Best Oneone1 Games


Feb 20, 2019
As the title says I wanted to ask what is the general consensus on which Oneone1 games are the best. A ranking would be nice to have.
And If someone has play any Oneone1 game with good outfit customization options please let me know.


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
Ideology in Friction is my personal favourite although I really enjoyed their newest game Eclipse Witch. When that one gets a proper translation it might become my number 1.

Meritocracy is pretty similar to Ideology so those are my top 3.

Samurai Vandalism was a bit janky and some of the art wasn’t up to Oneone1’s usual standard so I wasn’t as big of a fan but it’s still good especially now the Kagura translation is out.

Their older games are good but having played them after their newer games it was a bit jarring. Worth a playthrough if you enjoy Oneone1’s style of games and art but there isn’t much there that you don’t also get from their newer games.