Ren'Py - Beauty and the Thug [v0.3.5b] [Ze-gam-eZ]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It was the most amazing game with a female protagonist I've played. The game starts all weirdo, and she begins to talk with her "daddy" and I thought... Oh no the same daddy fetish rodeo, but after she talks like crazy about her life with her "daddy" you notice she is talking with her dad's grave :oops: That gives a serious touch to the game. The romance between the MC and gangster starts all fucked up but ends as one of the most beautiful romances 'I've seen. Anyway, this game is a hell of a masterpiece.

    I finished this short version, now I will wait for it to be completed, I hope it will not take an eternity, I can't wait to see where this extremely funny and nice story will end.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Papa Shin

    A lot of promise here but its brought down by a complete mess on the programming side (or whatever lets you sequence the events).

    Finding a proper sex scene is like fishing with a cotton thread. Also, not that I'm against it, but why so many lesbian scenes and partners but almost nothing when it comes to the straight content? (apart from hunter I mean but that's boring af)

    That said, renders are A-grade and animations are smooth and natural.

    - The storytelling needs work (especially the hunter route)
    - The repetitive "routines" need to be skipped entirely after the first few days bc there is no point showing the same scenes fifty times in ten minutes, they ain't that special
    - There needs to be a hint system or something, maybe something along the lines of telling players when there is a new scene unlocked or telling them what they need to unlock the next scene.
    - Fluff content needs to be hidden/removed ASAP. Don't show me the exact same 6-8 different options every night when there is nothing new to do there. I ordered so many damn pizzas hoping for something new, damn disappointment.

    Remember, this is a porn game, don't make it harder for people to find the scenes when they are already thinking with the wrong head.

    Will check back in a few months and if these issues are fixed I will give five stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn! Ok, this is such an incredibly hot game, I have no words! Ok, no, I have words, but they're pretty much all positive.

    * The art. This is some of the finest quality art in these kind of games. It may be to your tastes, it may not, but (aside from a few quick in-between-scene images) you can tell the amount of effort put into the renders, post-processing, animations, and making sure the various hot scenes all get coverage
    * The story. You actually ship for the MC and the guy she's into (even while of course still hoping she ends up with all the girls). But they are so totally sweet together, you want them to 'win'.
    * The sex. Yea, that's why we play games on this site. And it is hot. Let me correct that.. the game is only partially made, there's a % marker of the max you can achieve in each kink - none of which are close to 100% (and blacked out kinks you can't reach yet), and STILL going to totally enjoy what's there. Making you wonder how much more could be fitted in.
    * The characters. Not just the MC / bf, but most of the characters are pretty interesting. You don't get to go deep into them yet (still kinda early into it I suppose) but you're curious about finding out about most of them. Wanna see more.
    * The corruption is adorable. Like.. its happening, its a good balance between slow burn and keeping you interested, but throughout there's a.. cuteness to the perversion. She's just so adorable as she does sluttier and sluttier things, and how excited she gets about each of them. Its so sweet!

    * Wordy. There is a lot of wordiness. Which is good in establishing the narrative and characters. But its Ren'Py so you're clicking through it almost sentence by sentence. Its not terrible, once you go through once you can tab-skip your way through quickly (yay Ren'Py), but.. yea.
    * Sweet. Wont' lie, I kinda enjoy darker themes most of the time, more vulgarity, and so on. And it keeps teasing like that might happen (the ant in the first few frames suggesting some bug kink that doesn't happen, there's walking in alleys, etc). Spoiler though, she stays safe throughout. It works for this game, because it is so adorable, but just know what you're going in for

    Overall though.. just play it. This is one of the great ones that you'll remember, and that you'll check regularly for updates
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    King Wan

    I'm gonna rate this 5 stars in spite of the stupid grind, the useless gameplay and the very simple story, because the dev has put in (as at 0.3.5) a massive amount of images and animations that are absolutely beautiful and best of all the FMC whose every image and animation is so fuckin fappable that I'm completely dry atm :p. Isn't that the main criteria for good games on f95zone? Well done dev! Look forward to more kinky stuff, a lot kinkier.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    So what can i say. on the surface this seems like a good game. it has solid smooth animations, a beautiful and realistic looking mc, hairy options that remain consistent (for the most part, with a few renders being hairless), and a range of kinks at your disposal, with a really indepth RPG take on its sandbox gameplay. but does it resemble a fun game?


    1. Great smooth animations from the get go. high quality, FAP WORTHY animations

    2. The mc isnt a baloon titted woman. shes beautiful and natural.

    3. A range of kinks from the get go.

    4. Sandbox exploration

    5. Freedom to pursue whatever kinda content you desire within the games limits

    6. regular content updates


    1. zero straight penetrative sex content AT ALL (IN MY PLAYTHROUGH)(not including masturbation scenes). there are tons of masturbation scenes, and theyre top tiered quality with tons of options to suit your kinks, and they are pretty creative. but outside of masturbation scenes, a few lesbian scenes, and a blowjob & handjob scene. theres not much else outside of those realms, and although great quality and plentiful in the other sectors. the fetish system has yet to be fully utilised by having more options on the table in terms of sexual intercourse with more characters whether straight or lesbian if thats your preferences. theres abit of exhibition scenes. but i have played through this game MULTIPLE TIMES. even cheated my stats to max. and not once have i EVER got ONE SINGLE penetrative sex scene at all. this game offers you TONS of fetishes, but not many chances for you to fully explore them. i was hoping to do an anal only penetrative playthrough. and on the surface it seemed plausible. however, theres none, not even vaginal... theres tons of masturbation, and teasing. but no actual straight sex. however, the developer has already confirmed they aim to rectify this and add tons of straight and lesbian sex scenes, to fully take advantage of the systems he has in place. so its the matter of waiting for future builds. sure it sucks that the current builds lack non consensual and consensual sex scenes at this current moment, as theres tons of opportunities in game that youd think would rationally lead to said scenes, but atm it lacks them. however, if the developer adds in the scenes in bulk from the start of the game, upto the current, so we can justify playing from the start again. then i can see this game being a 10/10. as its beautiful to look at and fun to play, once you learn the systems, and or use cheats.

    2. ALOT OF TEDIOUS GRIND (however, its rectified as the dev offers you cheats). now i will admit, the game plays almost like a life sim -ish kinda game, so youve gotta do your daily tasks. and sure it offers you the chance to skip some of them, and thats great. but i found myself forced to use cheats to enjoy the game. and thats fine, providing that the dev continues to offer us cheats as the game updates. but for those of us that may want to play the game as intended, it can be abit mind numbing.

    3. alot of game breaking bugs. the most severe i faced was in its essentially speaking, new game plus. being able to start a new game with your previous stats. you start the game, and are smacked in the face with TONS OF ERROR WALLS. and its unplayable after that point.

    4. lack of direction. now this bit may be too harsh. but it seems like the developer is focusing way too much on the wrong things. now at the time of writing this review, he has put out polls asking what content we wanna see more of. so thats atleast a step in the right direction. however, ill await the results to have my mind made up on that matter.

    5. weak story/narrative. i dont care about the characters on a personal level like i have with other games, nor do i care much for the existing "story"

    6. the hint system needs some work. design it like a typical quest log you see in normal video games. as atm its abit unorganised.

    This game is a good game, but it could be great. at this present moment in time you have alot of brilliant core systems in place. but they just need more sexual content to fully take advantage of them. give the player as much freedom to play how they wish to. e.g. anal and ass play only playthroughs, virgin routes, vaginal only etc. i personally would love to do no vaginal, and anal only, with of course oral sex too. but her ass being the only fucked hole (besides her mouth).. with those options and freedoms to explore and play how you want, i can see this being fucking fantastic, paired with the amazingly detailed animations, and diverse cast of characters, along side the greatly indepth systems it has already. my eyes are keenly on this. but right now to be a 5 star game, it needs more straight sex and in plentiful amounts. i want non con molesting, i want being taken advantage of, slutty sex, sex as a beginner. and so on. but with my badgering out the way. im looking forward to seeing where this goes. the developer and i had a clash, but came to an understanding. hes extremely passionate about this game, and you can see that. this is his baby afterall. however, with my previous advice given, and providing content fills out the game from its earliest in the story, throughout. with plenty of freedom and choice, and dark content too. i am actively excited to see where this goes.

    Likes: maxso
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly I couldn't get passed how much a PoS "The Beast" is in this. At first I get it. I mean how else do you make a man into a beast to those in society. It's part of who he is and there's supposed to be this point where he turns his life around. Right? Well it didn't seem like that moment was ever coming and I certainly wasn't reading through this so I've decided this isn't a story for me. The girl from another world stuff sounded really interesting but it doesn't take nearly enough prominence and eventually feels like that was just thrown in. You know it's like a story that takes a popular theme, throws it in, does nothing with it, and expects it to be enough to carry the rest of the plot.

    Eventually, I found myself trying to do anything I could to get the MC into as many compromising situations as it would allow, which wasn't much. And honestly, I felt like I was playing against the purpose of the story. Perhaps that's the intention of the narration. I don't know. I think this story would be more effective from the guys point of view or with interactions of multiple protagonists. Like I said, I just don't think this is for me and I should leave it that.

    If you like this VN please take the time to consider showing them support. Write your own review and maybe donate to the development.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to be biased for this game as it's one of the few games with actually good looking hairy renders and I'm for some of it's other kinks too, but man is it's gameplay a mess.

    Besides padding A LOT of it's runtime with highly repetitive daily routine of deciding to wake up, deciding to take a shower, etc, etc, I've never seen a game with it's content more hidden behind a weird obscure network of skill increases; go for a jog instead of watching TV or something early in and you may miss an exhibition skill which will pretty much deprive you of content for the rest of the playthrough. The game seems to want to encourage you replaying it over and over to hope to find the methods to increasing these skills, which with it's already grindy daily routine system is just an insane request. Your best bet is just doing a playthrough with cheated skills. I would say just unlock the galley, but it's nearly useless since it's just CGs with no dialogue.

    And all that is if you even can increase skills, as I have no idea exactly what choice it was but something I did early on in my initial playthrough locked me out of using the laptop which is the main source of gaining fetish skills. I had nearly no content the whole game.

    The game has some pretty hot content, and many of the later renders are actually quite well done, it's all that's carrying these 3 stars. It's just a shame that it's gameplay makes it nearly impossible to see this content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the corruption elements and how you slowly make her more and more lewd. I am looking forward to seeing following the story as it goes. I think the dynamic between the two main characters is fun and I look forward to exploring that.
    Also I want to viciously violently murder the boss because he is such a POS and I want to make him die.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    While I don't like the story overly much (not that interesting) I absolutely adore the models.

    I also really like the fetishes of the game. I could have a bit more real life fetishes' and less dreams and so on, but that is a minor problem for me.

    Thank you for the work!
    Likes: Raptr
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest i played this game only for the hot guys.

    So far the game so impressive, i loved about hunter and what i see the best body on him is his back, with a t-shirt you can see his back line and yes that's hot, and his penis too looks real

    The bad part on this game i think there is too many unnessecery story that take a lot image :
    Diary , Dream with Dolly , Lesbian stuff ( it will be good if make another story when hunter is a girl and focused on making more for the main story )
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This wasent for me, dident find the story any good or fun and the sandbox is just boring, atleast you can turn off the need to mastubate constantly and the peeing but thats about the only plus i found.

    Having to learn cooking, math and so on is just slow and add noting to the game other then a grind...

    Also dont really understand the Amy part, its proberly one of the most stupid things in the story, she has/had a boyfriend and then she turns lesbian for no apprent reason but not with MC but with the same girl that her boyfriend cheated on her with it cant get any more idiotic, Amy even states "Ciri i am not into girls" and yet she still has sex with "Ciri" why? and why corrupt the girl and turn her into a slut, that should have been for MC to enjoy in a lesbian route, its stupid and weird whats even the point of showing the player a weird sex scene Amy.

    It would have made alot more sense if MC made a move on Amy instend, but her turning lesbian with a girl she should hate and a girl she has known for 2 seconds....while saying shes not into girls....just no they really fucked that story up to, and ruined any idea of ever being with Amy after that, now shes noting but a slut in my eyes having sex with whoever, they couldent even leave Amys lesbian virginity to MC it just blew my mind they would mess that chance up so badly.

    They could at the very least had made it the players choice for Amy to have sex with the bitch or not..skipping wont help then it says "Amy has a sex with Yebani" yeah plenty of small text problems as well in the game.....has a sex?.....

    Also the Rat dude date was stupid, not sure how many braincells MC has but it cant be many if she goes on a date with a dude that groped her and stole her phone, what makes it even worse shes crying after the date for whatever weird reason, its like shes deeply in-love with someone that tried to molest her, it just dosent make sense and you controle absolutly nothing as the player, so much of the game is just pure kinetic.

    I truely found story so extremly flawed and nothing realistic about any part of it, and the Amy fuck up was just to much, after that and the Rat dude, i just couldent take this story serious anymore.

    Animations are decent and the music is just some background stuff, better then silent but thats about it.

    The girls wasent really in my taste either, i find them as ugly really so was hoping story would make it worth playing but well no....

    Also i dont really feel like there is much content at all, 3½ year old game and proberly half the content isent even about MC but Rat boy and Amy.
    If you plan on a lesbian route just forget it there is nothing to come for i had 0 sex scenes in my playthrough, maybe there is a little more if you play a stright MC but dident really see any options i would remotely care about.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game (fantastic the story with the twins), it's very exciting and very funny and there are alternatives.

    You can also ignore the thug and make him stops to contact us (falling out of love?) and you can have many fetishes.

    Very nice the MC inner monologue (very emotive at the beginning before take the train) or memories or dreams and that she does what she wants. You can play in a romantic way or not.

    The game is very well written and it deserves 5 stars

    If one day will be on steam I will buy it because it deserves the money.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Repetitive Sandbox Visual Novel with stats.
    Ok, this is a curious beast here. There is a story over a number of days with fixed events, and kind of a repetitive daily routine where you do actions to raise stats (kinks, money). You can't really raise them with one play, but the stats stays with a new game. And so access more possibilities and scene, and change the main scenes.

    Kinda silly, and not the "funny" silliness (but there are funny scenes). MC gets corrupted by the thug (and the city), and the thug gets softened by the MC. Mostly, you make the MC pleasure herself in various ways. The characters are not rocket scientists. Anyway, the writing (outside story) is not bad. And the main goal is to put as much kinks as possible.
    After a few plays, the MC will feel like a nymphomaniac eager for any perversion imaginable, except

    I'm not fond of the artistic choices for the characters. Why the huge lips and childish faces? But very good animations.

    Overall impression:
    So, this is aimed for gamers who likes kinky behaviours, and lots of sex scenes (especially masturbation). If you like good stories, then it may not be for you. Despite that, it is well made, and I give 4 stars.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game starts out weird. You play as an 18 year old girl but she acts more like she's 8 years old in the beginning, playing with her little dolly etc. It was almost enough to make me stop playing.

    But I'm glad to say that the game gets less weird and way better over time. I would go as far to say that it tells one of the better romantic stories on this site. The author is a good writer and does a great job at portraying a young woman falling for a flawed bad boy. A trope in the romance novels not depicted much or very well in games so far.

    The good:

    - Storytelling is excellent
    - Renders are great (they get better over time)
    - Fantastic animations, some of the best on this site
    - Author does a good job of making flawed characters make realistically flawed decisions that make sense in the story
    - Author has a great mechanic of having the MC write a journal going over the significant story elements and how they are making her feel. Does a great job of summarizing things and if you skipped a bit of the story, allows you to still follow along.

    The meh:

    - Gameplay is currently lacking a bit, certain scenes are hidden behind specific actions that almost require a walkthrough and are not intuitive

    The bad:

    - Making the female MC act like she's 9 years old in the beginning and at certain times, playing with her dolly etc. Was very off-putting for me and almost made me stop right there.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I had originally rated this a 5/5, but I've gotta ding it a few stars after about a year of updates. There are so many things I like about this game (the visuals and animation are awesome + the fetish content is unique in a good way) and the dev is clearly putting in an insane amount of effort to make it.

    With that being said:

    This game is a structural disaster. So much content is locked away behind meaningless level checks, and you need multiple playthroughs to unlock everything. The walkthrough the dev posted is essentially just Charlie Kelly in the mailroom doing the Pepe Silvia bit. The amount of hoops you have to jump through to see certain scenes is insanely frustrating, and when you use the "sandbox days" to level up certain fetishes, the game breaks when there's a new update.

    The content of the game is incredible. The way it's delivered is not, and it feels like the dev is too far down the rabbit hole to fix it anytime soon.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game, at the moment it feels like the story is only just beginning but I really liked that we can set the pace and there are different alternatives.

    One can for example ignore the thug and he stops trying to contact us, basically falling out of love. You can develop different fetishes in a very organic and believable way.

    The Mc is great, both her model and her personality, really liked her inner monologue, her memories, her dreams that analyze the events of the day (or the diary which is also great!). There are a lot of creative and new ways used to give us a glimpse into this girl and explain her personality.

    I particularly liked that she is not just corrupted by the men around her, she does what she wants. I played the first playthrough in a quite pure and romantic way, and she is then a regular girl with a relationship with a guy that has some issues.

    I really liked the writing of the thug, in particular the scene where he nearly hits her and realizes the manipulation of his boss.

    I think this game is very intelligently written, has hot situations (after two different playthroughs, one straight and one lesbian, I did a third and activated the cheats to set all kinks to max and oh my god, loved the different kinks and new scenes like cooking the eggs, playing with the knifes, the way she interacts with Jose..... ) overall I think this game is really a step above most games in this site and deserves a 5.

    I hope one day it comes to steam or similar, this dev deserves the money.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Way too hard to get this game to do anything. Too much sandbox and repetition for little to no content. The art is decent, but having to use cheat codes to set everything up just right to get any content is ridiculous.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Beauty and the Thug [v0.3b]

    Great renders
    MC looks great
    many kinks
    great animations
    Nice UI
    many options in masturbation and lesbian sex scenes

    Pizza girl doesn´t look good

    Story is pretty boring and too slow-burn
    Characters aren't interesting
    Not much Male-Female content
    You can miss a lot of content.
    There is no in-game questlog per say, but only descriptions in the gallery
    Gameplay feels too repetitive

    I think this game looks great and has lots of promise.
    The Visuals look great and I like that this game offers many fetishes.
    But there are things here and there that need improvement.
    I wish this game would be more linear, or at least have a in-game questlog, because you can miss so much content.
    You could go to the gallery and read the description below the locked images, of what you have to do, to unlock them.
    But it´s really tedious when you have so many pictures, that say, you need to do this on Day x, and you start to lose sight on what to do next. You´ll probably need to play the game multiple times to unlock everything.
    The Story is a bit dull and slowburn, so there's not much action to be seen.
    I don't have a problem with her having interest in the thug. But I think there's potential wasted by her not having sexual relationships with other guys, before she eventually commits to be in a relationship with the Thug.
    There's a sex scene on the beach that is pretty decent, but after that I still didn't get the option for her to finger herself.
    Her day by day tasks feel too repetitive and I wish there was more variety of naughty things you could do in public.
    I wish the Dev all the best in the development of the game and will follow the progress.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, what can I say about this game? Are there any better? I don't think so, the story is good, the renders are superb, Ella is more than beautiful and the lewd parts of the game are the best i've ever seen.

    I simply love this game and I can hardly wait for the next update. Keep up the good work.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am in love with this game. The Dev knows well what he's doing.
    The hairy and non hairy are both perfect.
    The fetishes he does are amazing, very good renders, you can see the passion he have with it.
    History is kinda simple like some said already, but man, with those renders you even forget to read haha
    I can't wait soo see more of this.