Seeking Best use of player stats/traits/attributes


Oct 9, 2019
I've been playing Nothing is Forever and really enjoying the way stats work in the game. Your choices can gain your character points in Honorable, Cunning, Sensitive, and Manly. In turn you use those points to unlock sex "skills" needed for various scenes. I'm looking for more games that make good use of a similar mechanic.

I know a lot of games have this to an extent so I'm really looking for your recommendations of games that have it as a focus and do it well. I mostly prefer games like the aforementioned NiF (3dcg, VN, etc.). I don't mind if it's sandbox or even a little bit of grinding as long as it's done well.



Feb 22, 2020
the only game I really enjoy that has a high emphasis on stats is Love and Sex Second Base. You can learn various skills that open up different scene outcomes or even different sexual scenes (like learning rope binding). If you don't use the built in cheat function than the grinding can be bad but the cheat function aleviates that to whatever degree you want. You can learn and max out EVERYTHING on day one or to whatever degree you want.