VN - Ren'Py - Best Friends [v0.21] [Faenon]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for [v0.2]
    I don't want to be too critical, as this is clearly a personal project, so I'm gonna try and be as constructive as possible.

    First off, calling this the "first 2 chapters" is pretty misleading. This is one chapter. There's a VERY minor introduction that just establishes what the AVN even is, and then the first chapter feels like a prologue to what the main story will be. It's essentially backstory, with flashbacks to more backstory. As a result, it isn't very engaging, just establishes the relationships.

    As previously mentioned, this is clearly a personal project, as it feels like the dev is using the trans MC in this story (you can pick their name) to speak to us about living as a trans person, rather than having an actual character. The proof of this is shown by the fact that we don't really know anything about the cis MC besides the fact he's doing computer science, he likes video games, and likes women. That's it. For the part of the story that should be about setting up the characters, it doesn't actually...set anything up. What does how the trans MC discovering themselves actually add to the narrative being told? What does the confrontation between the two MCs over the university change actually do for us?

    The big issue is that writers for these types of stories is you need to pick one of two driving forces: characters, or narrative. This has neither. Going to college isn't powerful enough to hook a reader's plain, frankly. So that leaves characters, but as previously stated, there's really nothing there. Hopefully that will change over time, but right now, that's all it is: hope.

    Onto the visuals, there isn't much to write home about. They're serviceable, it makes sense that an amateur dev wouldn't make something that looks incredible, it meets the expectations well. Obviously there's an expectation that the more the dev works on their project, the better they'll get, so I don't see any concerns at the moment.

    Overall, I understand that there's a deep personal connection to the AVN, however I want to review it as an AVN on it's own, not being propped up by pure emotion. There's potential for it to pick back up and become a truly enjoyable experience, and I hope that's achieved, but at the moment it isn't there.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really wish there were more wholesome sex games made.
    Porn has space for wholesome and/or romantic media.
    This is good, and greatly appreciated.
    I’m curious to see how they will incorporate the more sexual themes.
    Please keep up the good work!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Story so far really good. It is a slow burn so if you want alot of sex, this wouldn´t be a suited one. The content are abit niche.

    If you are ok or like trans content give the game a go. If you have a issue with it then better to look for another game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    First of all, the game is visual novel. There are no options besides naming the characters and whom of the two stories to follow. Therefore, it should not be listed under games.
    Furthermore, although reading through the tags, I was still not sure whether the second character named Jon (can be renamed) is supposed to be a man or woman. Obviously,it should be a man.
    I must admit I did not read any much of the story as I was bored by the lack of choices.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really nice to see a trans (or trans-adjacent) story that isn't about humiliation or forced feminization and has characters who seem to be decent human beings instead of psychos etc.

    But writing this about 0.2 version, I do see two dangers. One, the download size could blow up too much given size/content ratio. Two, I see hints of maybe not being able to select Emma's orientation or love interest(s) and that could easily p*ss off half the playerbase.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer I probably bias as the story seems to be replicating some parts of my life lol.

    Story so far is great only played Michael's side so far was easy choice since its my name too, it looks like there will be some replay ability to see both sides of the story.

    As of now there is no sexual content on Michael's path not sure about Jon's/Emma's but I was hooked on it none the less very promising and exciting to see where this goes.

    Renders are good, glad its Football not soccer, also screw mackem's