Ren'Py - Behind the Doom [v0.7] [UnrulyAction]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Controls: Movement between areas done via mouse, dialogue advancement can be done by either clicking or keyboard.
    Interface: Traditional Ren’py controls, with a directional control in the corner. Within the menu in the corner, is another movement control and a map of the area.
    Plot: Could definitely see this as the plot for an official comic, but this game has sex.
    Characters: Not too far from the source material.
    Typos: Can’t remember any.
    Models: Highly detailed. Looks accurate to the source material.
    Animations: None.
    Background: As good as they need to be.
    Music: None.
    Effects: None.
    Voices: None.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible first attempt. Better than most games released 6 months deep. Clearly passionate about the characters because the writing is spot on. Art is also incredible.

    Really look forward to seeing where this goes.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    With reguards to version 0.1

    I have to say, this game was a surprise, while I do enjoy comics from time to time, i've never really got into the Fantastic Four, nor Marvel for that matter, but even with my very limited knowledge on the comic you managed to write a good story, with good characterization, intrigue and quite a good art style.
    I'm looking forward to see this project grow, I can see a lot of potential in it.