Seeking Best Lessons in Love inspired games?


Jun 9, 2022
I know that Lil is a controversial title on this site, and I know that there are a shit ton of games that are, to put it nicely, heavily inspired by it. I've played many of them but most are pretty bad. What are some of the best LiL clones that are around right now?

For a long time, Sensei Overnight was the best imo, but for good reason, that game is dead. I've played a bit of Dissonance, but from what I understand, nothing much has happened with it yet as far as path development with the LI's. I really liked Love and Evil Things, and Another World. Looking for more titles that fit that same niche, and they don't have to have horror elements to it.

Japanese school setting, overly horny teacher, good dialogue, and interesting characters is what I'm looking for.


Jun 9, 2022
Crimson High has many similarities, and is something I highly recommend checking out.
Also, Lost in You is another LiL clone you didn't mention. (You may want to just put a list of all the ones you know/have played in your post, to avoid repeats and help others find them)
Thank you! I forgot bout Crimson High. I used to keep up with it but got frustrated with the short updates that always ended on cliffhangers. I should get back to it.

I have played Lost in You. It's okay so far. Any others you'd recommend? I think that's about all the ones I've played through.