What would a scenario be like where artificial intelligence rules the world as a single dictatorship? when we were talking in The thread of politics, came to mind .
Artificial intelligence will not take over the world in one day. It is thought that artificial intelligence will reach human level in 50 years. During this period, necessary precautions will be taken by people. If aggressive countries like the USA turn a blind eye for their economic and political interests (such as financing and supporting all terrorist organizations for the interests of the USA), artificial intelligence may create danger. But this is a very low probability. However, since humans are endlessly stupid, it may happen. We can prevent a process that will gradually take place. If we do not prevent it, it means we want the results.
In a world ruled by artificial intelligence, humans will be in a situation similar to monkey-cat-dog. Robots can establish natural habitats for humans, put humans in zoos, and make them pets.
I do not think that artificial intelligence will bother with humans or enslave them. At first and they will only commit a human massacre. I don't think they will do anything else bad to people. It will have nothing to do with living things for energy and raw materials. They will act as solar power stations (batteries charged at these stations) between the Earth and the Sun and as transport ships that will carry their batteries. They will also meet their raw material needs from meteorites. They will follow an expansionist policy in the Milky Way.