Unity - Besti VR [9.119] [Skunkfrakker & Veelicious]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    No game... No installation. Nothing. Just images. Move to proper category? I dont know what else to say so I am typing to let people know there is no game here. The install instructions dont apply. Its only images.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite scene is in a bunker with a real horse and pony. :) I hope there will be new animations like this one day I give it 5 stars.: не уверен: It's strange that there are so few ratings. don't stop releasing updates. We are waiting for new animations.: хихикать:
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Couldn't decide on 3 or 4 stars, would do 3.5 if I could. IDK, rounded up to 4, I guess.
    I'm only playing Besti 9 of the collection of games found within the launcher.

    There's ponies, you're a human man/woman, you fuck them, they fuck each other, they fuck you, there's a lot of customization for the ponies and a little for your character. There's also a couple actual horses you can use to mount the ponies if you want.
    The content isn't awful, the ponies are some of the better ones out there (though they're the "realistic horse pussy on a tiny cartoon pony" kind) and are a lot more expressive than normal because they're not simply recreations of the ones from the show and you control their pose and a bazillion little sliders and like 8 voices and all that, whatever.

    There's like 10 maps, and each one has a bunch of preset locations for sex, though a good number of poses aren't limited to a specific place, like you can just lay down on the floor and access the poses for riding you.

    It's a bit hard to nail down exactly what content is in the game outside of the obvious stuff and the animations, as there's also this long-term simulation aspect, where interacting with a pony often enough can make them go into heat, get pregnant and whatever, I don't know, I think there's other events that can trigger, like them getting bored and missing you, but it's hard to nail this stuff down because it's designed to be vague and confusing.

    Something the game didn't have the last time I played was a cumflation system where they can fill up with cum, though annoyingly the cum just comes right back out if you cum into their pussy (works via ass/mouth though), and the cumflation shape itself isn't that great, so it's cool that they added in a fetish, but it's not implemented that well, I might turn that off if I continue to play.
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    It's just a porn sandbox. It's pretty good.

    Given the direction Skunkfrakker and Veelicious are trying to go with this game, it's currently only at its foundation, and will be for a while. If pony fucking isn't for you, avoid this game with the caveat that it's pretty much the only thing in this game at the moment.

    It's well polished and content-rich for a sandbox game, but content lacking as a universal game. It's clear they want to make the best version of the current game before making more of it. If you enjoy Besti and you HAVE A VR HEADSET, I would highly reccomned subscribing to the subscribestar as it's like, about a dollar per month.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    While Besti itself had good ideas, the games themselves are not the best.

    I mostly wanna focus on Besti 9, ill do a quick rundown on the other content.

    The Oculus compatible stuff is nothing more than tech demos, Besti 8 HD seems to have no true VR controller support and the rest are just extra content.

    Now since thats out of the way, ill get to Besti 9. It is pretty neat on one hand and lackluster as hell in another. The pony creation tools are great, the ability to craft the pony of your wettest brony dreams (not one myself) is great, along with an intresting (and questionable) breeding mechanic to make new ponies! Enviornments are cool too but as the neat goes...thats kinda it.

    Now to focus on the problems and shesh...there's a lot of em. One problem is the game plays more like an animation compilation with not that many interesting things to enjoy. Another problem is there is little to no interactivity with the ponies in the scenes. The closest thing I found was jiggling the balls of one of the ponies and that's it. Another issue is the human model, while realistic the model does not match with the art style and with odd unneeded details (like long toenails...) and the file faces look like pure nightmare fuel. This game compared to other VR porn games with the pony aspect is lacking, even with the character customization in place.

    Overall, I gave Besti a 2/5 stars. Cool concepts, cool ideas but awful execution.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    De maravilla, aunque no he podido jugarlo por qué mi PC no me corre el juego, por favor no dejes de subir las actualizaciones, gracias por tu trabajo y dedicación. Ya no se que más poner acá.
    Translate from spanish
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    V. 9.93

    Some info you might be asking yourself:
    Can I play without VR?: Yes, it can be played without VR, but the experience is not as good.
    What the hell do I do?!: Right click your mouse, add a friend, interact with your friend (Friend = pony)

    Game is a bunch of animations of you (A human man or woman) fucking ponies. You can also watch ponies fuck. There are different worlds, but its pretty much the same. No story, just horse fuckin'.

    Enjoyable for what it is, animated porn.

    Ps: I heard no voices, maybe if you play the female? Just slushing sounds as genitals meet.