Review for the first release:
Completely unrealistic.
At the start of the game you can costumize you, like , what you are, shy or a womanizer. I picked shy boy. So, first scene, classroom, where you want to sit? Shy girl or a slutty girl. I picked the slutty one. The scene starts > the shy boy picked the hand of the girl and placed it at his cock... -.- seems like he is not that shy. Second scene, this time I picked the shy girl. Shy girl and shy boy thats a good combination. Classroom, just a bit talk. Second scene, train with her, I gift her a leggings and she give me a blowjob and I can fuck her -.- She was shy the whole time, then somebody gave her a leggings and she turned into a slut.
This should be a adult life sim but all I see is a cock slut simulator. NOT WORTH!
Edited review for 0.6.:
The character creation is still nonseless, it makes no difference if you are a playboy or a shy boi. The progress is pretty unmotivated... each 5 trust you gain a new scene, so all time you just use the sexapp (to see every time the same text) to gain enough trust for the next scene.
ps.: The BDSM content seems not a part of the main game. Be enough dominant and you can fuck your sister and mother without gaining any trust.