RPGM - Battle Sisters [v0.7] [VVTS, Tentacles san and art]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    an intriguing post-apoc-sci-fi-body-horror genre mashup that is nowhere near ready for release.

    the game is fundamentally interesting: what little worldbuilding that exists is cool, and the monster designs range from solid to downright inspired. however, the signposting is next to nonexistent (and what's there is badly translated), the combat is buggy, and the world itself feels empty.

    i know "unfinished" and "porn game" go hand in hand, but this one really needed a few more months in the oven before it got released. i think part of the problem may be that the dev's time is split between two entirely separate campaigns: the human one and the tentacle monster one.

    honestly? if i were him, i'd ditch the human storyline and go full-send on the flesh blob campaign. it's way more interesting in concept and suffers less from the uncanny valley faces that the human characters have.

    all that aside, i'm looking forward to updating this review once the game has found its footing. it's like i said: the game is fundamentally interesting, it's just not quite there yet.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game, with a very unique art style, and a lot of potential.

    A couple of suggestions and feedback
    Focus on a core set of characters and build the game around them.
    Could use more lewd action, erotic/story elements for the characters and interaction/sex between them.
    Needs additional towns, things to do in the towns along with gear options.
    Additional places to explore beyond the main map.
    NPCs to interact with.
    Go more into the world building and ease players into the world/story.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a game like this, there is so much potential. The part of evolution is relly interesting. However playing as woman just seems a little bit boring. you sacrifice your slaves and nothing happens. if you could modify your buddy that would add something
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    BDSM Connoisseur

    [Early version] don't remember whichnumber

    It's more of interactive story than RPGM game. There's battle system, but it's terrible, basic attack consumes MP, which make battles longer. I guess art style is interesting, but there's not much of it.

    I would give it 2/5 but propaganda in the intro is tiring, I hear it non-stop whenever I turn TV or radio on.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Exactly as weird as it looks and twice as fun. A long way to go development wise but already a solid foundation and some great art. Also, you can play as a formless blob of desirous meat aiming to grow tentacles and consume the world, 10/10.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has almost no content currently but is somehow almost 1GB. 80% of the encounters result in "in development". I seriously have no idea what it takes up so much space. Overall, it is at the very least unique as far as games go but I cant really rate it highly when it is in such an unfinished state to the point that it isnt really playable.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is good. Situations/Events are nice. A little unforgiving for situations that happen, but probably because it hasnt been fleshed out enough. If future versions offer explanations of the game's systems and mechanics, then it would be much better.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Great concept and art, awful gameplay.

    First the combat: attacks based on stamina (TP), which means you cannot even do basic attacks if you're out, the healer dies in two strikes, no combat H, standard game over screen on defeat.
    You can't even equip weapons and/or armor to enhance your party.

    Buying much needed consumables is possible only when you encounter traders, which is RNG, and even then the stuff is too expensive for the little effect every unit gives you.

    I was hyped for the "monster" gameplay, but soon discovered that you get an unavoidable and sudden game over just for performing basic activity like hunting. Combat? you die in one turn.

    I hope this game will improve based on feedback, because i can see huge potential here.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, the art is good but the game not soo much, I know it's not complete yet but this game is very hard the combat system, making the game an darksouls of the rpg maker, he tried make something new but is boring and confuse sometimes, he is making the same mistake of use "stamina" for attack and when you are out stamina you can't fight, only get slaped like an bitch, and don't have monster rape in the battle, soo is death and no fap if you lose, making this kind of game become much more serious than it needs.
    But ! This game have many potential for become better, if he put some monster rape in the battles I change for four stars! And I wish he and his country all the strength they needs for win this war.

    Follow me for more reviews of games!
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    A post apocalyptic RPG with a grimdark setting, full of slimy creatures. This first release need a little more work:
    You can chose to play as battle sisters: a group sexy ladies scavengers roaming to the forest
    Or you can be a monster, starting as a larva and becoming more stronger. This one it still in development.
    And the game in a nutshell is "it's still in development"
    You can't heal the party if they go KO, in some way one of your warrior disappear, you can attack only if you have AP and there is no leveling system.
    You cannot even equip your party with better gear.
    It want to be a great game but it need to fix the basic before it.
    I hope the developer can work on this project and i pray for safety and for peace in his country.