Ren'Py - Completed - Becoming the Hangman [v0.33X] [Gen93696]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.33

    Overview: Punch your way to the top, and fuck your mom

    Story: Your dad is gone and the enormous mansion he left costs way too much to maintain so in a month you will be kicked out (but should make a bundle on the sale?) In the meantime you can try to fuck your mom and climb to the top in an underground fight club.

    Gameplay: Stat/money grinding broken up by occasional real porn sex scenes.

    Conclusion: This game is reasonably well put together, but feels hollow. That whole "your enormous rent is coming due" plotline never goes anywhere. There are only two gameplay elements, grinding stats at the gym and grinding cash to unlock scenes with your mom. The game has 24 different sex scenes, which I know becuse you can check near the end of the game. There is no quest tracker, but with almost no locations or people to track it isn't necessary. It's not a long game and it is painfully generic.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    this game uses Lena Paul and Amirah Adara which are amazing but the dev makes the game worse with every update.

    this was a promising game and it turned into some wannabe avengers type crap with the most generic superhero story you can imagine.

    the latest update demands you to read a fucking book and memorize random shit as if this game was supposed to be the most important thing in everyone's lives.

    dev, this is contructive criticism. your game started with good actresses and scenes. if your focus was aimed at building on what it started with the family instead of changing to a whole different thing, it would get more attention. this superhero bullshit and whole new game ain't it.

    to everyone else, save yourself some time and go play something else.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Now im a sucker for anything lena paul in it so i decided to give it a shot and i didnt hate it at first. and then we get to whatever the fuck the newest update is. gatelocking content behind massive walls of text the creator demands you pay attention too, more focus is put on the fucking "superheroes" than the main girls you live with AND the mother aka lena paul thats been on the front menu for so long.
    the whole last "chapters" were just so mind nummingly boring and just not interested. was pretty alright but now stay the fuck away from this game
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, the story is poorly written, it's like a kid story (for example your sister is telling you she lost her gf and friends and he just mock her) and the author wants we put close attention to his rambling and then answer dumb questions mandatoryly, gl bro, you killed the mood.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I expected something different when reading the synopsis, even the title of the game makes you think this game has to do something with the mafia or the criminal world. But, in fact, the only criminal thing is the lack of the main plot which is reduced into a subquest.

    The games progreses very irregurarly, the "main quest" (you know, the mafia thing from the synopsis) can be totally skiped if you want to., the synopsis has little to nothing to do with the game. It feels that the main plot is somthing secondary.

    As i see it, the game should focus on developing a solid base in the mc story instead of just putting tons of h content. The plot is interesting but is not devoleped at the moment.

    In summary a good game to kill some time if you dont care about the plot and only came for the secs, but if youre here for that, why not just watch porn ? I know this is a porn site, but there are also very good games with catching stories or with interesting mechanics or something that makes them stand from the other. As it is for the moment this game is as interesting as clicking a button to get a scene.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh boy... That game is just mind-numbingly boring.

    You spend most of the time clicking through the hours and skipping to the next day.

    This game is not fun at all. I usually don't care about grind but this is just the wrong kind of grind. The outcome doesn't feel rewarding at all.

    In terms of content - it feels kind of random and everything just seems to be thrown in without any sense of detail.

    Storywise there is nothing new here. It's the same motives and angles we've seen dozens of times in other games.

    For me, this is a pass.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I have no idea what game the last 2 comments are reviewing, but this game is full of bugs not to mention that the images used, being real porn, must be edited to be able to adapt them appropriately to the "game" format, this one is not That's the case, they were simply copied and pasted without any changes (even the original background is still there), if we add to the above that it is repetitive and sandbox, it is not something I would recommend, at least not for a very long time.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Klick and grind... i dont see the appeal. there is nothing to discover its just generic grinding.
    The writing is good but the content is meh.
    Only one female character and a bunch of muscle dudes.
    If you are into it fine but at the end its a mindless grind for not much content yet.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First release: Love it. It's very different to most incest games. I like how it centers on just the mom, I've been looking for something like this for a long time. Has a good amount of teasing and rewards for the suspense. I haven't seen that way of literally using almost the porn video unaltered as part of the story, It comes off as lazy but works, so why would you change it. I won't be talking about the underground fighting plot, 'cause I skipped it completely. There's not even a handjob on the game, but it's super hot nonetheless. Super recommended. Looking forward to future updates. Obviously, the grinding is there and I still don't like it. It's completely devoid of any kind of difficulty or choice, and that leaves only the time-wasting slog. Even if I dislike that part of the game, the writing compensates. Mostly at the beginning, it seems like the dev got tired half way and the usual tropes started appearing. Some scenes lack dialog entirely (I'm talking about the scenes with the mom only). Also, I didn't mention that the way the mother and son star getting closer is kinda clever. They start to discover how both of them can't get satisfied sexually. I've seen stories where the mom is unattended or frigid, I've seen stories where the son can't cum without help, but I haven't seen both of those ideas combined, I think. I don't know, maybe I'm miss remembering. Either way, the story is presented in a way that feels fresh, and that's everything I need.

    0.25: I've tried the newest version. The bugs were caused by missing files that I didn't download cause I don't know how to read. So, the game doesn't have bugs. My save files do not work, this gets aggravated because I had to spend a lot of time grinding. I'll for sure play the next versions.