Version Reviewed: v0.16
Overview: Free the cock, free the mind.
Story: You are an ex-soldier who was sent to jail for not killing enough and get back home to start your life over. There is only one problem, every single woman you meet is hardcore sexually harassing you. From the word hello they are stripping you with their eyes and not shy about the innuendo. The MC can't even get a cup of coffee without be propositioned. Despite this constant barrage of harassment the MC maintains a stiff upper dick and soldiers on, servicing 3, 4, sometimes up to 6 women a day. It seems exhausting, he'll just finish making his stepdaughter come 5 times only to get a call that his boss's bratty daughter needs some BDSM treatment, and he's barely done warming up her cheeks before his camgirl daughter needs someone to help with the show or something. The MC spends all day bouncing from one porn setup to another.
Gameplay: This is a branching VN. The game has a lot of mutually exclusive scenes as well as a per-character stat system. All girls have a "love" and "lust" stat, and you will often have a break in the dialog where you can choose one of two options, one of which will bump love and the other will bump lust. Some content is locked behind certain love and lust scores, and there is no advance warning as to which you will need. Between the stat grinds and straight up mutually exclusive scenes I'd guess you would need to play through this game at least three times to see all of the content, and you'll need a big spreadsheet to keep track of all of your choices. The game has a help and cheat system, but they are locked behind Patreon codes. Even the sex minigames will sometimes have options locked out if your love or lust scores aren't high enough with the girl you are currently fucking.
As for the amount of content, well, it's rare to see a game with this many scenes. There are many hours of unique content to enjoy and no grind. It's all killer no filler. Well, some of the dialogs run on a bit long (but at least you don't have to click through every line!) and none of it is especially interesting. If you've played a few of these pornogames you will find nothing novel in here. The HTML engine works fine and I really appreciate the relatively low number of clicks it requires to play. In Ren'Py this game would have required an order of magnitude more clicks.
This is one of the few games where I think it might have been better as a free roam style game than a VN. There is just too much stuff crammed into every single day. It becomes impossible not to fall behind on the stats for the girls and start missing content. Or just spread the stuff over a couple of days and stop making me choose. Why is it always the longest games that want to make you play through them multiple times?
Graphics: It's real porn but a lot of care has been put into using the same actor for a character and when there is a scene with multiple videos the videos will all be from the same shoot so they don't clash. Probably the best way to do real porno games. The guy varies of course, but who cares about him?
Overall: While I don't love games that make you play through multiple times to get all of the content I can't rate this game less than a 5 due to the skill and care used to put it together. Quibbles about the story being dull are overshadowed by the fact that it's easy to skip past the boring parts and the game never makes you wait long for the next sex scene.
Overview: Free the cock, free the mind.
Story: You are an ex-soldier who was sent to jail for not killing enough and get back home to start your life over. There is only one problem, every single woman you meet is hardcore sexually harassing you. From the word hello they are stripping you with their eyes and not shy about the innuendo. The MC can't even get a cup of coffee without be propositioned. Despite this constant barrage of harassment the MC maintains a stiff upper dick and soldiers on, servicing 3, 4, sometimes up to 6 women a day. It seems exhausting, he'll just finish making his stepdaughter come 5 times only to get a call that his boss's bratty daughter needs some BDSM treatment, and he's barely done warming up her cheeks before his camgirl daughter needs someone to help with the show or something. The MC spends all day bouncing from one porn setup to another.
Gameplay: This is a branching VN. The game has a lot of mutually exclusive scenes as well as a per-character stat system. All girls have a "love" and "lust" stat, and you will often have a break in the dialog where you can choose one of two options, one of which will bump love and the other will bump lust. Some content is locked behind certain love and lust scores, and there is no advance warning as to which you will need. Between the stat grinds and straight up mutually exclusive scenes I'd guess you would need to play through this game at least three times to see all of the content, and you'll need a big spreadsheet to keep track of all of your choices. The game has a help and cheat system, but they are locked behind Patreon codes. Even the sex minigames will sometimes have options locked out if your love or lust scores aren't high enough with the girl you are currently fucking.
As for the amount of content, well, it's rare to see a game with this many scenes. There are many hours of unique content to enjoy and no grind. It's all killer no filler. Well, some of the dialogs run on a bit long (but at least you don't have to click through every line!) and none of it is especially interesting. If you've played a few of these pornogames you will find nothing novel in here. The HTML engine works fine and I really appreciate the relatively low number of clicks it requires to play. In Ren'Py this game would have required an order of magnitude more clicks.
This is one of the few games where I think it might have been better as a free roam style game than a VN. There is just too much stuff crammed into every single day. It becomes impossible not to fall behind on the stats for the girls and start missing content. Or just spread the stuff over a couple of days and stop making me choose. Why is it always the longest games that want to make you play through them multiple times?
Graphics: It's real porn but a lot of care has been put into using the same actor for a character and when there is a scene with multiple videos the videos will all be from the same shoot so they don't clash. Probably the best way to do real porno games. The guy varies of course, but who cares about him?
Overall: While I don't love games that make you play through multiple times to get all of the content I can't rate this game less than a 5 due to the skill and care used to put it together. Quibbles about the story being dull are overshadowed by the fact that it's easy to skip past the boring parts and the game never makes you wait long for the next sex scene.