HTML - Become Taxi Driver [v0.55] [Neptuno]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    My review of the game:

    positive aspects:

    1. The selection of porn actresses is not bad
    2. The story plot in the beginning is not bad
    3. Quite few bugs


    1. Too much grind.
    2. It's nice to play in the beginning, but eventually the game just gets boring.

    In fact, the game is not straight trash, but after a couple of hours you just get tired of doing the same things, I do not really understand the concept of inserting not processed porn videos in the game and add a bunch of grind, just with such success you can go to porn sites and see what you like, here it was necessary to either make the story normal with narration or insert rare scenes of porn that few people have seen, and so this game is perceived as tedious, boring, pleasure does not cause. As an example, there is a game here is not bad inner bimbo , yes it is abandoned, but the concept of the game for 5 stars.
    It seems that the author does not really understand what he wants to do and just crams favorite scenes.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Kind of broken English at times and it's an HTML game with nothing all that interesting. It'd be better to just look up the models used.

    Otherwise, you just kind of end up mindlessly clicking around while not even bothering to pay attention to the story when you could just be saving time by looking up the names.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Man what a goofy game....Oh wait...that's what it's supposed to be.
    There's nothing serious about BTD and that's great. I needed a goof off game. The Dev keeps everything light and funny so it's a great diversion to a bad day.

    Might be a bit grindy but not much. Besides, there are tons of other games that are wayyy worse.

    Dev is active in the forum and helpful.
    Since I've been playing, releases have been pretty steady which is nice, again, better than a lot of other games.

    I don't think all the models are tatoo covered which is a plus for me...not fond of that. They're also downright pretty.

    Again, it's not too grindy...I mean during one part you are upgrading your cab. It's not grindy...just what you are supposed to be doing during that part and doesn't take too overly long.
    I've played games where you get 1 point per day for someone and you need to raise them to 100....insane! BTD...nothing like that.

    Just a fun diversionary game that's certainly worth a try
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Yeah, I mean this has been developping for many years now and not so much improvement. The media pack is barely accessible, and will it comeback at all?

    Also, can't seem to make the bar scene with the empty liquor do anything. So that,s a red flag.

    The UI are alright, I'd even say good looking for a HTML game but yeah, could be better.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game, the videos, the images, the story line, everything! Some small bugs but nothing that hinders the game. I missed something less repetitive but we have several things to do on the map, so it doesn't get boring. Congratulations to the developer and thxxx for this!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    too long too many grind, it's was better in begin :/
    the game looks like it has no end, which threatens and threatens to make you go nowhere or eventually to an end that doesn't end with the grind. The concept and execution promised this game was really great, but over time I started to lose interest in this game, which is sad because I had high hopes for it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice presentation, but that's where all the pros end.

    Among the worst stories I've ever seen, really poorly written, nonsensical, have no pathos nor any sort of emotional content. Doesn't even do a power fantasy. The scenes string together illogically.

    Terrible grind and user experience, repetitive scenes abound. Most of the time you're wasting time with things you've seen before instead of progressing in the game. Important buttons like sleep and checking story status are hidden in sub menus making them difficult to access and wasting more time.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    it is a good game with proper story and presentation, and has really good not commonly used clips, and with these it would get a really nice score, yet I gave it 3 points because of the excessive grinding, it simply takes too much time just to get somewhere with 1 character. Even though I modified the game to make grinding a lot faster, it still feels slow, and after some time missions are stalling too much to reach the content (even though its modified).
    forgot to mention that the taxi feels like a side hustle rarther than main part of the game, be it modifying the car or using it feels too extra, and all the content we can get aside from the story is behind paywall (altough there is some free stuff, they look horrible for being counted as an option, all their purpose is to make the paid stuff to look well...)
  9. 2.00 star(s)



    - Dev selected very hot pornstars;
    - Neptune(dog) is very fun;
    - Has a good amount of content;


    - Grindy as hell. I droped playing the game after getting annoyed by the amount of grinding you have to do to achieve anything on it. My hands are even aching after playing this for a long time;

    - Since you are playing an HTML game, you can't redo some choices. Imagine playing for a long time and tiring yourself out only to make a wrong decision and that will spoil your fun. There should be a warning about the consequences of the decisions or something like that. Also such "import decisions" should be less frequent in a game with no rollback.;

    - Few repeatable scenes after you have max affection with a woman;

    - Obligatory minigames;

    - Unrewarding progress. Sometimes it seems that you are just wasting your time on some women. It feels likethe dev just want to make things more difficult to purposefully increase the griding.

    - Bad UI to access the walktrough. You can only do that when you access your laptop, inside your bedroom, inside your house, than you have to click the option main girls to open it. Why not let the walktrough in the main screen so that the player wouldn't need to waste a bunch of clicks everytime he wants to see how to progress with girls? There were a lot of times that i was talking to the woman unecessarily because she had an event to do and i didn't find that because of how bothersome it is to keep opening the walktrough all the time.

    TL;DR: The game has good scenes, but an unrewarding and unecessary amount of griding to achieve it. I wish the dev could play his own game more to see that.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game.
    A lot of content, really a lot.
    Incredible choice of models, you can find whatever you like,
    Good story and different plot for every girl, with a good humour.
    The only think that is not 10/10 for me is that talking to a girl feels a little grindy, it's always talk 5 times to a girl and then event.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Very interesting game proposal, the plot is original, that is, the fact that you are a taxi driver is interesting and opens many possibilities, the game map is well done, it contains many +18 and suggestive scenes, so it makes it great for a +18 game. My opinion about it, it is the second or third "text-based" game that I play, one sometimes thinks that it can get boring or that it is not interesting because it is only text, but the public that is interested in the plot/reading, I recommend them. It doesn't have negative parts, from my point of view, because the game helps you "advance" within the story, and besides there are many other actions that you can do. I rate several points and in my opinion it seems like an excellent game.


    -Drawing/3D modeling: 0 (I analyze the effort made by the creator to portray his characters, in this case they are real people and photographs, so there is no merit in this.)

    -Music/Background sound: 0 (sometimes a background sound can help the atmosphere of the game)

    -Plot: 4.5 (Interesting plot and unique from the games I've already played)

    -Map: 5 (Well builded)

    -Animation: 5 (Since most visual content is clips and gifs, I give credit to this)

    - 18+ Scenes: 5 (there is a lot of content:sneaky:)

    -Gameplay: 4.5 (It lets you do several things and actions per day, it doesn't limit you and that's fine)

    -Interface: 5

    :lepew: 3.6/5:lepew:
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice and high 4 star ratings because there is a Good Doggo in the game. Other than than 1 star less because of slow progression, not the games pace but you having to click too many things to just talk to someone. Some content is locked behind pay but I don't complain as what I get is good enough and the dev needs to earn some money.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: v0.30 is starting to adress most of the negatives pointed in this review. I'll be following the next updates to see if I have to revise my rating.
    Edit2: alright, just played v0.34 and it's way more pleasant to play. One more star for you game :)

    It used to be an okay game with quirky characters and some grind but since the last last few updates, with the introduction of Skylar and Priya (around v0.26), it has become an unsatisfying grindfest.

    The early game is good. You'll grind but you'll become better at being a taxi driver and you'll progress though each character's storyline. But at some point, your enjoyment of the game is greatly reduced because of so many bad design decisions :
    • your skills and the money you gain through them just become obsolete ;
    • the characters you've seduced in the first part of the game (i.e. right until you unlock street races) fade into the background ;
    • the storylines become so terribly streched you spend ingame days doing nothing but the one interaction to move them forward (the gameplay loop becomes interact with → skip day → interact with → skip day → etc. for legit 100 days straight) ;
    • the storylines becomes mixed between characters so not only they take time to progress but you're not even guaranteed to make any progress with the character you're actually interacting with.
    I don't know what's happening with the game but it can be fixed. Dev, stop stretching content so much, split characters storylines so the player knows what to expect when he's grinding and build upon the game mechanics you've already introduced. Until then, it's a 2/5 for me, would not recommend unless you're starved for content.
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    ahsan shajee ahmed

    I would have rated it 5 stars but in the online version many of the videos and photos (especially related to Melody dont work) and theres no sound in many videos. Otherwise the game is really decent- no need to grind wayy too much, good selection of actresses and videos etc
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a very grindy game but if you can get past that, it's actually funny and a lot of fun. The characters are well thought out, Neptuno is a loveable jerk. It's just one of those games you cant wait for the next update.

    Edit: After Update v0.26
    IDK what the developer did but he lost "the sauce." What made the game fun was to find out what was going to happen to the characters, and it seems in an attempt to stretch content there are useless events that happen that don't add any depth to the story. Just text to keep the player grinding even more. It's not as fun as it once was 3/5

    To the Developer:
    My suggestion would be to either make those events happen on a regular occurrence when interacting with the characters, or remove them entirely. Players dont mind a game that goes on a hiatus for awhile and comes back with well fleshed out content. But if you are forcing yourself into some crazy deadline then you're only hurting your story. I believe you have a gem here right now you've just have to polish it. Hopefully update 0.27 is better!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Half the images and videos don't work (tested on firefox and edge). Story is completely stupid. Writing is childish. There are random literal meme images put into the story dialogue, completely childish. The UI is littered with non-functional (In progress) buttons. Gameplay is grind for event. Feels like super early alpha first build. Was swaying between 1 or 2 stars, but believe it or not, I have seen even worse games. Poor - Not worth your time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent, Just Excellent.

    Imagine a porn game where you have fun, with the creativity and the humour that have been used, played over 6-9 porn games but haven't seen a porn game which has a humour as this one, no need to judge.

    Actresses who are chosen for this game are almost the best ones you can ever choose, My favorite Character is "Angela" don't know her real name, cuz she just cute and that's the type of a girl I like the most.

    The advanced upgrades and stuff you can spend your money on, if there were nothing to spend your money on, why would even money exist, the advanced car upgrades are so Cool, you upgrade as much as you can, and that makes you earn more money, you buy stuff from the store or workshop to fully complete the storyline.

    The dialogs that have been used between Characters are carrying the game to another level, the GIF's are making it even funnier and enjoyable, also the humour that have been used. I just wonder what have been going through Editors head lol.

    I also liked how the Editor have also added himself in the storyline, the dog "Neptuno", he's pretty funny and a good friend, you unlock the storyline by feeding him, seems to be a good idea to make a longer storyline.

    Somehow I morely enjoyed the game with the Secondary Characters instead of the Main ones, Secondary Characters are just one-time Characters, you see them for a short time and it's done, you can't see them anymore, that's the reason why they are more enjoyable, I always wanted to make the Character "Angela" a Main Character lol.

    These were all the things I wanted to say, hope y'all enjoy the game!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    A porn game with a porn movie plot. Everything is in service of getting to the next scene. Personally I like to be told a story rather than a meaningless romp but I know there are plenty that like that. For those that are looking for that this could have just about everything that they could ask for outside of some grind and a moderately difficult street racing mini game.

    For those that want more than a senseless story and quest completion to get your next hit then you probably won't like it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable title. You play as a man who needs to operate taxis in order to get some money. With this money, you can buy items that progress scenes with the various female characters. There is a little bit of grind involved, but it's easy to click around to progress the time and effort needed.
    The women were all good choices and I enjoyed the escalation with each one of them. There are also a few random encounters or side characters that you can interact with.
    There is enough content in the game to keep you engaged and to complete the loop with the primary characters. If anything, there is potential to expand the story and characters arcs even further or introduce more scenes.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, lots of content (including many gifs and videos from different sex scenes and areas), interesting colours/text boxes and generally interface, many options and locations., keep up the good work! Also the models used are super hot