VN - Others - Completed - Baldr Sky [Final] [GIGA]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    96% positive on steam for an eroge
    mech ARPG, that is TRULY one of a kind, the story actually expands on the world setting, music is on point.
    play as a fvcking Mech with almost over a hundred weapons to choose from
    an ACTUAL combo system, super armor, dodges, with supers, and boss fight
    combo with range weapon...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Plot was pretty cool, as is the overall writing. Characters were very well-written, IMHO, and believable. Good voice work did help with that. The simulacrum gameplay was kinda middling, though, with unresponsive combat controls. It does have its moments, though. Also not a fan of restricting some paths to timers. All in all, I rather enjoyed the experience, even though it's very much a linear story from start to finish. Would've be nice to have some more impactful choices, but what it has is pretty good.
    Likes: mc247
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is insane in terms of gameplay, it's genuinely one of the most fun pve games you can find in a porn game. hands down! like i'd spend quite a lot of time just coming up with different combos. like customizability, challange and everything is here for this game. it even has voice acting! they really killed it.

    However the scenes could be a lot better, this game has too much gameplay and too little scenes. like the gameplay is 10/10 then the porn is year 2007 visual novel non animated scenes, and not even a lot of it. it'd be so good if this game spent some time on animating and making more sex scenes. like throughout the first hours of playing i forgot i was playing a porn game because there's literally no scenes. it's only until you get further into the game that you get the jerk material, and very little of it imo.

    but hey, i still played this for the combat i guess lol. just wish the porn was as good
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good gameplay, fantastic & intricate plot - lot's of dynamic content.
    My favorite VN of all time. Missing an incest tag here - granted, it's a cousin. I would recommend having a controller as it makes gameplay easier (at least for me)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One hell of a ride, took me over 100 hours to finish, and surprisingly never got bored, it made me feel all type of way from happy to sad to hype, at the end of i felt like i could read some more.

    First to get the "bad" out of the way, there is the fact that the game force you to reread full scene in different routes because there are some small changes, i know a lot of people hated that but i found it to be not too much and the reason for rereading a scene always made scene.

    I didn't like the gameplay but it's simply because it's not what i'm into, i still could tell that it was really deep, i just played on very easy.

    Now all the rest was top tier, all the heroines were likeable, interesting, and endearing.

    The way the plot constantly alternate between flashback and present really helped keep me from getting bored, the setting and story are also really cool, it had a lot of grand idea but it barely ever feel like i got lost during explanation and exposition.

    Obvious but the production value are the best they could be, great art, music and voice acting.

    There is so much that i could say about this but this is just a review, so yeah i'd absolutely recommend it !
    Likes: mc247
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    An incredible game. If you're looking for a pleasant mixture of Sci-fi and Romance, this is where it's at. The battle system can be a bit tricky to get into, but I found it to be a lot of fun once I did. I played on normal, but if you're having difficulty, they have a very easy difficulty so you can breeze through the combat and enjoy the story if you so desire.