Just wanna chime in that it doesn't take months to handle the coding for a renpy game. I make enough to support myself doing fiverr level programming and bugfixes for actual games, and while I don't know Python or Renpy I know that with a harder language such as c that, with the amount of work put into the engine itself, the amount of coding should amount to about 20 minutes of work. This guy is ripping you all off and wasting our time. Taking a few months on renders is realistic, especially if you have a shitty computer. Taking a few months to define and flag a couple of variables is fuckin nonsense.
I nominate myself to take care of *all* the coding for this mod moving forward while Zip takes the backseat with rendering and writing. He's playing you all to get meager patreon support, as evidenced by his wanting to charge for content he didn't really create, merely modified.