Unity - Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance [v0.20c] [Seventh Vixen]

  1. B
    4.00 star(s)


    This game deserves more attention, sadly not for the ero content but for the management system.
    I might be wierd but none of the girls really cought my eye and the sexscenes arent really hot either, In my opinion, the game could use some younger meat (not talking about loli)... in the beggining, you can have fun with a maid, which might be younger but isnt that attractive (or it might be just my aversion to maids), some noble women with strangely huge mouth,milfy gipsy, fat-ish barmaid and a women in the shop with dark skin which looks.... solid but she only gives you BJ. oh and that mascular looking mercenary.... just, nothing that interesting :(
    honestly, the only girl that was... somewhat interesting was the PC's sister. I dont know what age she is and i dont want to look wierd but i think that one of the side quests is that you need to find a suitable man for her so I guess everything is OK... so I wouldnt mind some Incest possibility in there, it was pretty common in the history after all. (I dont know if that is already a thing or not).
    on the other hand, the management system is very interesting. You can choose to be loyal to your liege or start to focus on your own power (and your house?), you are riding across the map, talking with mayors of other towns, negotiating deals with them using valuable, tradeable goods.(f.ex. you help one town for which you will recieve some goods they are producing like branches, the other town desperately needs arrow to be able to defend the possible attack so you need to visit another town, where they are creating arrows but dont have any branches ATM so you give them the ones you got, and bring the arrows to previous town. and if you do that, they will provide you with extra troops for an upcoming war/battle). its really well made.
    so... the rating would be 3,5/5 but since that doesnt exist, ill go for 4/5. Impressed by the managements (very!), disappointed by girls.
    also, the writing is good but there could be less text to read IMO. I dont mind to read a lot of text, but the stuff you are reading should be interesting enough to keep the player entertained like... i kind of lost the interest already at the beggining when the game starts and you need to read about how to deal/comunicate with different nobles, and later on, in the first city you need to visit, you can talk with mercenaries and a guy with a women to talk about ... stuff. good detail but way too much text.
    so a good game, deffinitely worth trying out but dont expect too much from the ero-side of the game.
    waiting for more :)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Why doesn't this game have more Patreon backers? I think it's really good, and it's much more creative than so many other games on here. I'm not in love with every character and how they look (more of a personal taste thing) but I love the menu designs and how tracking is done, and I hope the game gets a little more traction.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    OK I have been waiting for another update to review this and now it's out I can safely say this game is hands down the best Medieval game on this site and am not even kidin so let me tell you why.

    You start the game as knight thrown in huge world with the possibility of literally anything can happen yes your choices actually matter and it can change the route you take dramatically
    For example
    you dnt like your allies?? Change your loyalty
    Someone bathring you?? Make him your enemy
    You see a girl you like?? You can try to romance the shit out of her
    And many many more it amaze me how acutely there is so much game play here mixed in porn game
    Think about (the Witcher) but with porn :D

    Now let me talk about the porn and sex in the game..
    Right now I think I counted more than 8 or 9 girls we can play around with and the other iam sure will come alone the way
    There is every fetish you can think about with multiple girls to do it anywhere anytime everytime :D
    There is whores left and right but also you Wana b lovey Duffy with someone it's also there
    But can you fight the temptation??

    The render have its unique style and they are stunning.. Not the normal Daz model images which been used to death in 80% of the games here
    Now I won't say the animation is the best but they do what they meant to and they add some flavor to the scene. And the renders are more then enough to carry the game on its own.

    So why you should play this game??
    Let me break it down for you.
    You want to have an a amazing story
    with many choices
    and lots of hot girls along with it to play around with.
    You owed to your self to atleast give this game a try

    For those who dnt Wana read much here a pros and cons.

    +amazing looking renders
    +great story
    +choices do matter and change everything
    +many hot girls to look for
    +nice unique gameplay
    +some hidden and extra for those love to look for things

    Cons :
    -quest log and romance hint needs some love
    -animation not perfect but it's not bad too

    And that's it
    If you reading this right now stop AND GO TRY THE GAME you will thank me latter :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This, this my friends is a Masterpiece, a game found only once each 20 years.
    The History is really promising;
    The renders are Great;
    The game seems to be very branching and will probably have many outcomes at the end which will give it a high replayability;
    If you are into Medieval type of stuff this is a Must Play type of game, not everyone may enjoy it but still its a pretty solid game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite being in early stages the game shows great promise. The story seems solid with plenty of choices for the player to change the outcome. I personally love the resources idea, giving the player the option to choose what to use them for. (Choices have consequenses). Graphics look great, lot's of characters with interactions, great romance scenes and even some battle mechanics, although a little simple so far. It takes some time to understand the start of the story (lots of lore), but I would definately recommend the game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very rarely I come across a hidden gem basically those all rated well with a weighted rating at the top of the page are the best games.

    Yet I found this game on a lark when clicking a players donor page. I am glad I did. The writing is extremely strong all the characters come alive and have their own personalities which are complex.

    The decisions are multi layered and not just black or white. Do you save a love interest from being beaten? What if doing so upsets your allies and puts the entire kingdom at risk? I have no idea how the author plans to keep all the branches unique while still pumping out content but there is 5-6 hours content already and it's only been out since Nov (4 months).

    The graphics are well done. The animations could use work for unity there is really no need for static images to be bouncing up and down it's well done for what it is but that is really the only draw back to the game to right now is the animations are not very good. I hope if the author gets more patrons he either gets more familar with it or hires someone to properly redo them.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. It’s really the first game in a long while that has hooked me and enriched me in a good story with fascinating characters that are all unique and believable. I am already looking forward to the next release. Support this developer on Patreon they deserve it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent start and am looking forward to more. I am amazed at the quality of art, writing, and the general knowledge of Medieval life. In one release I think this game has skyrocketed into one of my top 3 games on this entire site. Insane. I have to give credit to the developer, and encourage everyone to try it. This game definitely deserves word of mouth and every bit of support possible.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Baily: DILF

    I'll start the review by stating the obvious; I don't like Unity so to even consider playing a game with that engine, it must have that something special. BfL has it all....
    Opening the game, we're welcomed by a nicely done intro...
    The main menu, has a nice animation showing renders from the game. Out of context those don't spoil a thing.
    The game starts after the count dies during a night of debauchery, his wife calls her cousin, sir Patrik "Silverbeard" Arkos to help her gain control of the county and expand to neighbouring areas. This is where we get in control of the MC and learn the drill... resource management, trading and negotiations... it feels like one of those RPG/turn based strategy hybrids... But we're here for other purposes...... the sex scenes...
    And this is another aspect of the game I personally liked... our protagonist is lucky with the ladies, although due to their low status calling them that doesn't feel right... we got lustful wenches, love-struck wenches and a mysterious beauty with tits that could feed a village... Fun with them comes easy, perhaps to encourage the players to play on... but honestly I would keep playing even if there was no sex, that's how good and captivating the story is....
    I should write few words about the game mechanics... it's a freeroam game with the player moving on the map between towns and locations... during the travels we may stumble upon an event that starts a character's personal story and romance... the game cycles between day and night, altering the activities we can partake.... logically the market will be empty at night, but at the same time, under the cover of the night, sir Patrik can sneak into a lover's chamber...
    The player controls the story through choices deciding how the MC will behave, some of those choices are quite brutal like murdering the mayor because he didn't want to co-operate.
    The vast majority of those choices will affect one or more attribute defining Sir Patrik.
    Piety: is the general virtue
    Ambition: as the name suggests indicates how ambitious our protagonist is and how far his goals reach.
    Lewdness: it's the stat we don't need explaining.... getting a tit job will increase it.
    Knightly: is the attribute of heroes and honorable knights... doh!
    The stats don't do much now but in later alterations of the game, people will react to the way MC behaved and some doors might be closed.
    Aside a captivating story, humor and ABSOLUTELY FUCKING GREAT SMUT, the game offers army management.
    It's a perfect porny game but can be played as a regular game, having the quality of a AAA title.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Battle for Luvia is a deep game in it's own right and gives us a lot of sexy fun with lots of hot characters complete with animations. Also a lot of content here for an early release and I see the developer Seventh Vixen plugging away at the game in discord daily, so you can expect regular updates. Definitely worthy of supporting and am looking forward to a quality Medieval romp.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an extraordinary initial effort: the adventure game that the Dev is building is deep, extremely complex, and features a dynamic, novelistic story. The sex scenes, when they arrive, are hot -- primarily because of the erotic situations involved, and the dynamics between the characters.

    I cannot, for the life of me, understand why the Dev has such paltry support on Patreon. Sure, it's a new game, but this is incredible work. I think part of the issue is that the game requires work to explore and get into -- it's not something that works for a quick fap. The other issue is that there is a discerable lag and or memory leak, unless you have a really high-end system.

    But let me be clear: this is a brilliant, brilliant effort. Chapter 1 is filled with complex, branching choices, both in terms of relationships and the main plot. It's already highly playable. If you like games even a little, you'll love this.

    I just hope that the Dev can stick with the plan and maintain what must be an enormous time commitment to this project.

    Update Version 0.11c: The interface is much, much improved and the build and interface transitions are much more stable and smoother. There are some art improvements as well. Very, very promising if the dev can continue to make strides at this pace.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of girls, plenty of scenes, lots of content, and even more to come! The game is currently prologue and chapter 1, plenty of scenes that involve adult entertainment. Tons of ladies to play with, and the story arc is deep with information.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It has a lot of potential. Haven't found any bugs during my playthrough.
    Prologue is a bit tedious and literally drowns you with lots of names and places with no chance of remembering them all. It would be better if the game introduced all the families and fiefs more gradually.
    Animations could be better (Lilian blowjob scene for example: the only part of Patrik's body animated is his arm, and it deforms and stretches in such unnatural manner that it would be better that it wasn't animated at all). The UI is other weak point of this game, reminds you a lot of UI's of the cheap point and click adventure games from early 90's.
    "The combat" is worth another mentioning. Surely you can do better with Unity.
    But despite all that, I liked it. It's more entertaining than a lot of adult VNs out there. Will keep my eye on the development on the game and maybe support it if developers won't abandon the game and deliver content at reasonable pace.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing blend of Mount and Blade, CK2, Game of thrones and other medieval politicking mixed with porn and romance. The game is still in its initial stage but what is promised is massive. Big C&C that could alter the direction of the story. You could play as a greedy knight, or a pious one, a lustful or chivalrous, a loyal knight or someone whom is just looking out for himself. Just amazing release for an initial version of the game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, very unique. Has great potential to be something great. I will be looking forward to future updates. The game has in game battles, relationship building and lots of choices of forging your own path or being loyal to someone. Great first update.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Sin'Gul Arity

    The most complex adult game I've seen so far! If you are not seeking 'skip-till-sex' playstyle - you definitely should keep an eye on this one!

    v0.10c, but already a few hours of gameplay... very promising!

    Key features:
    - actually, some game process. It's not a VN!
    - believable medieval setting
    - engaging story
    - choices with real impact

    Keep it up dev!
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Joey the mangaka

    New medieval spiced game

    Update .11f have new improvement and more places
    Good update in story

    1 has good music point to start a game
    2 has a good history
    3 sex and hot play with several women
    4 has a different style
    5 has a katerine and mina
    5 Star . and waiting next update.
    For expand the bellis