VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Become a Rock Star [v1.01] [Mr Jet]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is more for mindless, convenient fapping session than anything else.

    Beautiful renders. The environment, characters and models are all neat and cleanly rendered. The love interests all have great models, especially if you like redheads. The animations are real nice and sex scenes are hot.

    Other than that, the MC, the story and writing is disappointing and as shallow as a puddle. It's about a budding band but it never really writes about that at all. It's mostly about getting the MC from one encounter with hotties to the next.

    The MC looks kind of weird, but this doesn't detract too much from the experience.

    However, it's a rare Adult VN that's actually completed and wraps up the story decently. This gets bonus points for actually getting to the finish line with a solid product.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite some flaws, this game is easily deserving of a 5-star review!

    Is the MC kinda fugly? Yes. Does he suffer from "big dick syndrome"? Yes. Is it a bit too easy for the main character to achieve his goals? Yes. Is the writing sometimes repetitive and sounds like it was written by a non-native English speaker? Yes. Would it have been nice to have some sound in the sex scenes? Indeed.

    I don't deny any of these facts.

    But all of those quibbles do not negate the fact that this game has gorgeous models, amazing renders, characters with clear and distinct personalities, several extremely well-written LIs with their own story arcs, affecting endings, and most important of all, ***meaningful choices*** that make this game highly replayable.

    Although this game is far from perfect, it is still easily better than 97% of the games on this site, so it's unquestionably worthy of 5 stars.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3195513

    I lost the motivation to play it quite fast. The models are simply boring and not memorable. The bodies are bland and simply not attractive. Few of the faces are fine, but most of them won't get many dates in the real world.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: Completed Game)

    Become a Rock Star has an excellent premise. But, it fails to deliver on it's potential. I feel it should have explored the aspects of living the life of a rockstar more in depth. Hell, MC did not even have sex with groupie fans.

    The story was good, with some characters that I don't care about and some that I love (Selina, Julia and Emma). The music is boring. It's a crime for a game that centers it's story around the life of a rockstar. The renders are pretty good and the animations are good enough. The dialogues (especially in the final chapter) feels lazy. Like the dialogue is the same with only a change in the LI present in the scene.

    Overall, 7/10 is a fair rating. It's a good game but I had hoped for much more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing story, following the Lisa + jade path was a trip and the ending slides made me all emotional. I was a little surprised that nothing was really done with all the cheating the MC could get up to after getting in any serious relationship, but w/e just enjoy the extra scenes (or don't) and then pretend they didn't happen.
    The ending may feel a tad unrealistic, considering all the rumors that go around such rock bands, I mean the phrase "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll* didn't exactly come from nowhere, but w/e, I like a good ending, sue me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite well developed with a bit of a twist and drama that keep you interested.
    The choises you are making have an impact on the girl you end up with

    The girls have different body type and personalities up to some degree. Nice to spend some time with some of them.


    I enjoyed the visual part, the environment and the colors. The sex scenes were also well
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    The Glorious LIME

    Story: 7/10 (due to traumatic event, without, a 6/10)
    -The story is rather simple and plain, not that is a bad thing. Some content is just mean t to go down easy. Overall plot twist/trauma does elevate it and smartly resolves many plotlines with it.
    Time skip at the end was a nice touch.

    Characters: 7/10
    -Some are memorable, some are generic.
    Selina, Julia and the ex stood out as better written, the rest were more generic tropes.

    Emotional/Rational Character believability: 7.5/10
    -Like with all AVN's, the game requires suspension of disbelief.
    Some characters are simply better written and feel more organic.
    Overall, Julia is the MAIN CHARACTER, our MC is just the vessel for the story.

    Style: 7/10
    -Presentation is decent, clothing matches the vibes of the games.
    Even tho bland at times, it serves it's purpose.

    Renders: 7/10
    -Some scenes are great and rich, some piss poor quality textures.
    I'd honestly give it a 5/10, BUT, seeing how it it an older title, I can't judje it too much in comparison to today's AVN giants.

    Music: 5/10
    -Pretty much forgertable, besides the ominous track, that is sadly over used.
    Certain sound effects were used nicely for comedic value.

    Replay Value: 3.5/10
    -Not all the girls got the same attention and some are simply better written.
    Quite a few dangling carrots to and girls/routes that went nowhere. Game needed more polish and depth, alas, it is what it is.

    Overall: 6.28/10
    -Glad I played it, won't be coming back to it.
    Will probably create some artwork for it, and that's that.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It seems great, hot and pretty attractive at first but the more the girls are known and the paths are all possible to go 'serious' on even if you are doing exactly that to everyone else is just not doing it for me.

    On the other hand, I saw a few comments and, I have to say that is sad some that were complaining of the 'why no incest'-thingy when there is the sister who is hella hot so to say; the very first few games I played from here weren't incest and they were great, such mentality has to be slowly eased up.

    If there were consequences or at least more flexibility in the possible options to take...this one might've been as goon as a kinetic-non-kinetic-like novel like 'Cure My Addiction'; to me, it's instead like those female prota where she gets dicks once and then she a total hoe out of nowhere.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game!

    >Lots of gorgeous models. Great renders.
    >The sex scenes are very good.
    >Decent story.

    >Dialogues (They become kinda boring as the story advances. Still better than most porn games I've played)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    For this title, I'll lower its score due to the lack of updates it got for a game that's been in development for 5 years and it can be noticed how the renders go from loop to actual scenes from newer versions. The story is interesting and it allows you to be either an introvert guy or an outloud womanizer guy. The characters are well written and the models are well picked for their purpose, which is to cause your rod to get hard. However, the last couple updates show a lack of optimization or a bad polished experience, it feels rushed out and I'm afraid there won't be any updates regarding this, if you have a good VRAM capacity, you won't notice but there would be some framedrops in that section. 7/10
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely a good game of the visual novel kind. It deserves 4.5 stars.
    Renders are beautiful and the stories surprisingly interesting even if they are fully of clichés and few incoherence are still present in the version 1.0. Personally, I don’t mind this last point because the game content is huge but after 5 years of development, you can clearly see the evolution of the techniques between the beginning and the end of the game.
    Having done all the girls and their story, I like the variety in the characters and situations but even more would have been great. The H scenes are somehow redundant and in few occasions I had the feeling to play the same H scene just with a different girl. Clearly I am nitpicking because otherwise I am impressed by the quality of the game. Considering that there is only 1 dev behind the game, WOW!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game.

    The story of trying to become a rock star while bucking your family business and tradition was interesting to me. Although I will agree with some of the other criticism that forming your band to signing with a major label in just two weeks was a bit rushed.

    The character models were all gorgeous. I highly applaud the dev for giving the women realistic bodies and avoiding using giant fantasy tits. Some people have said the MC looks a little weird. Meh, I've seen guys that look like that. He looks a lot better at the end when there is a time jump and he has a beard.

    The sex scenes are pretty good for the most part, although some of the animations can be a little stiff.

    The writing is the biggest issue here. I don't know if it's a translation, but there is a some unnecessary repetition in the dialogue and grammar errors throughout. It gets a bit worse about 3/4 of the way through as if there was a different writer for that section, but then it smooths back out.

    While there are multiple LIs in this game this is NOT a harem game. I found that out the hard way. I romanced them all, and after an event that happens 3/4 of the way into the game, they all show up at the same place at the same time, and shit hits the fan. I immediately lost three of them. I ended the game with the singer and guitarist in our band, which is fine because I liked them, but I just thought I'd put that little warning out there.

    I highly recommend this game for all interested.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely a game I would recommend playing.
    Solid story, many girls to date with different looks and personalities, high quality renders and animations, long game, choices have decent impact on the story and add replayability.
    It's definitely a high quality game with a lot of effort put into it, you won't be disappointed.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game with good graphics and story (it has some flaws but that's normal in adult visual novels) and 2nd important thing is that plenty of girls to date and most important thing is that sexscenes are well made.

    Since no harem (3some at best) game has replay value to see all girls endings.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 573745

    Usually I try to review games That I really liked or games that make me physically ill. This game is neither of those things. Its a decent game. Models are meh (grainy and plain), sex scenes are meh (just so much meh), story is ok (Surprisingly, its mainly a story about a boy and his dad with a music career standing in-between them. Its tragically cliched. But well written... I assume. I skim and skip. Always skim and skip. But nothing overly egregious stood out to me.) I don't feel a need to replay it. Just a solid bridge game while you wait for updates. Would have gained a star for naming the band and giving me wish fulfillment. But then you aren't even in the band. 'Become a Rock Star'?! More like 'Become a Manager.' I can see why they went with the other title... but It doesn't make it any less of a lie.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1671018

    Hmm, I have no clue how this game is so highly rated. To be fair, I only played two "routes" but that's simply due to the girls not appealing visually to me, at all. It also seems like the author has some kind of nail fetish and I'm very much the opposite of that. I went with Lisa first because she seemed the best in that regard, at least until the author also got to her later in the story. When I encountered Emma for the first time, she was definitely the most normal of the girls and by far the best-looking of them all, so I went with her in my second playthrough. Too bad the author got her as well towards the end. Same with other characters like Julia where it got so comically bad that she had painted nails in one scene, then in the next scene she didn't and in the following scene she did again. Wtf?

    However, one can certainly argue that it's all subjective and blabla and some people like this kind of stuff. Still, even that aside, the game has a lot of issues.
    There are coding errors. For instance, when you decide not to spy longer on Selina, he still says after being discovered at a later point that he was seen _again_, even though he wasn't. As other people mentioned, there are things where they say you dated X or did Y but that never happened.
    In the changelog for version 1.0 it says: "script last update was proofread". Was it, though? There are still errors, despite it being proofread and apparently having three proofreaders. It's not that difficult... Also, there is a difference between "I" and "me". Even as a non-native speaker I know that.
    The writing is bad, like, really bad. So the main character comes off as a total imbecile while some other characters fare only a bit better. This ranges from thoughts like in the beginning where a girl is "clever" for just being normal and not exaggerating or pulling some bs (that's not what being "clever" is) to girls saying every sex scene how big the MC's dick is or the MC saying/thinking every sex scene how amazing the breasts are. Even more than that, apparently every single girl is a super hottie for the MC. I guess it makes sense. After all, as other have pointed out, the MC isn't exactly good-looking. He has that super punchable French face for some reason. No idea why anyone thought that would be a good idea. At least the girls tell him he looks weird when they look at that childhood photo of him.
    There are absolutely retarded moments. It can't be stated any other way and the pinnacle of that is probably the sister-gets-shot scene. While others have issues with that one because of dramatic reasons etc, the scene itself is absolute nonsense. So, these people fight outside and then the one guy suddenly pulls out the pistol...for some reason and decides to ignore everyone. At best, he is drunk. Still, it makes little sense. One could argue he did take some drugs or whatever which wasn't shown but that would be inconsistent with the reaction shown after hitting the sister. From how it seems, he is slightly drunk. He pulls out the pistol and plays the big man. Makes sense, after all, he did that stupid posing thing when he first found it. So, he ignores the calls of the others which is fine but he also ignores the calls of his friend for some reason. OK, slightly drunk, could be realistic. Then the cat moves around and he shoots at it. At that point, unless he took drugs, he would have normally stopped with that shit altogether. However, he didn't. Even with ignoring all of that, what comes next is the worst part. So, the guy shoots a pistol for the very first time, but no issues with that and he is totally fine. One might even argue that it just all adds to the stress and it's why he accidentally fires at the person opening the door. But wait, why would anyone open the door? Someone just fired a gun, like three seconds ago. The gunshot which went off in an alleyway would have been very loud and the person who opened the door just three seconds later would have definitely heard it. So any normal person would have stopped and called the cops immediately. Or, alternatively, very cautiously tried to make sure what was going on. However, the person opening the door was completely ignorant of everything which is extremely unrealistic. I think the following part was good where Julia doesn't realize what happened, falls down, tears in her eyes etc. Could have been some good isolated scenes at least but no, her character model changes between scenes for some reasons and then, another very bad thing happens: The father opens the door, completely ignorant of everything, including the large ambulance with the lights behind the MC, blood on his shirt etc and he starts blabbing about things until he suddenly goes like: "Wait a minute, something is not right here." Gah. It's actually really frustrating to see how everything got completely botched.
    Ah, and since we are at injured people and despite me already having complained about the women. Still, it needs to be said: Doctors don't wear high heels at work in a hospital! Even if making every girl/woman be as "abnormal" as possible was done with the utmost intent, at least keep a shred of realism...ffs.
    And that just reminds me of something else: Why the heck is the "soundman" discussing business for, apparently, the best and most professional record label in the world? Why does he have the authority to edit contracts? ...

    Something else that others have mentioned is the issue of the theme. For a music one, there is relatively little in it. They do two gigs and they are basically done superstars already. Everyone is perfect and they have no issues. And for some reason, "Naked Park" (or at least 3/4 of them) are hanging out at this shitty little place which is absolutely not unrealistic at all. I mean, it's not like they played a concert not too long ago and might be on a tour or they live someplace else and have things to do. No, they totally have the time to be there to look at two newbie bands for no reason at all. *sigh* There is also unncessary family stuff put in, in my opinion. Either you focus on the theme of this game which would mean maybe less focus on family or sex scenes (as someone proposed) or you focus more on the personal relationships between characters. Doing things half-assed is bad, so rather do something properly. There is another VN called "Melody" which also has a music theme and while it certainly has its issues, I think that the theme there was very well done. It has a much, much better sense of progression and is not: Find perfect band member -> find another perfect band member -> first gig -> invited to second gig -> really good contract aka success.

    Overall, especially considering the general rating, hugely disappointing.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is well-written for the most part and allows a good selection of different routes. It's no BADIK or Eternum but it can still hold it's own. A good for a playthrough of the girl of your choice, but not a full completion
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game overall with some gorgeous renders, but it's really let down by its endings. Not to say that they're bad, but at least 2 of the girls that should have gotten endings, didn't (although one of them, Emma, got a "Well maybe it's going to happen" type of thing). It just feels incomplete with some poor decisions on the dev's part. I'm talking about Nicole here Mr. Jet. You did us fucking dirty with her.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Rich boy who wants try different life that his father considered for him then starting a job and forming a band and facing all kind of obstacles ....
    It's not unfamiliar topic , still story-wise it is refreshing , trying independent life ,meeting new people ,deciding about relationships, starting a musical band and so on.
    Game has beautiful artwork and gorgeous characters , there are different paths for key characters and plenty of tasteful scenes , some of side characters like Rosa or Nicole could have more prominent roles in story or even their own paths , it's a pity that didn't happened and story already have completed.
    Anyway I liked the game, splendid job Mr Jet.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5744918

    Right off the bat I'm just going to address the most obvious thing about this VN. Why would you make the main character and hero of the story such a freaking ugly looking dude!!! why?!!!

    Look, it's bad enough I have to play a male MC in games with a story that interests me, but gods, playing a guy that looks like he is descended from a's just hard to care about him. Have you seen the rest of his freaking family? the girls are gorgeous!! and the other brother is big and kind of handsome...this makes me wonder if MC wasn't actually the offspring of someone else...perhaps from a feral family?

    Anyway, with that grievance aside, the plot is fairly standard with MC and his friends starting a rock band and how they achieve success. It's fairly bland stuff with the odd little drama thrown in like other maniac band members and such.

    As a female who has been in a previous band and is currently in an all female metal band (lead guitarist), I did laugh a bit at how they reached the big time after 2 gigs :LOL: if only real life worked that way huh? ;)

    The girls are all reasonably pretty and have their personalities, although the most fleshed out and probably rewarding one for the "girlfriend experience" definitely seems to be Selina. She starts out seeming a bit slutty but soon shows a warm, caring nature - perfect for your virtual gf huh? haha.

    The dev made an interesting choice with if you don't pick the vocalist Lisa, she starts seeing the guitarist Jade. I liked that. Nice to have a little bit of realism...we rock chicks are thirsty indeed bwahaha. Jacob the bass player also gets his own girl. Kudos to the dev not making the MC the only person who can date.

    The graphics were fine. I had no complaints with the renders - well apart from ferret boy but yes, they were good enough. Music used fitted the parts reasonably - although I would have picked something a bit heavier for the band scenes but hey. They did get a bit repetitive after a while.

    Overall a pretty average VN that was fun to play for the most part, the odd boring bits later in the story and some of the dialogue in the game was pretty wooden and stilted. If you are looking for a rock star type story to enjoy then I can say give it a try, there are not many of this type of theme on F95 sadly.

    I wish the dev luck with his next game and am sure the experience from this one will help him a lot.