VN - Ren'Py - Back Door Connection [Ch. 3.0] [Doux]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    man... this isnt a game, is a masterpiece lol
    i lost the count of times a fall in laugh by the main char expressions, and the times that he is spanked, the times he sees a new girl and act like a gentlen
    but dude... i really fall for Vic, man... how such a wonderful couple
    waiting anxious for more
    Likes: _Doux
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    What can i say. this was a surprise. it was mostly everything i want in a game, with a few things missing. but really sexy stuff!


    1. the animations are amazing. so smooth, so detailed. it was boner god tier worthy

    2. the sexual options. sleep sex, drugged sex, r*pe, anal, vaginal, oral, ass licking, etc etc. amazing.

    3. the story. sure its not its prime focus, but its got a solid foundation, and i can see anonymous was its inspiration ;) gg.

    4. the characters. theyre all unique in their personalities with their own distinct looks!


    1. The chapters are wayyyyyy to short. and thats a good and a bad thing. a good thing in the fact i wanna play more, but a bad thing for the fact that its so short and i wanted to play more

    2. i feel this being a clicking VN holds it back. you have all the foundations of a solid game with all the features that makes the player want to remain in the game and explore night scenes repeated, and all scenes through gameplay, but unfortunately once the chapters done its done. id of loved to be able to freely explore, change the times and revist sleep scenes at my own leisure as much as i wanted. as those animations are amazing. and i feel only allowing us to experience this games stuff on a linear on rails experience truly sets it back. now im not saying sandbox grind, im saying sandbox exploration. not having to rely on a gallery to revisit scenes, and not being booted to the menu when a chapter finishes. but being able to freely walk about the apartment complex and interact with whoever i want how i want. truly, this game would be 100000000/10 if i could freely replay scenes, with slight dialogue changes to reflect its happened more than once if its applicable.

    3. the character models are insanely detailed, do not get me wrong. but pretty much every character has a nice arse, and a slim body. dont be afraid to make some character meh, or generic in their attractiveness. uglies need loving too! make some chubby ones (not model looking chubbies, actual realistic ones), make some with smaller/flat butts, and some with no tits. gives us options. cause atm the bodies for the most part are near identical to eachother.


    1. give us sandbox exploration, not sandbox grind. allow us to freely repeat scenes through gameplay over and over and over if we wish. and have slight dialogue changes to reflect its not the firs time. truly truly truly. this game has almost everything i want, except repeatable scenes and exploration. i dont want to have to restart or go to a gallery to review my fav scenes again.

    2. feel free to give us a femboy option character, or a trans female character to bonk too!!!

    3. the game needs longer chapters. truly. its a great experience, but if youre not gonna let us repeat scenes over and over, atleast allow us to enjoy more of it.


    this game was different. solid animations, penetrative sleep sex, anal sex galore, rape, sleep sex, drugged sex. all the taboos you want. a decent enough story, and great detailed models. lord i wanted to keep playing. this game would be a god tiered game with sandbox exploration and freedom to repeat scenes through immersive gameplay. but this game is well worth the time. its great. play it, review it, support the dev!
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's new developer and dev indeed need some advices (reviews)...
    First, 720p in 2024…
    Render quality really average. Well, not all have good pc, but still. Some textures, like wood, just ugly. What's wrong with characters models - why some heads on adult characters looks like teen heads, and why teen heads on teen characters looks like adult ones... Animations, you can see they improve, but disappointingly sloooowly. Not even close to decent ones.
    At least it exists, and creates an atmosphere. Maybe too simple and standard. But I prefer author put all this efforts in plot or visual. But some music tracks have really poor quality. Sound effects decent.
    Well. Game starts too fast. Without any good expositions. Then just jump to action without any characters' development. Story twists just happen without any logic. But we have jokes in the game! That's what we need in this type of games, right? Right? Storytelling, it's just a meme in this game.
    And no MC name change (again in 2024). People can use mods, but it's really disrespecting to players, in my opinion.
    Small inconveniences like: No textbox opacity settings. No save names. Step-* relations, without Ipatch (again, need mod for it). Some pauses (dissolve) between some scenes looks really random. Some lags. Some capital letters, for some reason, not capital. Etc, etc.
    I'm Genuinely trying to find something good in this game, but can't. Everything average or above average. Sound effects and jokes not enough for even 2/5, so it's sadly 1/5.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Currently my favorite game on this site. The developer is catering to fetishes and gameplay that most people on this site don't dabble in. I appreciate the effort, storyline and overall themes you made for this game. My 2nd review ever on this site, and truly this is the greatest. Wishing you well dev and please continue !
    Likes: _Doux
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    This has all the makings of a bad game.

    First of all, the renders are below average. One bonus points is that there's variety in body types, but not enough of a positive to increase the score.

    Second, and perhaps the worst part of this game are the characters. First, you have the MC. He is not only a huge loser, but he's also dumb (keeps falling for obvious pranks and getting coerced into stupid shit) and basically a rapist and overall a creep. If that wasn't enough to make him unlikeable, he always lets everyone walk all over him and his idea of revenge is to give someone a sleeping pill and rape them on their sleep.

    The dev at least tried to create something original, which is more than can be said about many other games, however, just trying is not enough. The LIs are all awful. Either with not enough content or just 1-dimensional characters and overall unlikeable. The family members are all awful people, honestly. The big sister seems to have been abusing MC since he was a kid and always acts bitchy, but MC doesn't care as long as he gets to cop a feel, even if she beats the living crap out of him.

    The other younger sister is bratty with a complete lack of kindness and the mother neglects the MC, letting the girls do what they want with him and to top it all off, she's a gold digger who lies to MC to get his credit card.

    The choices are a hot mess. A lot of them are just about deciding how the MC will rape or not a certain LI. Then there's also a lot of them that do not change the outcomes in any way, they just allow you to skip scenes.

    Lastly, the dialogue is probably the worst I've seen. I've found myself skipping through most of it because 90% of dialogue revolves around MC perving on women, thinking about how he'll rape them or just being a dumbass.

    There are so many more annoyances, too. Like the fact that there are so many fucking transitions that you have to click through to advance scenes. I don't understand the purposes of those transitions other than to annoy the player.

    I can't honestly see how anyone would enjoy this. Hard pass.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is quite messy and average game. If you like playing creepy MC, involves another dumb characters, sleep sex, rape, curvy models you will enjoy the game. Otherwise pass this one. Start of the game is indeed messy. MC is a hacker but also creepy and dumb who wish to fuck girls in ass using sleeping pill. There are lot of dumb girls who don't even notice when MC is groping and having fun with them. Only pro in the game is animations it's not best it's good but it's long you have to click many times or wait long to get past it. None of the girls interested me except victoria. Probably she also gonna become non likable character in the next updates. Only scene I liked was the scene with roschelle cause she is bitch in the past and in the she also enjoyed it. At certain point of the game I started fast forwarding the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First off the models are amazing, I love real thick curvy women not just ass and tits on a stick, and nothing is too overwhelming.

    So far from chapter 2 it's mostly setting up for scenes with characters, and although a lot of the options lead to game over, I like that some of them at least let you see the whole scene before the game over.

    I notice a lot of games like this make the MC very unlikable, yet not once did I think that about this MC, just cause he's a massive pervert doesn't mean he has to be a dick about it.

    Finally, the memes and jokes are just the cherry on top.
    Likes: _Doux
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome, I really love scenes where the characters get groped without realizing the sexual intent of the mc(player) and this game feeds on that energy. As for the depth of the characters, there isn't much, its not so bad that all of them want the mc immediately, its the opposite in fact, the mc is the one forcing everyone and that's awesome but it would be better if the characters showed a bit more resistance or character. It does have a pretty engaging story which doesn't take up a lot of reading to understand, so this is basically the perfect short fuck game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished up chapter 2. Amazing! Honestly has the potential of being an all timer in my books. It's got everything I like. One of the very few games that fully leans into sleep sex. It's not just a one off scene (from what we've seen and what has been teased), and it's not just some sleep groping. I am a pirate through and through. Never paid for any porn in my whole life. This is the first pornographic material I have ever considered supporting financially. If consistent updates of this quality continue, I'll probably end up supporting. Good luck with the rest of your project!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a good Start! show "sleep pill" but no chance using it Current game! game name "BACK door connection" sex lead game over... (on current version)

    Story MC is a hacker living with team of hacker? if not i am confused..

    Model is okay there SLEEP sex and ANAL..(no anal yet that not leading MC to game over:

    why 2 not 1 star.. Got sleep sex(yes my kink!) why i join Dev patreon 1$ so i am not biased but not be fool pump milk into game.. but There POTENTIAL!! but is on patreon do not like this sorte thing i reccomend MOVED to subscribeStar.. sleep sex kink!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of potential in this game and the fact that it is focused on anal is fantastic. Would really like a full anal scene and of course more anal focused action would be great. Can't wait for a Rimming scene and another anal creampie scene.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has georgeous girls with thick thighs and normal shaped boobs. All what I like.The storytelling has a nice flow. Its not so exhausting to read, because of the fast transition. The soundeffekts are on point. Good Job so far. Keep going
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though it's early in development, this being the first release (pun intended) the use of "bad endings" or game over scenes this early with the addition of choices that get straight to the goods (wink) are welcomed. Reminds me of Bad Bobby Saga, however from what I've experienced early on the game, this looks to be less grindy and players will be able to either take their time with the siblings or go straight towards h-scenes. Something I can say a lot of players have been wanting ! Keep up the good work and looking forward to the updates to come.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a very good start. The English could use someone to perform grammar checks and make sure that it makes more sense. The animations go on for far too long and it takes a while to click past it. The MC is very stupid and makes decisions that he shouldn't. At the beginning he introduces his stepsisters and makes remarks about both of them like they hate him and are always messing with him. Then, later on he just trusts them when they give him a cup of coffee out of nowhere and, unsurprisingly, gets pranked. Also its unclear if he's related to them or not. He introduces the mom as his actual mom, but for some reason his sisters are stepsisters. You can't change his name as well which sucks. The comedy, at least for me, is more miss than hit. I also find game over endings to be very stupid and I hate when a game has those. I do like the promise of getting even with the stepsisters and hopefully the mom for just spoiling the younger one and letting her be a bitch. At this point I think it needs to be more refined and focused. Hopefully there will be improvement and I can come back and change the rating. For now, it's just barely a two star game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has a very good art style, and a very promising story that promises lots of anal sex. The incest setting and living under the same house as their sisters and mother makes the game even more engaging imho. Can't wait for future updates of the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really liked this game so far, looks promising. Thicc characters are top notch. Jerk MC game, right up my alley. I'm also a huge fan of the incest genre and had a really enjoyable experience. Keep up the good work dev.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Rendering and posing are all over the place, English is MTL, game choices are weird. The dev obviously tries to put in some humor in there, yet it turns out into the opposite. A very low level AVN. Unless you truly are a desperate one, avoid this one.