RPGM - Completed - Battle Sister Leah [Final] [Kira Tama]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    - Character looks as hot as the artstyle can make her out to be
    - 90% of combat doesn't use generic RPGM turn based battle
    - Game doesn't feel too drawn out
    - Pregnancy is a mechanic

    - Said mechanic locks you out of practically everything fun until the character gives birth
    - The plot is just *there*
    - Game is overall still bland as all hell
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Ever played a game that focused on the sex content and forgot to make a game? Ok here you go: this is that game.

    Tl;dr is that this is a scene collector with a "quest" and "story." There's a dungeon you need to go through, but you can complete it in 10 mins and get the credits. There is no combat because all fights have stats set so that you can't possibly lose, and then the world combat is as simple as hitting a button to insta-kill enemies while touching them means you take damage.

    In my experience, the keyboard could not be used to navigate and you had to click where you were going. The enemy AI and navigation design is such that if you don't directly click on an enemy, you will never collide with them, nor are they capable of actually walking over to you to damage you themselves. They will stop in the tiles next to you and can't advance further to deal damage. This means you actively have to TRY to lose for any of the defeat scenes.

    This means the "game" is basically just to go around the home base area and click on anyone with a heart icon to get your sex scene.

    If you wanted depth or actual decision-making in your game, look elsewhere.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Medicre games. I play it for 2-3 hours but decide to drop it. Good for a quick fap evening though.
    + Gameplay:
    Doesn't make any sense. You can shoot fireball in the field to destroy the enemies but can do that for 3-4 times and ran out of MP. So you can just zigzag to avoid all enemies and reach your destination. Turn-based battle last only 1 turn because your character is so OP.
    + H content and story:
    Typical story of Nun comes to crush evil. Nothing special, but not bad.
    H content seem to be good, but the art is kind of mediocre. I would say it is subpar. I would fap to this only if I have no other choice. Still love the nun design.