Hey everyone, I'm not finished with the whole game yet, but as a developer I did look into the code a bit and did some tests.
So here is what I found so far:
If you have problems with FREE ROAM EVENTS not working properly and it looks like you need to do those shannenigans with the console to set certain objectives it is because you are have modded files and to be more precise custom_functions.rpy - delete it and start the free roam from the begining and there will be no problems! In that file there are some functions that should set the stages for E11's free roam events that just don't exists in the modded file from E10, so those stages are not being set properly and you get stuck.
I've just finished the free roam event in MC's room in DIKs house and it works properly with all only this file removed so the game can use the original file instead of the modded one.
One bonus from me, get the attached script and you won't need to solve the puzzle box in E11 anymore - just click on the box to open it, then clock on X button in the top right corner to close it and it will be solved with the correct scene triggering like you solved it.