Ren'Py - Back to the Roots [v0.29 Public] [The Priceless Beam]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    renders are good but there is to much wip in this game
    No idea how to trigger the next event with one of the sisters
    The beach event is bugged
    No sex scenes
    Story is bad mc is just boring
    Theres sound
    only bug is beach event not triggering

    Would wait for more content
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this game and look forward to each new installment. I tend to be more interested in interesting engaging characters rather than stunning graphics, and this game has fun characters with entertaining interactions much of the time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    v 0.12

    All in all a pretty average game.

    - No hardcore grinding
    - Gives hints if stuck
    - Gallery

    - Story is kinda boring
    - Can't follow why some characters are doing what they are doing (looking at "Landlady" and "Housemates")
    - Animations are most of the time standard Koikatsu animations.

    I wish the dev good luck with this game and I am looking forward to future updates.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely mid game tbh but not bad by any means. Need alot to improve it quality, hopefully Dev next game is better than this one.
    Mid renders compared to some other kk games
    Generics and boring plot, nothing interesting about it
    Sandbox and no grind atleast
    MC is a wimp and have pathetic personality
    Dialogue writing and story is mid grade schooler kind
    There are many faults in these games and characters doesn't look that good as well. Worst part was Mia initial scene, how MC run away from the office just after meeting her due to panic attacks after hearing she is going out with her bf. (Fucking pathetic for a man with playboy past) :HideThePain:
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well main story is a bit weird, MC losing her firm after having a random girl over to spend the night and somehow she could guess the code to hes phone and leak information that made MC go bankrupt, just seems weird.

    Also the writting could be alot better, alot of times it stops your reading to figure out what its trying to say.

    The relationship system really makes 0 sense, it talks about gaining points and losing points, but there arent really any losing points and even if there where it would mean nothing since its just kinetic story so you just follow questlines and gain a ton of good points constantly so you cant deside anything when it comes to relationships, you will just end up fucking everyone at some point, so not really sure what the point is with this system.

    Like i never wanted to be with the mother and somehow shes the first one to give MC a BJ and i only did quests and no chance or losing points or turning her down.
    Questlines makes it kinetic as well since you cant progress with one LI untill you do quest with other LIs, really a shitty setup considering its sandbox but you got 0 freedom so not sure why there even is a sandbox.

    You will proberly run into errors as well, i tried to quick save and it went to renpy error page.

    Girls/LIs look ok, but you dont really get much of a chance to build stuff up since they just trows them self at MC very fast.

    Animations are a bit meh 2/5 at best, MC fingering someone just looks weird like hes not anywhere near her pussy or going through skin not great, with BJs it dosent even look like the girl has a mouth, dont think it will do much for most people.

    Music is ok.

    Sandbox is meh, not much to it other then a map you click around on and a grind for money which arent that bad, but all in all just boring.

    As for content there is ok decent amount but also ALOT of WIP which you run into from the very start, girls might show a long list of things to do with them but most are still WIP.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Not too grindy, has a lot of groundwork for future potential already! The story is interesting and there is enough H content to enjoy and it has sound! Definitely will be checking back on this as it updates and subbing.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    No idea why this game has low reviews. Looks promising but still I'm early development so not a lot of hard-core content yet. This game doesnt really do anything new but what it does it does well enough, its your typical 3d animated harem/dating sim. Unfortunate I couldn't fuck the landlord in this version, work on that right away dev-kun.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    - v0.3
    - decent amount of content
    - everything about this is weird
    - models look unique
    - animations are standard
    - bad writing
    - bad sandbox


    Everything about this game is weird.

    The writing is weird because it has a serious case of "engrish" going.

    The story premise is weird since it starts with a guy who, apparently, controlled his entire company (including bank accounts, software repositories, servers, etc.) through his phone, and is then distraught about someone figuring out his four-digit security code.

    The story progression is weird, as I spent the first two days trying to figure out what I was even supposed to do. I just slept those days away, until it turned out that, for some weird reason, the dev CHOSE to start the game at a time when there actually is nothing to do.

    The characters are weird as they all jump MC with little to no explanation. Either for helping with their homework, for helping them stretch, or for just... existing. All the while, you play an MC who, after spending five years fucking everything with legs, explodes in anger and runs out of the building like a petulant child when he learns that a girl somehow ISN'T head over heels in love with him (after she hasn't seen or heard from him in close to a decade).

    The sandbox is weird, as the provided guidebook only gives you the absolute minimum of information. It tells you to meet someone in the hallway, but not when. It tells you to call people, but not how. Need to "get a drink at night"? Don't even think about going to the kitchen or the bathroom for that glass of water... you are supposed to go to the living room.

    The house layout is weird, as it takes an unnecessary amount of clicks on weirdly placed hitboxes to move through it.

    And then you have the constant problem that you can't just progress in a linear fashion. For some reason, many events NEED to be triggered specifically on a Monday morning... which you learn about on a Tuesday morning, with NOTHING else to do. If you could at least freely visit other characters and replay already unlocked events, you'd have SOMETHING to do... but the way it is now, it's just tedious. With all those standard animations, it doesn't even feel particularly rewarding.

    Also, for those who try the game because of the incest tag... don't bother. It's clearly an afterthought. You can set the relationships at the start, so you can keep telling yourself those are your mother and sisters, but the game will never actually make use of that information to deliver the kink.