Comics - Collection - BadOnion Collection [2020-11-23] [BadOnion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you get going on the tags for this collection, just download this and let yourself enjoy the content.
    The renders are of outstanding quality.
    Perhaps some of them are a bit too extreme but all in all... excellent stuff!

    Rated: 5/5
    Based on: 2020-22-23
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    "Wonder Diana" - wow, what a story for anyone with fetishes towards huge dicks, inflation, impregnation and more!

    Five stars for that story alone - and it isn't even mentioned by the thread (since it's just a bonus)!

    Then a special mention for perhaps the rarest quality of all:

    Continuing the story after the rape or fuck.

    There's several stories here that at least attempt to keep on describing the girl's reaction afterwards, and how she keeps getting assaulted!