BAD POLL(closed): In any adult game, you ALWAYS go for the love, lust, or degenerate path?

POLL: In any adult game, you always go for the love, lust, or degenerate path?

  • Love: Decency,Loving,Traditional. MC still has sex w/multiple girls, mostly or entirely good girls.

    Votes: 35 38.0%
  • Lust: MC has sex with multiple women, good and bad girls. Wicked, dirty things happen.

    Votes: 26 28.3%
  • Degeneracy: Makes normal lust enjoyers go, "wow, that's fucked up!" (legal, no blood, consensual)

    Votes: 25 27.2%
  • Other, I'll respond to this thread.

    Votes: 6 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
This poll is flawed, I closed it. It makes no sense to have a love or lust path, since all humans feel lust. Since all humans feel lust, it's how they handle that lust that defines which path they go down. Example:

You have a girlfriend.
- If you cheat on her behind her back, then you're letting your lust lead you down the path of betrayal and deceit.
- If you talk to her about an open relationship in your favor, while she remains loyal to you, you're letting your love for her drive you down the path of honesty and respect, etc.

If you want to contribute to this thread, please come up with examples like the one above, that shows how men deal with lust in good and evil ways.

Now, let's understand degeneracy at an academic level first:
Degeneracy: Having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type.
Sexual(Type) Degeneracy: A society would expect vaginal sex to be normal (which it is, because procreation), but may consider drinking piss as a fetish to be degenerate; below the norm(and for good reason, you should never do that in real life, I mean you can, but it's not good for you). If society becomes more sexually degenerate, it just means it is allegedly sinking to a level below the norm; in an alleged poor state. So it's basically a comparison of the minority sexual interests vs the majority sexual interests. If you change that society over time, perhaps piss drinking fetish may one day be considered the norm. How do we use this in a game? Well, if the majority of npc's adhere to a certain sexual behavior, while the minority adhere to something different, they may be perceived as sexual deviants and degenerates, which can put them into a different faction or group, then minority group clashes with the majority group in conflict, which can make things interesting, giving the player a chance to pick sides.

Let's talk about good and evil. Patreon demands consensual sex in all forms. So the scope of good and evil must be within the confines of 100% consensual sex. So, good and evil can end up being defined through virtues like: honesty, betrayal, respect, disrespect, deceit, etc. I'm strongly open to more ideas, please respond, what other virtues?

A) Love Path - You're a good man, surrounded by good girls of whom you sleep with one on one or enjoy group sex. You love having sex, but prefer to do it in decent ways. You'd rather make a wholesome environment where sexiness is celebrated, but doesn't go overboard. You mostly enjoy the company of good girls. If you do encounter bad girls, you try to reform them into good girls.
B) Lust Path - You're a wicked man, surrounded by both good and bad girls of who you sleep with one on one or enjoy group sex. You're open to wicked and dirty things. You may engage in shameful sexual acts that make you feel guilty the next day, but then you get over it. This is the kind of lust you see in most games. (You can still have loving relationships, but it's accompanied with fucked up things)

Love and Lust can co-exist. With a one girl, you may engage in pure lust, sex, but no intimacy. With another girl you engage in lust, but also love and intimacy. If anything, you would record some kind of stat that measures the level of love, intimacy and emotional connection with that character, if any. Lust would be a vital stat, like health or stamina, that goes up/down based upon what turns on the MC the most. Lust can be 100 at one point, but then drop to 0 if the MC is not in the mood. Lust is defined as strong sexual desire. Love is emotional connection and intimacy.

[EDIT: I did get this part right, but I expanded on it more up above] C) Degeneracy Path - Consensual, Legal, No blood, everyone over 18+................... This is the kind of content that makes normal lust enjoyers say, "dude, this is degeneracy, it's wrong!" You can still have loving relationships, but it's accompanied with fucked up things of an extreme nature.)

The primary purpose of this poll is to see how many people actually go for love paths of decency, option A. (edit: wow 50/50 so far, nice! I 'm gonna go through with my plans then)

(i'm open to modifying these if you think they're off.)
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
I mean... I like incest, so that's automatic Degeneracy path right? :LOL:
Love Path - Incest relationship with sister in her room, perhaps in a loving and decent way. VERY vanilla, but that's cool, nothing wrong with that.

Lust Path - Incest fuck buddy with sister in dirty places, perhaps at a club in front of other people knowing you're brother and sister.

Degeneracy Path - Incest fuck buddy with your sister in dirty places, pissing all over her, spitting on her, slapping her up, then pissing in her asshole to fill it up, then use a butt plug so it doesn't spill out. Your piss inside her ass can be consumed by other women later into the night, perhaps having magical properties? You can still have a loving relationship if you want, but with all the degeneracy too. "I love you sister", then slap her, "i love you sister" then piss on her.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
B) Lust Path - You're a wicked man, surrounded by both good and bad girls of who you sleep with one on one or enjoy group sex. You're open to wicked and dirty things. You may engage in shameful sexual acts that make you feel guilty the next day, but then you get over it. This is the kind of lust you see in most games. (You can still have loving relationships, but it's accompanied with fucked up things)
  • Haha
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Nov 6, 2020
Love Path - Incest relationship with sister in her room, perhaps in a loving and decent way. VERY vanilla, but that's cool, nothing wrong with that.

Lust Path - Incest fuck buddy with sister in dirty places, perhaps at a club in front of other people knowing you're brother and sister.

Degeneracy Path - Incest fuck buddy with your sister in dirty places, pissing all over her, spitting on her, slapping her up, then pissing in her asshole to fill it up, then use a butt plug so it doesn't spill out. Your piss inside her ass can be consumed by other women later into the night, perhaps having magical properties? You can still have a loving relationship if you want, but with all the degeneracy too. "I love you sister", then slap her, "i love you sister" then piss on her.
Touch choice, I'm like a mixture of Love and Degenerate then, Degenerate-Lite. I like the love part, I'm not vanilla, but definitely not into piss/spit/slapping either. I do like exhibitionism, pregnancy, spanking and piss in a voyeur way(just watch, no play).
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Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
Depends on the game's tone and characters.
For example, in Together again, you can play two paths, one is psycho and the other is love. I couldn't play the psycho path at all.

The exact opposite of that is Vae Victis. I couldn't play the "good prince" under any circumstances.

If I don't get a feel for the tone or the characters and the reviews/thread say that whatever game has a lot of fucked up shit, I go for the most fucked up route.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Depends on my mood. I really like a lot of romance paths in games, but mostly I tend to go for the "I am seriously fcked up and the girls I encounter are going to suffer for it" kind of path.
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Jul 21, 2017
I really dislike these choices and hope it gets done away with. Its stupid and limiting and bad game design.

If forced to choose, I know I get no satisfaction out of being shitty, so if the game is worth playing despite this bad design choice, I'm going with 'Love/Good'.

Also, its really silly that a 'Love/Good' route often rules out anal, fetishes, or trans content.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
I really dislike these choices and hope it gets done away with. Its stupid and limiting and bad game design.

If forced to choose, I know I get no satisfaction out of being shitty, so if the game is worth playing despite this bad design choice, I'm going with 'Love/Good'.

Also, its really silly that a 'Love/Good' route often rules out anal, fetishes, or trans content.
Good criticism. If you have time, could you create a short or long list of behavioral examples where the mc is not shitty. (This request is open to all if you have time.)

In game, there will be NPC and factions who are shitty and not shitty. No matter which side you're on, you can still be kinky, do anal, be with trans or dickgirls.

The goal is to design a system where you identify with NPC who share your same values, then end up as enemies vs those who don't share your same values (the shitty ones). Basically, good and evil.

Good (not shitty) [LOVE]
Are the following virtues based on love or lust? I think love, please correct me if I'm wrong. Love can still make the dick hard and be arousing.
- Does not entirely objectify women, allowing their agency to remain intact, but still embrace a degree of fun sexiness.
- Does not verbally abuse or humiliate his women, nor do the women do this to the MC.
- Does not dress them up in ways that make them appear whorish or complete and total base sluts???
- Does not smack his bitches up when they mess up???
- (Can a person who is not shitty be a sadist???)
Good MC: "This is my beautiful mother, as you can see, she's a princess, a goddess. You lay a hand on her, there'll be trouble. Anyone disrespect her, there'll be trouble. All you shit heads are gonna learn how to treat women with respect. Treating your women poorly is wrong, what the hell is wrong with you? This neighborhood is gonna change!"

But what if player is a little bit of good and a little bit of shitty? [LUST]
- Then, allow player to create their own faction.

Middle MC: "Welcome to my brothel. This is my sexy mother. Here are the rules for fucking her. As long as you follow the rules, enjoy yourself and have a good time. Treat the women with a fair degree of respect. You can get a bit rough, they're strong and won't break. This is an area of respect & kinky fun."

Middle MC Harem: "I'm taking this brothel over and turning it into my personal sex den. It will serve as my HQ. I will treat my women with both respect, but still have kinky naughty fun. Which one of you lovely ladies is ready to be pissed on?"

Evil (shitty) [DEGENERACY]
- Objectifies his women as much as he wants.
- Verbally abuses and humiliate his women in private and public.
- Dresses them in ways to humiliate them.
- Smacks them up (yet in a consensual manner, the women want this).
- Does the most evil shit possible to hurt women for sexual pleasure (SADISTIC, consensual)
Evil MC: "This is my whore mother, as you can see, she's a total slut. Feel free to use her as a fuck hole and spit on her. All of your mothers will soon become total whores. This neighborhood is gonna change. I'm tired of all you pussies putting your women on pedestals, treating them with respect. How pathetic."
Evil NPC: "That sounds great, I can't wait to spit on my mom while fuck-choking her."
Good MC: "WTF, what am I hearing?! What the hell is wrong with all of you?! *QUEUE MUSIC* *Combat Begins*"


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I actually prefer a path where the main character starts off on a nice guy or good girl path. I've seen very few games that make it rewarding to stick to that path so I usually follow the corruption path from there regardless whether the main character is male or female.

As an example of what I mean, if the game starts you off with the main character in love with his wife or GF and presents you with an option to cheat or not, there is almost never any kind of reward for not cheating. Not cheating is just the boring option where not as much happens. So it's almost always the objectively superior path to cheat.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I go for a sort of mix of A&B. a good man who enjoys darker things with bad girls.

about "not being shitty", I think a good way to encapsulate all it covers is that the woman needs to enjoy everything I do. so it can also cover hideous behaviour if that's what SHE wants. so everything from vanilla to con-noncon.
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Jul 14, 2017
I hope we get to see a certain degree of flexibility regardless of the faction we choose. For example, a loving and good-hearted MC having to coexist or share HQ with a couple of slimeballs.
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Jul 30, 2018
Thanks a lot for the info everyone, one more question I'd like to ask is how long does a first version need to be? and should we include sex scenes in the first version as well?
Good criticism. If you have time, could you create a short or long list of behavioral examples where the mc is not shitty. (This request is open to all if you have time.)

In game, there will be NPC and factions who are shitty and not shitty. No matter which side you're on, you can still be kinky, do anal, be with trans or dickgirls.

The goal is to design a system where you identify with NPC who share your same values, then end up as enemies vs those who don't share your same values (the shitty ones). Basically, good and evil.

Good (not shitty) [LOVE]
Are the following virtues based on love or lust? I think love, please correct me if I'm wrong. Love can still make the dick hard and be arousing.
- Does not entirely objectify women, allowing their agency to remain intact, but still embrace a degree of fun sexiness.
- Does not verbally abuse or humiliate his women, nor do the women do this to the MC.
- Does not dress them up in ways that make them appear whorish or complete and total base sluts???
- Does not smack his bitches up when they mess up???
- (Can a person who is not shitty be a sadist???)
Good MC: "This is my beautiful mother, as you can see, she's a princess, a goddess. You lay a hand on her, there'll be trouble. Anyone disrespect her, there'll be trouble. All you shit heads are gonna learn how to treat women with respect. Treating your women poorly is wrong, what the hell is wrong with you? This neighborhood is gonna change!"

But what if player is a little bit of good and a little bit of shitty? [LUST]
- Then, allow player to create their own faction.

Middle MC: "Welcome to my brothel. This is my sexy mother. Here are the rules for fucking her. As long as you follow the rules, enjoy yourself and have a good time. Treat the women with a fair degree of respect. You can get a bit rough, they're strong and won't break. This is an area of respect & kinky fun."

Middle MC Harem: "I'm taking this brothel over and turning it into my personal sex den. It will serve as my HQ. I will treat my women with both respect, but still have kinky naughty fun. Which one of you lovely ladies is ready to be pissed on?"

Evil (shitty) [DEGENERACY]
- Objectifies his women as much as he wants.
- Verbally abuses and humiliate his women in private and public.
- Dresses them in ways to humiliate them.
- Smacks them up (yet in a consensual manner, the women want this).
- Does the most evil shit possible to hurt women for sexual pleasure (SADISTIC, consensual)
Evil MC: "This is my whore mother, as you can see, she's a total slut. Feel free to use her as a fuck hole and spit on her. All of your mothers will soon become total whores. This neighborhood is gonna change. I'm tired of all you pussies putting your women on pedestals, treating them with respect. How pathetic."
Evil NPC: "That sounds great, I can't wait to spit on my mom while fuck-choking her."
Good MC: "WTF, what am I hearing?! What the hell is wrong with all of you?! *QUEUE MUSIC* *Combat Begins*"
I think your making a mistake by automatically saying Love is good, Lust is neutral, and Degeneracy is evil. I would say all three can be Good, neutral, and Evil depending on the situation. Like is it neutral or evil if your partner likes to be pissed on or smacked around a bit during sex? I would say no since its 100% consensual and your partner just has this kink. And is loving somebody but not trusting her at all and trying to control everything they do good? I would say its atleast neutral, maybe even evil.

I would look more into how Good, neutral and Evil NPC/MC would threat/see a woman.

For example a good person would threat woman with respect, trust them, let them be themselves, and any sexual acts are 100% consensual. It doesn't matter if its basic missionary sex with your partner, or going from one-night stand to one-night stand doing the most kinky shit you can think of. As long as everything in consensual, and you threat everyone with respect its all Good in my eyes. You could even have a good brothel in my opinion, as long as all the woman are 100% willingly there and not being 'forced' into in for like financial reasons.

Neutral would be more that you somewhat respect woman but have trust issues/wants to change them. All sexual acts would still be consensual but is sometimes walking the line. Examples could be like being jealous/envy of your partner talking to an handsome coworker, going to prostitutes (its consensual but you cant be sure the prostitutes are there 100% willingly), picking-up intoxicated woman, etc. It's not evil, but its not exactly good either.

And then Evil would be treating woman as objects, controlling them as much as you can, and not caring about consensual at all. For love this could be like doing anything for a woman but expecting (sexual) acts in return (like neckbeards/incels), raping/blackmailing any woman you want, forcing woman into prostitution, corrupting woman (since its often relies on blackmail), etc.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
In general, I don't have a particular genre or preference, a game must surprise me with an original and / or unusual story that generates suspense.
Not violent, not pathetic and without blackmail, if anything, with humor scenes and without repetitive routines.
They are games, one cannot expect too much, however, at times some, of various kinds, are pleasant, especially in the initial phase but in the long run they all become monotonous and boring, at least for me.
Playing is like crossing a temporal gap that divides the real state from that of fantasy and which, if it does not become obsessive, can help you live better if you already live reality well.