade for the weapon, a digital map to know were im going, let the dress part as a basic thing you have.

map and location:talking about map, there is none...it sucks, if you get distraced one bit thats it you are lost. or at least put me some pointer.

in resume: is this game even finish?? cause it feels its not, and also it feels like all the characters were added after the main idea came, like "sure lets add some girls and scam those horneys fools AHAHAHHA (fix monocle)" if you are making a hentai game make one,and if you are making soldiers shooting game dont put hentai on it just cause it looks good.

psdt: if you get to this point and think, that this game is bad is not THE GAME IS GOOD, it just need like a lot of fixes and upgrades. is well designed the shooting part is hard but you can find a strategy if you go slow, the map design is really cool and the music helps a lot. and in general is fun.

i wish you the best DEV

(wow is being a while since i write one of these)


Sep 2, 2019
I was so disturbed by what I saw on the screenshots that I read 'Collect missing cocaine samples' because monsters like this couldn't be created by a sober mind.


Dec 20, 2019
This game has potential, but...

A shooter (even if parody) with:

- non-remappable keys?
- No mouse invert Y axis?
- No way to turn off music?

No thanks.


Sep 20, 2020
It said "FINAL", but that last 5th stage was nowhere felt final at all; a 3D-TPS game with 5 still 2D scenes was no way being fun too.

Honestly, if it was a simple game utilizing UNITY asset flip, I still think 'BAD TOWN' was way better than this...


Sep 23, 2017
Is it only me or you can't run out of bullets in this game ?!?
I mean i shot reload but my total bullet count don't go down ...
And with that all those bullets +carry upgrades are unnecessary :/


New Member
Apr 5, 2019
Honestly its a fun gameto pass time i guess but it has issues regarding difficulty
-Enemies are too slow ( their speed is the same as players normal run speed) just not using sprint made it way harder (fun for me) literally just printed in the time limit stage and it was all good
-Ammunition i dont know why but i had infinite ammo that just makes it easier and doesnt make any sense
-Could be fun for the AI to take other routes to approach that train thats following the player jesus xD

Honestly the recoil is pretty damn good i do play a bit of fps games and it can be controlled .

. What i think would do good for the game
-Zombies should not stop spawning
-More guns and proper ammunition systyem
-Honestly i would expect some more sex in the actuall game and not CG defeats but whatever at least they could have been animated i dont know that left a bitter taste in my mouth
-Also i expected zombies to have some short of grab aswell and not just attacks
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2.00 star(s) 2 Votes