Wolf RPG - Completed - Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress [v1.17] [kurotozakka]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    One step forward, one step back. That's my feelings for this game. Gameplay is better than it's predecessor, Blazing Aries. But story is worse. Not in the "fall from grace" category but still a decent fall. They went from a classic joyful adventure to defeat all evil to a generic noble lady in a military school wishing to combat corruption. Especially in Lacia, other than our FMC, others just feel souless and 2-dimensional. Aries has friends, comrades, while Lacia got none of that. Or maybe I haven't played long enough, cause 5 hours in and all the boring genres of this game is coercing me into just getting a full save from someone else.
    Well my ranting aside, if you haven't played Blazing Aries, this will give you a great experience, but if you have, you will probably feel disappointment from playing this game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    Other than a few annoyances, the beginning of the game (past Tutorial-Land) was quite good. Would've loved more enemies that had grapple attacks but I was at least accepting of the enemies that there were. Once you start getting into Late Act 2/Act 3 though, it definitely starts getting a bit lazy. Complete zones, with 4-5 levels, of enemies that have no grapple attacks (H-Attacks), topped off with a boss that has no grapple attack. It very quickly started to get very annoying how rarely I'd run into any erotic action outside of the designated "Sexual Events." For some that might be a pro but... Considering Act 1 showcases that as essentially a main feature, to then get rid of it as your character gets more corrupt feels... Insanely backwards. You'd think you'd have MORE sexual activity happening as you get more corrupted.

    Despite that, it's a pretty decent H game. The translation couldve use a bit of work but.. It wasn't too bad, Just lots of misgendering. Only occasionally did I see a line that I just went and thought "What the fuck is this actually trying to say?"

    Nonetheless, the few Battle H-Events that are there, I quite enjoyed. Along with the "Jobs" that are present, though being a bit grindy.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I would say that this game is, in my humble opinion pretty good.

    For what it is the rpg/combat mechanics are pretty darn unique, (Especially considering both the genre of game and the fact that there is h-content.) and i will defensively try out their other games!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Well made game, both CG, gameplay and music are excellent
    - Lot of minigame and game content
    - Must try If you prefer slowly corruption genre
    - Only drawback would be no voice of character

    I really this game a lot !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect slash'n beat game with adorable character and interesting story

    + Very interesting story that have a few routes that depends of player choose

    +Most of times games that have battle and erotica, complains that batlle lacks of interesting moment. Well, not in this game because action of combat that presented is this game is outstanding

    + A lot of naughty situations with enemy, espesially with boss. Of course there is also game over, but overall there is a lot of 'mobs' with a lot of naughty variations. There are also a lot if events that became avaliable more when MC corrupted more. And corruption system is long, so it is fun to see

    + The artistic style that this game preserve with SFX and music somehow remain me old style game like final fantasy. Soo i enjoyed it very much, maybe the only problem is that when you do a lot off combo in fierce combat sound glitch somethimes.

    - The only downgrade here in my opinion is they way how MC preented in some HCG. Body proportions of MC is disturbing somehow. Especially when you see new H event CG and then another. It is like two complete characters

    Try it yourself. Definitely a must play game with a lot of stuff and intrigue story with corruption system
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer

    This review is based on previous version I played with MTL so I won't be commenting on this AI translation.

    They said there aren't any good sequels but this game comes to prove them wrong, it's an upgrade over the previous game (Blazing Aries) in all aspects.

    The gameplay is fun and addictive, you will be having a hack and slash type of game (similar to some SNES oldschool games like terranigma) with sprites similar to that era. Even without the porn it will make you have fun, the combat is more sword based but there are some different firearms that you can use depending on the situation, the ammo is low but if timed proper it can give you a great advantage in boss fights since they can stun them.

    But since you are here for the porn I can say it does have some nice art and varied enemies, from monsters like goblins (damn those green pests) to humans you will have plenty of naughty stuff, some come for getting knowcked out in combat and some in the city.

    The game has a main hub (main base), a main city with different places to visit (from parks to a slum to a market) and different dungeons/forests/caves), in each "dungeon" you can find different enemies although not all of them have sexual attacks, just the humanoid types (shame on that since it has many different types of monsters).

    The game does have a virgin ending as a possibility so dont worry about forced rape although following some secondary quests can lead to that.

    The pregnancy on this game is a let down for me, it does feel realistic in a sense that get her pregnant wont be as easy as in most games but the real problem is that you wont be running around the city with the belly, once the protagonist notices the pregnancy it will automatically go to a clinic and have the baby.

    The game also feature a clothing system, you will be unlocking different outfits during the gameplay but for the combat she will wear the main outfit (which have break stages until fully nude).

    Overral a pretty good game both in porn and combat I'll give it a 9/10.