VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Bare Witness [Ch. 5] [AlterWorlds]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Finished the chapter 4 just recently and have to say that this game has built with one of the most lustful fantasy in mind.

    It may not be the best in class when it comes to writing, in-depth character development including MC, but models and intimate scenes are near perfect in class and last in pretty satisfactory lenght.

    Only thing that some might have wished for is more natural progress in overall character and releashinsihp build up because it can feel rushed most of the time. But given the solid foundation for each chapter length (the game is going to be completed with upcoming chapter 5) vs number of girls and paths you can pick and choose, I think this would've been an unfair request for what it is.

    Very pleasing to look at models, believable anatomical features and proportions are most distinctive and strongest suit of Bare Witness. There are handfull of popular and already established titles you know of out there fails to deliver this appealing aspect. Other devs needs to learn from Bare Witness and stop adopting unrealistic anatomical proportions from hentai animes into their realistic looking projects. Avoiding to stop body features sliders at far end is enssential for creating beliaveble characters in games that seek realistic look.

    Rating per-game feature:
    • Render quality consistency : 4/5
    • Music tracklist and quantity: 5/5
    • Animations: 4/5
    • Story and character build up: 3/5
    • Model likness: 5/5
    • Realistic model proportions: 5/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Bare Witness is in my current top 3 AVNs of those I've recently discovered, and I am both excited and sad that the final chapter is dropping soon. Here's what I love about the game:

    1) The characters. Each one is compelling and unique, and they often defy cliched expectations. For example, Athena fronts as a tough badass girl, but she's a vulnerable person underneath, not a girl power stereotype. They really come off like they have their own lives and personalities, and there are reasons to fall in love with any and all of them.

    2) The graphics are gorgeous, especially the girls and most especially the sex scenes. It might seem like a generic thing to praise an AVN for, but a lot of love and care obviously went into these renders.

    3) Some might feel that the pacing on BW is breakneck, but in my opinion it's just lean. A lot of AVNs pad out their runtime with constant clicking without much new information -- BW is not one of those. Every scene suits a purpose, and the ones that you want to last do, while the stuff that doesn't matter is dispensed with quickly. It's tight.

    4) The sex scenes are some of the best I've seen, not just graphically, but in terms of emotional content and realism. Characters don't talk like porn robots. They talk and crack jokes during sex. They have fun! Too many games fall back on cringeworthy porn dialogue and it's such a relief to have a game that doesn't.

    Anyway, Bare Witness will leave a hole in your life once you're done playing. Highest recommendation.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an underrated game. The characters feel so alive with each one of them having their own quirks and you really feel that you care for each one of them.
    This game needs to be way higher in the ranks because it has everything you need to this game genre
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never played an AVN with so many scenes per update for each branching path. The LI models are outta this world, and their bodies could make your head explode. Additionally, the writing is engaging, and I never felt like I was stuck in an exposition dump. The character back stories are mostly unfolded by actually showing the scenes briefly instead of staring at the characters while they tell their story.

    However, my only complaint comes down to repetitive positioning of characters during sex scenes because there is a lot of missionary in the game, and sometimes it's the entire scene. The love interests tend to have these amazing bodies, but we don't get to see the view from the back as much as I'd like.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I do not understand how this game has such a great rating. The story feels bland. The story contains witness protection, which can be cool but when it comes up it comes out of nowhere. The sex scenes feels bland, when it says its animated it is barely so. Overall the game feels bland.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Bare Witness is one of those games where I think it does better at interactions with love interests than actual story progression. Don't get me wrong, the story is incredibly unique, but the execution so far has been majorly flawed. The dialogue is decent, the renders are good, and it's overall quite fun, but I wish there was a little more... spice. Hopefully in the final update, I'll change my tune.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good story and artistry is fantastic! I can't believe it took me this long to find this game. I will be looking forward to the upcoming chapters! Cool move to shout out other games during the end credits. Checking out their games as well.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    So after playing game i wanna say one simple thing wtf is happened this game ? like its was not 5/5 game but still its was good start was interesting yada yada then boom its turned into bad really bad game.

    Story not good nor a characters .

    Every chick wants MC D and nothing more they falling for him like nothing makes no sense here.

    Mc classic tall and handsome plus he goes to gym yeah theres more to say here ? go to gym eat protein powder/vitamin become fake and girls gonna love you yeah every story of collage game out here.

    Mc is boring nothing about him makes sense or interesting its just boring.

    I dont wanna even talk about girl here they are even worse than MC they have no personality they fall for mc instantly after that just SEX nothing more.

    I have no idea why this game have high score with this boring story/mc i trusted 4.5 star here and played then i regret ever playing it i am not even joking its not bad but its boring its same as other 100 collage games handsome tall MC gets girls intantly no one question anything then story happens.

    İ give 4 star for quality of character models and nothing more STORY MC OR GİRLS JUST BORİNG AND THEY JUST CARBON COPY OF EACH OTHER.

    I am not insulting author or game its just boring nothing more i miss normal characters i really miss them not every MC needs to go gym or needs to be handsome/tall yada yada they just need to be not annoying nothing more if you like this kind thing play it if not its up to you.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Bare Witness is a choice-based VN where you play as a socially inept sex god as he goes to college and a dozen different girls throw themselves at him.

    Choice-based is honestly being a little generous. There's no resource management, stat grinding, or tricky dating where you need to actually impress the girls. The choices are simple to the point of being opt-in or opt-out of the various girl's paths. There are a handful of harem paths in the game, but some girls won't be cool with that. Outside of the choice in girls, the story is completely linear, who you end up with won't change the overarching plot save for a scene or two or maybe an ending.

    Fortunately, the girls are very pretty and rather interesting. They all have stories and personalities and getting to know them is a pretty good time. There are excellent sex scenes available with each and even some three and more somes. I can't complain about the sex or girls.

    The rest of the game tends to come across as a non-fiction power fantasy though. The MC is shredded with a massive dick, literally every woman around him checks him out, four of the women in the story are willing to share him, and he is simultaneously confident and humble in a mixture that frequently comes across as unrealistic. Bad things happen in the story, but rarely anything that the MC had control over, and even those things tend to be resolved in his favor.

    Overall, Bare Witness is a good game that's definitely worth playing. There's a pretty good amount of content that'll take you several hours to get through, especially if you follow all the paths. Nevertheless, there's just a little too much unrealistic harem/power fantasy to the game for me to unreservedly love it. If that's your cup of tea however, I'm sure you'll love it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good story sometimes struggling to get out of a few logic loops.

    TL;DR : play with a walkthrough recommended.

    I've been playing this for a while now, exploring all the different routes. If you follow the right route, you get a comprehensive story with a lot of lewd scenes (nothing very kinky for now). But it's nice and actually sort of wholesome.

    The renders are pretty good, some very good writing in there, with attention to small detail.

    But if you are not playing with a walkthrough, you might sometimes get scenes where you go 'huh ? But I broke up with her yesterday!' (happened with Mora) or scenes that seem a bit 'weird' as they don't really fit with the previous one.

    By playing different routes, I discovered more of the story for each character, but not everyone wants to do that.

    Anway, I think this game could do phenomenal if it was better playtested - meaning that you play test more extensively, and fix the logic errors, and fill up some (plot) holes if you follow a different route.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First play and I can only say the banner that I saw sucked me automaticly the the devs game!
    After I saw these very beautiful woman and read a bit I can´t otherwise and must DL it .
    The playthrough so far hade made so much fun and it is so soothing, with all the different personas from the chars and they all are so lovley in all ways.
    I really can´t wait for the next update and play further the even very nice story with the even really good dialogs in the game.

    I hope to see "name_here?" (banner 4th from the left) Heidis and my roommate more often with less makeup, then she looks even cuter then she even is!

    I can only recommend this beautiful game to you guys.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I just started this and am not sure I'll finish it but while I'm thinking about it I figured I would at least review it.

    The art is pretty decent and the models are pretty nice. There is some variety and honestly I think that part of the game is pretty good. The problem is the story. On one hand you meet some characters that are clearly there just for lewd scenes which is obviously the point but I feel like they could almost be swapped out with some of the main characters. The roommates for instance get off to a shit start because they are lesbos in an open relationship...Of all the things I hate it's this stupid obsession with lesbians. Fucksakes not every guy is a simp drooling over two chicks doing the same tired crap. If they were side characters it wouldn't bother me because I would just ignore them. However they live in the same house so anything they do bores the shit out of me early in the game. The throuple lesbo relationship limits the story immediately to "hurr durr lesbians" and so the early introduction of lesbos you're supposed to drool over made me start skipping the dialogue immediately. It's too bad because the models are really nice but it is what it is. As the story unfolded I just started picking negative options to avoid the whole idiotic "we're lesbians are you turned on?" giggles moments.

    The reason I'm still playing is there are other girls that hopefully will offer something else besides the same tired tropes. Some of them come of as sweet so hopefully there is something else to the game besides the typical stories. I'm not sure about the witness protection story but at least it stops the horrible calls with the dad which feel like they are supposed to be funny but aren't.

    The game will probably hit the spot with most guys who always want the same scenes and don't care about the story and if that's you it will tick the boxes.

    3/5 seems fair so far.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Don't know what I expected, but this is better than that.

    Story is simple, very simple, but that's for the better. No betrayals here, no big conspiracies, just a guy living a life.

    It's fun (some heavy moments aside), girls are great, scenes are great and the only hard thing is rejecting some girls when selecting others.

    Great job dev.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all this game is so close to 5 stars, but some aspects just don't cut it for me to give it a perfect score, unfortunately. From an adult visual novel, an average player expects average quality in lewd content(adult), scenes and renders(visual), plot and writing(novel); sadly this game falls short in some.

    I'm gonna say it first, this is one of the HOTTEST AVN i ever played. The tone is very romantic, dramatic, erotic. SADLY not the best.

    -Stunning renders
    -Stunning animation quality (high framerate, nearly same quality as renders).
    -Girls look different and gorgeous
    -Excellent Soundtracks
    -Mild Kinks (pregnancy impact unknown as for v0.4)
    -Harem possibilty: throuple, quadrouple, quintouple (or i should say Harem condition:D)
    -Some girls have good background which made SOLO paths heartbreaking.
    -Dialogues are OK(bit too much on Nerd stuff tho)
    -Untried setting and conflict.
    -MC is so passive to the world around it. (it is vague but I don't wanna spoil). Just wanna say he is there to get a dick in the animation. I can't really connect with his experience or his predicament.
    -Pacing and plot development is so slow or nearly nonexistent.
    -Weak character development and motives forme.
    -The dating and relationship aspect is sped up but the main story is stagnant so the reader is a bit stalled and i got the feeling of "huh?" a lot.
    -No SFX (would be a cherry on top for fappability)
    -Chapters are chronologically spaced out. There are 7 week gaps between each. So you feel awkward and left out, sometimes relationships develop without your participation (like excuse me?)
    -As for v0.4, the girls seem unrelated to the main story, it is like another game where main conflict and plot doesn't affect the relationship between MC and LIs.
    -Walkthrough is required to fully enjoy the game i think. Game's strong suit is visuals and animations but it is easy with the few choices player has to make, combined with RP system to miss out on a lot.
    -Without walkthrough you experience weirdness in coding, e.g. you rendezvous with a character and forget about the date after cuz not enough RP. So lot of PLOT HOLES if no guide utilized.
    -Also there is no incentive to not use the walkthrough as choices don't impact or spoil the plot and twists. Choices are just for RP hoarding, getting laid and knockikng chicks up.
    - Can't see the upside of solo paths instead of harem paths cuz, you get the single content in harem path also.
    - Harem is so easy to expand (not realistic).

    In short: Worth a play for eye candy value. So get the guide, go full Harem or go solo Valeria and enjoy. It is touchy at times. Feast your eyes on the visuals, nearly good as porn I should say. If you are looking for engaging story with round characters fiddling with conflicts, don't!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I do not get the high ratings on this one, man.

    The renders are really beautiful, but I simply cannot get over the bad writing.
    The start of this game is especially rough.

    The intro on the train was fine, but the conversation with the dad was a little embarrassing honestly. The Uber ride home also had some mildly cringy and unnatural dialogue about gaming and such. Then as soon as you meet Heidi, there’s a really bad gay joke (which is repeated way too often in that first chapter) that ends with Heidi hugging you (a complete stranger?) and you fighting back an erection (from a hug?? Is the MC 14?). Then you go to sleep and when you need to get up for water, you just walk out in underwear? In a house with basically complete strangers who are also women?

    I get that this is a porn game, but man.

    There are tons of really obvious writing shortcuts too. Like the bartender being surprised that you aren’t indignant when he asks for your ID. But that’s completely normal behavior so why did he make mention of you not getting upset? It’s because the dev desperately wants to portray the MC as a "good dude" but can only come up with the bare minimum of not being an asshole and then having other characters pat him on the back for it.

    Then the entire Valeria intro just screams “The dev was scared we’d get bored so he needed to add a sex scene ASAP”.

    Athena is initially treated like this super dangerous, scary badass with a motorcycle, but she never seems any more threatening than a teddy bear. It just sounds ridiculous to have the MC who is a foot taller than her and covered in muscles acting like she’s gonna kick his ass just because she wears dark makeup and acts tough.

    Mora doesn’t have any annoying or cringy traits thankfully, but in exchange, she’s kinda boring at first. But at least there’s some buildup, some neat interests, a good story with her ex, etc… She’s the most like a real character at this point. (Also the fact that she plays Pathfinder immediately makes her best girl)

    Sadie is also alright. She’s nice, has a history with MC, and is written at least somewhat believably (which is more than can be said about most of the other characters).

    Heidi is somewhat interesting and her model is gorgeous, but the relationship with her moves at mach speed so it doesn’t even feel meaningful. You’ve known her for like 48 hours and the MC is already talking about how he cares about her? Like you JUST MET!

    Same thing with Athena. You’re already talking about being in a relationship with her and Heidi on your second day in the house. Like it’s one thing to have casual sex with someone, but it’s another to be literally confessing your love with people you met earlier that week. It’s like this author has never heard of the words “buildup” or “tension” before. And it definitely reads like someone whose never been in a real relationship.

    The worst part though is that the game (ESPECIALLY the whole first chapter) is just chock full of really bad humor — seriously — literally none of the jokes land.

    The writing is incredibly unbelievable, unnatural, and unengaging. There aren’t many straight up spelling or grammar errors, but it feels like something written by an AI. The good renders is literally the only thing this game has going for it, and it's not enough to make up for everything else.

    Anyone praising the writing of this game needs to read a book -- literally any book -- above the reading level of captain underpants and geronimo stilton, because I genuinely cannot imagine how anyone can play this game and think the writing is even of passable quality.
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    Fun game with meaingful choices and varied paths. The different paths and combos of girls is incredible. It's nice to see unique female characters and see how they interact. Nice to also see a haremish path where the girls aren't just like "sure! lets all hope on the same dick!" - there's actual conflict and jealousy before thingd get worked out.

    The visuals are great and the story is fun. I also love to see the cousins character grow and change (personality and physically). She stays Thicc which also is nice.

    For sure recommended. A fun game which enough varied paths and girls it will scratch your itch no matter what.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    + nice story
    + cute girls
    + first class renders
    + great music
    + good weighing between drama/ happiness
    +Mc is not a douchebag

    - None

    The game captivated me from the start. and I look forward to the next updates. thank you very much for the great story.

    sorry for bad spelling english is not my native :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)



    You know, when I started this game I didn't expect much. It even took me a bit to get into it. I'm now hooked and can't wait for the next chapter.

    The music and the absolutely adorable characters remind me a lot of Leap of Faith. While not quite the same, they both share one thing in common. They're both very well-written and some of the scenes can tug at your heartstrings. Looking forward to the next chapter and thank you!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    - Renders are amazing and the models are so very well defined. The lighting especially is really on point. And the animations are just as good as devs making 5 digits on Patreon. This game is seriously underrated.
    - Realistic relationships, none of those classic harem tropes where the girls are completely okay with sharing the MC with everyone with a vagina and it turns into some girl collecting simulator. There are some consequences if you mess around too much. But there are also group paths & scenes for those that like it, but it makes some narrative sense rather than just being purely fanservice.
    - Quite often in daz adult games, the girls all look like pornstars or supermodels with unrealistic proportions that wear makeup 24/7. I think this trope has been relatively avoided as some of the girls just look natural. And gotta say, some of the best scenes where when the girls didn't have makeup on. Probably an unpopular opinion, but thicc bbw Sadie was kinda cute and unique, lowkey wish she stayed that way rather than changing her body so she looks like everyone else.
    - Valerie.
    - No blueballing here, the lewd scenes are well spaced out throughout the game.
    - Great music selection that fit the scenes.

    - Outside of accepting or declining relationships with the girls, the dialogue choices don't really have any plot-related impacts. It's loosely a kinetic novel with options to select sex scenes and who you want to be with.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 1-4

    Really beautiful romance game. The main story seems purposely unimpactful in a good way. It serves too push the game forward In time but the main focus is on the women and It works well.

    On my playthrough, characters didn't seem overly complex. This is both good and bad, it doesn't give you some extreme emotion to latch onto but at the same time the game isn't a massive one. Forcing tragic character backstories on the LI's could backfire due to story length so I think it's good how Dev did it.

    Li's are incredibly sweet though and I'm fond of the intimacy level (It was done really well) e.g a newly loved up couple would be holding hands and kissing a lot which helps with immersion and connecting with the LI, ALOT of games seem to forget this or CBA to add the scenes in.

    Music is a strong 7.5/10 - Some good vocal tracks which bolster emotion and + BONUS POINTS for Lexi ;)

    Sex scenes are great, and Bare Witness probably has the hottest scene I've seen in a game with MC, Athena, Heidi and Mora.

    The only real negative I would say is the early game content. I would love for there to be a few more dates and scenes between MC and LI before you actually make it official - It kind of comes out of nowhere and devalues it (Athena) Doesn't have to have any impact of the plot of course, just needs some silly/cute scenes to endear you more.


    Loved it ALOT. Not many games of this quality where the LI's and the main plot are "separated". It's a breath of fresh air, it gives the player a better sense of control instead of waiting to go through scenes to see the LI you are actually interested in. Give this game a go, I can't wait for the final chapter. Thanks Dev/team.