Others - Barely Working [v8.0.0] [DPMaker]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Such a great premise killed by boring gameplay. Of all of the mechanics the devs could have chosen, they chose WAITING to be a core element?! This is the equivalent of jacking off to the CK3 load screens.
    This game has fantastic art, but holy crap it needs something else. How has it been 2 years and the game is still the same after 2 different content updates. The best mechanic in this game is clicking on her boobs 7 times for the gallery, which is better than most of the RPG maker games.
    This game desperately needs mechanics. Like, how about instead of waiting for the game to finish itself, for the first level your sorting out emails on the computer she's working on, and when she's getting fucked the mouse jiggles around so its harder to work. Is that fun, IDK, but i'd rather do that then wait 5 minutes only for the game to go "You waited incorrectly, back to the waiting chamber to wait, but this time wait better."
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I love the art and the dialog, I thought i would hate the timed aspect but i think in this case it adds a lot to the hotness (her needing to deal with her colleagues quickly and finish her work)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A nice little packaged game, like Candice the FMC.

    It's not long, complex, and not a big story. Just get through the day in completing the report while being free used by co-workers, with the inevitable comments from female co-workers who don't like her behavior. The costumes for the office work are nice, and each has different behaviors and comments from co-workers.

    Only real task is how to manage the time being free used, and speed it up to be able to get back to the work at hand and complete it before the day ends.

    It's not long, doesn't have a lot of animations, but gets the job done. Especially when its such a really small game, but does a lot with what it has. The cut scenes after sex are nice, as well as the options Candice has with co-workers around, and removing a layer of clothing, or not.

    Simple game + nice artwork + nice situations + free use + updated costumes and quick to level = 5
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a total winner: art is fun and sexy, gameplay is simple but just engaging enough, and the story is hot as hell. There's not a ton to it, really, but there doesn't need to be. The idea short porn game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorites here....Hot,arousing,kinky,addicting...I feel like there can be so much more in it,i am definitely hungry for more!More poses,longer working time,customization,audio and so on...Hope it hapens,and fast :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome made game one of the rare games i like where there is no animation. but for fapping material it is really good for no animation, good senarios and 10/10 voice acting to bring just the pictures to life. loved this game. and focuses on more asspects i need mooooorrrrreeeeeee
  7. 4.00 star(s)



    This is a simple and short game (therefore 4 stars for me). But - it is as good as short and simple game can be. Don't go in expecting some expansive or - at least - coherent plot. This is basically porn cartoon with a mini-game, in which you suppose to get office slut through her tasks. You will be treated with some nice art and sexy porn-logic dialogues. For now - there are two episodes with the opportunity to unlock new slutty outfits, which influence the scene slightly, so you can replay it again.
    In conclusion - nice. Very nice. Good hour long fap session, if you want to unlock everything. Although I liked how the dialogues and scene premises are written, so maybe dev could make more narrative driven kinetic-novel which would be longer.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A simple game with a very strong premise and execution. The gameplay is uncomplicated, requiring a token amount of effort, but it's just enough to trick your brain into properly investing into the situation without being enough to distract you from fapping.

    The free-use scenario is perfect for people just like women being dirty, and the general feel of the game is a perfect vessel for that. The lack of animation is made up for with moaning effects and a dialogue/messaging system, and the art is very good indeed.

    There are only 2 levels for now, with a few outfit variations that change the in-game dialog. The scarcity of content is this game's only notable flaw, in my humble opinion, but has me looking forward to further updates.

    I wish the dev good luck in all his future endeavors, and thanks for the cumsies.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It's simple game and fun to play but most of content behind paywall. Development is so slow also no animation. Game is not challenging. Just remind me old flash games but this one developing 2 years and ask for money xD and still didn't finish
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good! Simple premise, simple gameplay, hot scenes, funny jokes. Despite the silly premise, the developer manages to actually give some character to Candace, and you can to some extent choose how much to focus on work and how much to focus on fucking.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good. Succeeds at pretty much everything it tries to do with good quality. Does not get full 5 stars, simply due to not having enough content.

    Especially for something that is worth 10.000$ a month on patreon.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For a game that started slow, it's developing with a good quality each update. keep up the good job. The challenge it gives the player to do his best and to get all the scenes it's really nice. Can't wait for future updates, with more costumes, dialogue and new levels.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    • Average because it is functional. Needless to say, there is a paywall. With about $10,000 earnings per month, you'd think there would be at least a monthly update to this games progress or at least more faith in providing a product to justify a paywall. This game is in its early stages. It's functional but not worth subbing just yet.

      So what's different between 5.0.0 and the Patreon (5.0.1) version?

    • 2 New Clothes to change how she looks visually
    • New text choices and general way she "speaks"
    • More encounters (the amount, not content -- like quantity instead of quality)
    Those small sprite images that popup during orgasms are the same.

    On another note, this developer has many side projects so if you believe supporting will speed up the games progress then you may be right, but just not as fast as you think. He has 3 games in development simultaneously as of this review.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Next to zero content. Like 10 minutes of gameplay.
    Art is good but it's not even animated, like c'mon. That's about it. Last update did not add a single scene! Can you believe that? Don't waste your time.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A 10 minute game where you rush to get your work done, all while managing to get through an office of horny people. Gameplay's simple, just manage your time, and the artwork is alright. For a short game, it does the job and from what I've read this is only the prototype to the actual game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 5.0.0 (public)

    The graphics have been added/updated but the gameplay is still very lacking.

    I played the first version of this game before it came to F95 when it was barebones with a single placeholder sketch. Sadly the gameplay loop is still the same from then.

    As for the free use theme, the guys come to your desk expecting to be serviced and you have to get rid of them as fast as possible to keep your productivity up and finish the report. The biggest problem with this is that it's all scripted and there's no real challenge. The game is lacking a balancing act between servicing and working because the best play is to just get rid of them as fast as possible. It's also missing randomness, skills, upgrades, etc... It's very linear. The chat messages are just annoying and don't really serve any purpose.

    The art was never the main appeal of the game but there's still no animation. You just get static images with a popup image when cumming. Small QOF point: the guys cum on/in you but it's not added to the main image even though there's no cleanup.

    The game still calls itself a prototype on itch.io so hopefully it gets better.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good stuff. Game has a good concept and a lot of potential to be expanded and improved. Fun to play, the scenarios are hot and the art is nice. Not much to write as the game is fairly short at the time of this review, but I'm looking forwards to see how this one will turn out in the future.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    ver 4.0
    Drawing is good - she is cute

    Gameplay is not existing you watch her doin her report and from time to time you push a button
    Chat with colleagues is pointless, make her desicions count
    As I understood this is a free use game, right? Why does she has a say on the position? Or if she wants to undress?
    Wouldn´t it be more logic that her colleagues start to undress her?

    Why not like this
    each male has a excitement meter, responding to a dude with a right response will decrease the excitement meter.
    each male has a lust meter, not responding or moaning will increase lust meter. If lust meter is 100 she has to help with the release.
    excitement sates how long she needs to relieve him

    so their is more to keep in mind
    just my thoughts
    keep up the work
    stay save
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's proof of concept more than a full-fledged game. Simple and satisfying. Freeuse wasn't much of an item on my radar before this one, but now it's looking very appealing.

    I quite like the sketches, especially now that they're all in color. Though a n option to use black-and-white uncolored ones would be welcome, I think.

    Anyway, I enjoyed this, and it's now one of those games where, if I see an update, I'm excited to see what's new.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple and well-made. Limited time commitment, good writing, very nice art. The interface is simple and clean.

    Main criticism: it's unclear if there is a win scene, so I didn't feel like playing the game twice to find out.