Others - Beat Banger [v4.2] [BunFan Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is quite rhythmic, the music is gorgeous, and most importantly, there is animated hentai! What else is needed for happiness!? Especially if the drawing is very good!
    In general, the toy is extremely pleasant to the touch and you can simply have fun with the music, of which there is a lot, and no one has abandoned the game and step by step it gets bigger and better
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good but short. Happy to see where this one goes. I don't really have any downsides for this one besides the fact that you can probably finish it relatively quickly. I think it only took me like 30-45 minutes maybe? Of course that was just the one play through without earning any extra rewards but those were relatively limited since it's early development.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Beat Banger [v4.1 Hotfix] [BunFan Games]

    Shittiest rhythm game I have ever seen, plus if we look at how much of content was added while it existed is LAUGHABLE. Save yourself time and nerves, do not play this cashgrab. Just download gifs if you like images that much.

    Story - 1/10 Dumbest, cheapest furry-like porn story.
    Writing - 0/10
    Gameplay - 3/10
    Characters - 2/10
    MC - 0/10
    Models - 6/10 The only GOOD thing about this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Delightfully simple porn game. Most of the time now we get porn games that are either unengaging to the point of tedium or are too engaging and requires full focus and both hands to play.
    Great to have a game where the sex is incorporated into the gameplay and not just a tacked on addition.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    the game has huge potential. It's still in development and there is real monitoring and frequent updates. having added a level editor this early is a good idea, This helps the community wait between updates. a banger for furry fans. the story is very cool and the characters well written (for a porn game XD) I highly recommend <3
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    How Long To Beat: 3+ Hours to unlock all content

    This game is excellent.

    The presentation is off the charts:
    -Awesome character designs
    -Full voice-acting
    -Awesome art direction
    -Awesome animations
    -Polished gameplay
    -Solid music choices
    -Incredible user interface and menus
    -Great Story Mode and a lot of extra content

    This game could make you a furry!

    Rhythym games are well-suited for Adult Games, and this game fully delivers.

    As of this writing, there are 4 playable levels with 3 options for difficulty. The difficulty progresses fluidly song-to-song, making replayability high. The timing and design on the songs are great, meaning any failures are on the player and not bad design. As evidence in the mod community, not everyone knows how to design a rhythm level based on a song. More on that below.

    Besides the levels, there is a gallery of images you can unlock through in-game currency (earned by beating levels) or by completing certain criteria or by finding secrets, an interactive scene-viewer where you can watch the animations from the levels without having to play them, a music player, a level designer, achievements, and an in-game fan-made levels downloader.

    The in-game currency is balanced. By the time you've played every level on every difficulty, you can have purchased a majority of the content. There are also difficulty modifiers that can be purchased, making the game easier or more difficult. There's no real need for grinding, unless you just want to replay a level for your own satisfaction or are achievement hunting.

    The in-game fan-created level system is intuitive, easy, and convenient. A handful of these are as good as the main game's levels. However, the quality isn't across the board. There are some fan-created levels that are unplayable due to the designer having bad rhythm. Once you get into the game's rhythm, there is a lot of thought put into button input sequences. The fan-levels don't have as much experience or intuition or undersatnding of good input sequences, and you get some baffling choices or straight-up off-rhythm inputs. Nonetheless, I appreciate the attempts, and the fan community shows the quality of the game's structure and design.

    My biggest issue is one inherent to rhythm games in general. The scroll of button inputs gets mesmerizing, leading to visual sensory overload, and it becomes harder to focus on the barrage of icons on more difficult levels. There were times when I had to pause and take a break from the screen to let my eyes and brain readjust.

    One of the best adult games you can play on this site. Let's hope the designer continues to give us top-quality content. The menu implies something like 12+ levels across 3 more chapters. I can't wait.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A really, really good engine for a simply lewd game, however for a game that seems so oriented towards it's not safe for work approach, it lacks a little bit in terms of depth, immersion and content. It is pretty much a mini-game exclusive.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a rhythm H game, dont tend to see many of that floating around. Its still under development but since its a slow burner and its highly unlikely that any of the core features would be changing, I'll consider it a fair shot at reviewing.

    So what is the premise? Youre just a random nameless furry thats been picked up by a porn studio to bang girls for profit. Yes, that's about the extent of the story. Basically a tale of being at the right place at the right time, though admitably the oversized cock probably had something to do with it too.

    Gameplay is...well, a rhythm game. If youre familiar with that genre you'll be pleased to know that this is exactly just that in essence. Bang girls according to rhythm to win the game. Unlock more content, change music etc. but crucially the option to just forget the game and watch the sublime animation at work.

    Artstyle is just standard furry from deviantart. Far as Im concerned the girls are pretty, fappable, and there's really nothing wrong if youre into things like this. If youre partial to furries then the art wouldnt disappoint but if youre not, then this is unlikely to change your mind. Animation is where this game does well, silky smooth, with a wide variety of expressions.

    To conclude...

    Well, let's put it this way; I had fun with it, and Im not into ryhthm games. But its just one of those bizarre H games where the H is not really the reason to recommend this. The demands of the game means its unlikely you'll be able to focus on your hardon, and getting the erection itself is already a challenge because your blood tension will likely be misplaced.

    I would recommend because of the game. But if youre looking for fap material there are other less demanding games available that'll likely suit your taste, furry or not.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Beat Banger?

    More like.

    Milk Maker.

    Game has been in dev for three years, roughly on has four scenes of content. Honestly I want that to sink in.

    Three years. Four scenes and you may get 10 or so minutes out of it without Mods. Hell, people modding is what is 'carrying' this game so far.

    The project is a joke and the Dev is farming poor saps for money on Patron. You will never see a full release of this project, not even on Steam with the snails pace of dev-hell(if you can even call it that, due to the milking) this game is in.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    lacking in content at the moment, but highest quality on all front.
    Good, yet simple game play.
    Great animation and graphics.
    Music, sound effects, and voice actings are also solid as well.
    The story (it kinda exists) and setting is also good.
    Great menu, shop, gallery design.
    It is missing the "options" page, which I hope it gets addressed at some point.
    it is furry, but thankfully not too far (barely at the edge for my personal taste).

    I would give this 4.5/5, but if I exclude my furry bias, it's a 5/5.
    A very rare top tier adult game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great, so bad they literraly just got 4 songs and pretty much thats it, i dont know how much years this game was on development but i think it more that 3 years. aside of that this game is just alive thanks of his community that make a lot of mods and a hella good ones. despite of the development this game is a masterpiece i hope they finish it already. 8,5/10 (and sorry for my bad english)
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    3 years of development.
    4 rhythm game scenes.
    20 minutes adventure (literally).

    Imo - if you want something like this game, but with better art and way more content - "SpunkStock" will be your choice.

    Today (v3.48) it fells like a default patreon money-milking project.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Play this game!

    While I enjoy the VN style of games, as well as point and click games, it is so refreshing to play a Adult Game that appears (at least on the surface) more of a gameplay first approach!

    The Rhythm based gameplay is entertaining and by providing multiple difficulty levels, the developer encourages and provides replay value. The art style is simple but enjoyable and the animation responding to the beat is very satisfying.

    I look forward to seeing where this project goes!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. Few rough issues and needs more content.

    I've been watching this game for a while since it first showed up on here. I didn't want to give it a try until much later as it was the devs first game, it was in Godot engine which isn't used a lot, and the art style looked great. I wanted to just let them do their thing and come back. And I did, for this update. I finally installed it and gave it a whirl.

    Beat Banger's story isn't anything meaningful. You're a furry and you get hired as a production assistant for whats essentially a cam studio. Being there's no males around you get hoisted into the role of being the dick.

    The gameplay is top notch. Very easy to difficult for a rhythm game. I played Guitar hero religiously throughout my youth alongside flash rhythm games like Super Crazy Guitar Maniac so it wasn't that hard. But I can understand it being pretty grueling for anyone without some experience in rhythm games on a keyboard.

    My main issue with the gameplay is that the beat notes come in from the left to right. This is terrible. I understand its to not block the sex scene thats playing to the beat, but you aren't looking at the scene if you are legitimately playing the game. There is no reason for it to be a scroll at the bottom when it should come from the top down. This is far more intuitive for anyone coming into the game. Hell just make it an option. The reason why I feel strongly about this is because someone who is doing it for the porn will just immediately unlock the no fail and no hud options in the game shop. So its all a moot point to have the beat chart scroll the way it does. I know theres probably a mod for this that changes it, but it really should be default in the game.

    Art is solid. Animations are solid. Voiceacting is superb. Everything about the game's art and music and voice is top tier. Some of the best I've seen on this site and in the wiser 2d porn game industry. It shocks me this is a furry game with this level of quality because you don't see that in niche areas of porn like that as people will try to stick mainstream for as much fans and money as possible.

    My only other concern is the game will take too long to become a complete product. Right now theres 4 scenes and a bunch of static gallery images you need to grind to unlock as well as beat the expert challenges. This is great but the core animations and scenes are really what people are here for and it feels just a bit lacking as its been nearly 3 years since first release.

    I still have confidence in the dev. They are very communicative, update as much as they can, and don't seem to be at all trying the patreon grift. So I have little doubt this will become better and better.

    4/5. Some mildly infuriating gameplay HUD elements and some content is a bit lacking but it more than makes up for it in everything else. God damn I wish games had the love put into it this game does.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't rate a lot of games often, but this is one of a few exceptions. I enjoy rhythm games and this was excellent. The animation and how much work the developer put in to make the beats match the movements show how much passion they have. I can't wait to see how this game progresses. REALLY, it was a pleasure to play, and the way they show how much more content they plan on releasing, makes you look forward to what they come out with.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great baseline so far. I'd appreciate a calibration system, as playing with headphones seems to give a bit of a delay. I'm personally more of a stickler for reasonable body proportions but I can deal with this, the artstyle is great in any case
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well what can i say Beat Bangers is the best porn rythm game i played to date.

    And i doubt it can become any better except for more content down the line.

    Now following are more detailed nitpicks i have:

    Art is right up my ally style wise, though the proportions are sometimes a bit too exagerated (i am looking at you dump truck cat...).

    Animation is smooth and hot. Shame that because of the gameplay it is basically impossible to enjoy it while normally playing the game.

    It is very forgiving for hitting notes, and one of the few rythm games i played where i had the feeling of actually beeing able to play just by listening to the music. But it still needs some focus so there is an inherent conflict of interest here that can not really be resolved easily. Thankfully the devs added nice options for "hands free" play to enjoy the animations standalone, but still it just feels kinda frustrating in a way i have myself no idea how to solve.

    On the engineering side of things there is no complains. UI is stylish and spot on, very juicy. Nice options that actually work (sadly an actual plus point for porn games T.T), with keyrebind. I don't really get the hate for horzontal notes vs. vertical notes (like srs are you braindead? Saying a game is bad just because of that means you literally don't know what you are talking about) but just to shut those people up, yeah an option for choosing could be added down the line.

    The music is good, but a little bit more genre variety would have been nice instead of only electronic beat music. Tying the music more to the characters and thus giving additional personality would be sweet, but probably already a tall ask.

    The only point i fear for really is if they can keep up with their production. Doing original multi-part animations for each beat... i just hope this will not be a 5+ years devtime kinda deal.

    Ohh well will see how far they will be able to come, but for everyone else PLAY THIS NOW!!!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The notes should come up to down, like Guitar Hero,
    The music is good, the gameplay is enjoyable,
    But the notes coming left to right are bad/lazy
    They do need to come vertically and have the buttons down there to make it easier and more fun.
    Until that can be done, it's a 3.5-star game, giving it a 4 to encourage devs, 5 stars when the notes are fixed.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game. Wished there was a modifier that had the notes trickle guitar hero style or Beatmania style but for a game inspired by cock hero videos it's really fun! The UI and general aesthetic is very polished. Going through the menus is intuitive and there's always small details that are animated like if you were playing a Persona game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games I play bc I enjoy the gameplay. The voice actors, animation even the UI of the game is really nice, I highly recomend trying this game at least once even if you are not a fan of furries like I am.