Hey all,
I've fairly new to coding in renpy and most of my learning has been from the renpy site, YouTube tutorials and reverse engineering from other renpy games. I'm currently reading one thread now but I figured I would ask my question here as I'm not sure that thread is exactly related. I'm curious about some best practices when it comes to tracking and triggering events. Would if and elif statements be the best way to track if an even is ready? I have a central location that the player has to return back to often and based on their progress in the game certain events trigger. would if/elif statements be the best way to check for whether a certain event should play or is there something more elegant and streamlined than a MASSIVE pile of if/elifs?
Thanks for reading and any help or insight you can offer!
I've fairly new to coding in renpy and most of my learning has been from the renpy site, YouTube tutorials and reverse engineering from other renpy games. I'm currently reading one thread now but I figured I would ask my question here as I'm not sure that thread is exactly related. I'm curious about some best practices when it comes to tracking and triggering events. Would if and elif statements be the best way to track if an even is ready? I have a central location that the player has to return back to often and based on their progress in the game certain events trigger. would if/elif statements be the best way to check for whether a certain event should play or is there something more elegant and streamlined than a MASSIVE pile of if/elifs?
Thanks for reading and any help or insight you can offer!