That's why I said that %4-6k is average. As in, this is the average range of a monthly salary in the US, with ~$5k being the middle of that. Being on the high end of average is not exactly "raking it in," even if it's not shabby. Kom's work ethic is a separate matter to whether the amount of money he could salary himself with is unreasonably high for a person doing a job.
Is it disposable, or are we just speculating? These are the kinds of questions that I'm asking. The guy deserves some flack, but I want all the ducks to be in a row rather than people just deciding he's even worse than he actually is due to frustration.
Back to this again, that's quite possibly true, but where are the figures? Get some numbers.
This is actually why I brought up merchandising in the first place, but again, more numbers make for a stronger argument. Speculating is fine, but assumptions are not a good basis for anything.
Honestly, I don't care if you're mad at Kom for the game's progress or whatever. I'm pretty sure I've made that clear by this point. Indie dev is way more accessible than it ever has been, but I think there's more assumed malice going on from people who are frustrated than just seeing that there's incompetence, so they self-justify making shit up. It's a very easy mistake to make, and all I'm asking for is to keep criticism of the guy actually reasonable. Again, there are real, firm reasons to criticize him without just bandwagoning on the feeling that "the game's development feels like it sucks." You are apparently not immune to this, since you decided that because I am arguing with you that I must be in his pocket, have sunk cost of some kind, or something along those lines.
Again, my entire point here is that people should make good, firm arguments when they criticize a game dev instead of just feeling out their frustrations. Kom has had wack priorities, his development lacks meaning transparency about goals and timelines, etc. It's very easy to compare and contrast game features, a timeline of updates, etc. But once you start dragging real numbers into the situation when it comes to money, that's a conversation that needs more receipts (pun intended).