
Active Member
May 9, 2017
I like what I see here but I have to stress that the cave section is game killer. At least give a quick travel once I discover a path through at the bare minimum, better yet let my character make a map as they travel so you can navigate and explore naturally.

I do think that the AI cg's need to be used in more scenes. Lastly as a minor request it would be nice to have a unit switch to go from metric to imperial.


New Member
Feb 29, 2024
Nice first release, looking for more in the (near) future!
Regarding the cave, I agree with other posts that going in blind makes it quite hard, something like dynamic mapping would be awesome, but quite hard to implement, in the meanwhile, here are a few suggestions for future updates:
-Add cave map to the files
-Add some flavor text to guide the player, some sort of a visible path for the path between the entrance and exit
-A NPC that can guide you, maybe the first time free of charge to the right exit, and then you can choose where you want to be guided.
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Nov 16, 2018
Do give that the proper attention it needs. Writing alone can't carry a porn game, don't take it as an offence but if porn writers were good writers they wouldn't be writing porn of all things.
I disagree. Considering some of the stars of erotic textadventure being somewhat famous have been text only, and only recently put some pictures inbetween their pages of text, that is wrong. Although, they do use some good and tested writers and know their audience, they rely on that to do their work. Generally you are wrong, but if you are talking about a novice in textadventure, you are technically not wrong. At least what you are writing is less of an advice rather than misleading.
The scenes involving that baseball bat and the virgin protag also get weird with those proportions. A simple solution is to just not let the player mess with those dimensions or to take care when writing not to use comparatives when describing dick sizes. A third solution is to embrace the hyper but from the text that doesn't seem to be what the dev wants.
I concur for the first part. Though I admit that comparisons take a huge load off the writers shoulders. Consider this: comparisons can be very literal, or non-literal, as in they are overestimated, which is rather fitting in a way a female might think about something infront of her eyes and how it would feel. But generally, changing sizes is something that needs a lot of consideration in terms of consequences or how they behave. Comparisons of course dont exclude size changing, you can use comparisons either way, but dont just use household items for that. A baseballbat wouldnt fit into the setting you describe here, using strong vulgar words, with how "strong" the vulgar language is linear as to how big the described genitalia is. That works incredibly well, although it does has its limits. Writers take note.

Customising the protag's race also seems to have such a miniscule influence that I don't really see why it was implemented. You could've just given me some starting points and let me allocate those however I wanted.
I think the writer would want the less imaginative players to give access to some ideas to that part. You can always expand on the race choice later, but it is nice for many to at least know their choices and imagine the rest themselves. That is what text adventures are for after all. Though, of course the way how races "behave" in Sex should not be forgotten, as you say.

Lastly, the premisse of the game seems to be the relations between the protag and her buddies but it would be nice if it was possible to leave them in the tarvern and go adventuring on your own, that would give an excuse to lay with the monsters and open possibilities for more scenes with them. You can even tie that and the magic system together, using cum as a mana source and now adventuring alone makes for easier less awkward access to monter cum provided you can win fights without the help of the companions.
So much yes. Except the hentai logic cum part personally. it is rare to see a game where the protag can go "rogue" and consider alternative, or less "proper" ways to have some fun. Maybe even satisfy an evil beast, or villain. It however would fall flat if those stories "end" there. If the protag wants to go rogue, its like a storyline in itself in how deep the protag "falls" for such dirty desires. You'd even have chocies as a writer here:

You can focus in how the culmination of dirty desires with wildlife/strangers/villains changes the protag.
OR (and I speak for myself here as I prefer this over the other) turn these random encounters into a relation ship itself. Not necessarily as they would be as named characters, but rather "relations" with that stranger. Afterall, after the 5th one-night-stand with the same person, you'd start to maybe ge deeper into certain desires or maybe share some other moments.
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Game Developer
Apr 19, 2023
Hello, thank you all for today's feedbacks!

Is this going to be Female Only? I saw Character Creation and got too excited but it looks like this is chica only.
Really great game for now, i loved it!
Is there any chance to get a male character and female centaur / other female creature?
I do not have neither short or long term plan to allow having a non-female main character (male, futa, ...). At least for now.
Same thing for the centaur or werewolf companions, they will stay male for now.

Nonetheless, I plan to have other companions / beasts / creatures that will not be only males.

I like what I see here but I have to stress that the cave section is game killer. At least give a quick travel once I discover a path through at the bare minimum, better yet let my character make a map as they travel so you can navigate and explore naturally.

I do think that the AI cg's need to be used in more scenes. Lastly as a minor request it would be nice to have a unit switch to go from metric to imperial.
Nice first release, looking for more in the (near) future!
Regarding the cave, I agree with other posts that going in blind makes it quite hard, something like dynamic mapping would be awesome, but quite hard to implement, in the meanwhile, here are a few suggestions for future updates:
-Add cave map to the files
-Add some flavor text to guide the player, some sort of a visible path for the path between the entrance and exit
-A NPC that can guide you, maybe the first time free of charge to the right exit, and then you can choose where you want to be guided.
There is already quick travel via the caravan! You can use it from Morya to Monbourg, but you indeed can't from Monbourg to Morya until you finish your first quest in Morya.
I will change that in order to only have the first traval through the cave to be done without it. I also plan to add an in-game map (that might be bougth from the store) for the cave. I will also plan to add a NPC or something else that will give indications.

The cave should not be a game killer and should be fun, which is currently not the case.

I think the writer would want the less imaginative players to give access to some ideas to that part. You can always expand on the race choice later, but it is nice for many to at least know their choices and imagine the rest themselves. That is what text adventures are for after all. Though, of course the way how races "behave" in Sex should not be forgotten, as you say.
I indeed plan to add importance to the race choice in mid term plans. There might already be an hint with differences in dialogues in the Elf village, but it is indeed really small, for now.
In plans (to study, nothing validated for now), it might affect weapons or armor you might be able to equip (or not), spells / attack power, and not only the base stats. I might also add specific and optional road for each race but that might come later.

So much yes. Except the hentai logic cum part personally. it is rare to see a game where the protag can go "rogue" and consider alternative, or less "proper" ways to have some fun. Maybe even satisfy an evil beast, or villain. It however would fall flat if those stories "end" there. If the protag wants to go rogue, its like a storyline in itself in how deep the protag "falls" for such dirty desires. You'd even have chocies as a writer here:

You can focus in how the culmination of dirty desires with wildlife/strangers/villains changes the protag.
OR (and I speak for myself here as I prefer this over the other) turn these random encounters into a relation ship itself. Not necessarily as they would be as named characters, but rather "relations" with that stranger. Afterall, after the 5th one-night-stand with the same person, you'd start to maybe ge deeper into certain desires or maybe share some other moments.
I indeed have a huge plan for that part, were the main character might be able to choose different roads including rogue or more corrupted ones. Without spoiling, I have something in mind with building a monster village somewhere, but that might need more thinking and more work before releasing it.
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Lewd Asshole

Dec 18, 2022
I disagree. Considering some of the stars of erotic textadventure being somewhat famous have been text only, and only recently put some pictures inbetween their pages of text, that is wrong. Although, they do use some good and tested writers and know their audience, they rely on that to do their work. Generally you are wrong, but if you are talking about a novice in textadventure, you are technically not wrong. At least what you are writing is less of an advice rather than misleading.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree in this. I don't think "the stars of erotic texadventure" (whatever those might be) are considered to be such because of them being text only. They might be so despise of that, but not because of it.
The advantage of text games is taking less work to make, which makes it viable to make those for more niche fetishes with smaller audiences. Since those fetishes are too niche to justify spending lots of resources making fully animated games, there is less competition and those audiences will flock to those text only games because that's simply what's available.
And I stand by the idea that if porn writers were good writers they wouldn't be writing porn. I will die on that hill.

I concur for the first part. Though I admit that comparisons take a huge load off the writers shoulders. Consider this: comparisons can be very literal, or non-literal, as in they are overestimated, which is rather fitting in a way a female might think about something infront of her eyes and how it would feel. But generally, changing sizes is something that needs a lot of consideration in terms of consequences or how they behave. Comparisons of course dont exclude size changing, you can use comparisons either way, but dont just use household items for that. A baseballbat wouldnt fit into the setting you describe here, using strong vulgar words, with how "strong" the vulgar language is linear as to how big the described genitalia is. That works incredibly well, although it does has its limits. Writers take note.
The whole point of that second paragraph in my original post was summed up in the second sentence:
Allowing customisation of the dick sizes throws off comparative measurements with other entities in the world.
The rest is just elaborating on that.
Comparisons are good, but the things you're gonna compare stuff to must have fixed dimensions (unless you want the thing you're comparing to also change size depending on the thing it is being compared to, but that's odd).

I think the writer would want the less imaginative players to give access to some ideas to that part. You can always expand on the race choice later, but it is nice for many to at least know their choices and imagine the rest themselves. That is what text adventures are for after all. Though, of course the way how races "behave" in Sex should not be forgotten, as you say.
The point was that for now at least, the choice of character race has too little impact on the game to even exist. If you present a choice to the player, it should matter somehow. All the code regarding that choice could've been commented out and added back into the game at a later date, when the consequences of that choice are in place.

Except the hentai logic cum part personally.
That was just an idea but the OP said he didn't have many plans for gameplay either so I guess I'd voice some shitty opinions...
The gameplay and specifically the combat here is about the player's choice and their consequences. The player can be rewarded with currency and experience for making good combat decisions or be punished with the loss of that currency, loss of progress, "bad scenes" or whatever for making bad combat decisions. The reward and punishment are simple enough to understand and for the most part are just about balancing the two measures (you don't get a bad end for losing the tutorial fight and you don't get rewarded with a shitty sword for defeating a raid boss).
The player choices are more interesting. In order for there to not be a right and wrong answer, the outcome must not be predetermined by known variables unrelated to that encounter. In this game as it is now, you get three choices but one of them is always gonna be the wrong choice. Both "attack" and "fireball" yield the same effect, but depend on different stats and the player knows whether his magic is bigger than his attack or not. Combat is thus reduced to spamming the right attack until the fight ends. It takes away player choice by having a right a wrong answer. If you remove the choice, the reward loses its meaning because you're not rewarding skilful play, you're just acknowledging that the player can determine which number is higher.
Classically, magic is balanced by the concept of mana. By limiting how much magic can be used, now combat becomes a choice. Is it worth it to use magic in this encounter and risk not having mana later on or is it better to use conventional attacks instead, potentially prolonging the fight but saving resources for the next one? That is a choice. That depends on the player judgement of the enemy, the potential next encounters in the current area, the plans of going back to town or continuing exploring further on and etc.
It doesn't have to be done this way. There are multiple ways of achieving that same result, but I'd say that is the result you want to achieve if you want to create good and rewarding gameplay.
Tying mana to beast cum is a way to turn a game with porn into a porn game. Another way would be to have magic use increase arousal which in turn has it's own set of penalties in combat, like it already does as it makes you deal less damage. How that can be achieved doesn't really matter and it might not even be necessary to achieve that, but it is interesting to consider whether the game is gonna be a "game that has porn content" or a "porn game where porn is part of the gameplay". Defining that makes it clearer for you what are the tools you have at your disposal when designing the mechanics.

turn these random encounters into a relation ship itself. Not necessarily as they would be as named characters, but rather "relations" with that stranger. Afterall, after the 5th one-night-stand with the same person, you'd start to maybe ge deeper into certain desires or maybe share some other moments.
Not really my cup of coffee. Makes sense for enemies like the Minotaur which is a single entity but doesn't make sense against generic enemies like the slimes, as there should be multiple independent smiles. I leave those decisions for the dev, it's his game, not mine.
  • Haha
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Dec 10, 2019
Thank you very much for your comment!

Regarding pregnancy, it is indeed planned (as an option, since beasts / monsters and pregnancy might not be for every beast companions lovers)
But I don’t think it will be before two / three releases.
Awesome! I can't wait to see more of the games progress :).
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Game Developer
Apr 19, 2023
Am I missing something obvious or is there a bug with menus in which you can't go back to the game once you select one? For example: selecting stats puts me in the stats menu with no clear way to return to the game to navigate, talk etc.
Hello ! FYI, dev & tests are finished on those two items. It will be available in the next minor release (for this Wednesday or Saturday).
You will be able to equip all available armors and weapons, and will have « Go back » button in every menus (stats, inventory, …)
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Game Developer
Apr 19, 2023
one other thing I would like is being able to sell more than just rabbits in the shop my inventory is full of slime's and wolf fang's and I can't sell them, even though there were quests where they were a commodity
FYI, that has been added to the game and tested. In the next minor release you will be able to sell it in the shops.
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Game Developer
Apr 19, 2023

FYI, minor release 1.0.2 is available in the links:
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PS : a temporary menu is available in the side bar to load data pack to make the new release 100% compatible with old saves



New Member
Mar 30, 2021
make your own cheat code:
  • right click the HTML file
  • open with notepad(any text/code editor)
  • ctrl+f
  • rightcheatcode
  • change from:
    • <<set $RightCheatCode to _year + (_month * _month * _month * _month * _year * _year * _year) % 100000000>>
  • to:
    • <<set $RightCheatCode 123
code is now 123
Mar 2, 2020
Did you even use any ais for the werewolf(atleast for the preview image) cause I can never get any ai to do anything that good.
  • Hey there
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3.50 star(s) 12 Votes