HTML - Abandoned - Better Life? [v0.002a] [MOK(BH)]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Its just a series of pictures with some occasional ... to click to the next series of pictures. There are probably a handful of branches to get to different pictures. The text is difficult to read, which is fine, as there's nothing really important there to read. Probably better to just google your kink
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Normally, I do not review games which are clearly unfinished. But I kinda got curious due to the ridiculously low version number of this.

    So here we go: It's not a game. It consists of a linear sequence of passages, there are like three choices you can make. There is zero effort. No styling, no scaling, not even a hint of something like an idea that goes beyond "take the pills, have the sex".

    The more linear an experience gets, the better the writing has to be. The writing in this consists of a few short sentences of exposition and dialogue that ends before it begins.

    So basically this is a "click to watch new porn GIF" website.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.002a
    Not really sure what I just played, of read.
    Not really a game, there was a grand total of 3(?) choices I think, it it was just a story that played itself.
    I say story, but it's not really a story and more of just an explination with no narrative or relevant characters. Guy wakes up, feels suicidal, friends gives him pills, over like 4-5 days turns into a girl, Then has endless sex... That's the entire story, and it's told in about 4 paragraphs thougout the pictures.
    I'm really at a loss for words, since there is an ending, I'm not sure where else this is even going to go
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Such games aren't for everyone. However, I liked it. Why? For now it is small, silly, doesn't make you think about anything, has lots of sex gifs. This is exactly what I want from porn game at the evening. Some people complaining about only 1 ending now. Really? Give dev some time.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The game doesn't have much going for it. It's full of text errors and very uninteresting story wise. Content wise it's also extremely sparse. There's barely anything you can do in it. And the porn pics are nothing special or particularly fitting either. You might as well browse a porn gif site.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Better Life? Sorry to be harsh, but try a better game first. This is more like a technical demo and way too early for a public release. Currently I'd call this: how to be stupid and become from a normal guy to a breeding slut in 10 steps and 20 clicks (figuratively speakig).
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is a terrible writing exposition as of now. There's an overabundance of terribly formatted text, and you might be forgiven for bad formatting if it was coupled with good writing, but... Make no mistake the writing is as of this point amateur porn erotica writing level.

    The GIF/image selection is wild to say the least, for the one "ending"/"path" written in as of now, you go from no gifs or images to break up walls of text to being barraged with gifs (multiple per click/page) featuring wildly different girls, continuity for fuck sake.

    Overall, the idea is probably ok, the execution is atrocious, the writing is terrible and what's inexcusable in my eyes, half-assing wathever this was.

    v0.002a Review (And I really need to jab at it. V... 0? point... 002?a?!? what is the logic behind the numbering?)
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Well its..... A nothing game. The story is pretty much non existent, you suck, some guy gives you some pills, you take the pills and become a lady and fuck dudes. Totally linear, which can be fine but not in this case, you just click links and look at either

    A. Giant walls of text, no flair, no spacing, just a text dump.
    B. A bunch of porn gifs.

    Really not worth trying, the walking simulator of porn games although walking simulators probably have more interesting things happening. Not really any choices, the absolute most basic level of "game" you could possibly make. I understand the developer is new, and I hope they can make this better in some way but for right now it's just not there
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It is a gif simulation game. Totally linear, you have no choice in this "demo". The forced transformation from male to female. You start as a man but in two clicks you are a woman. Sentences don't start with capital letters.

    v0.002a review.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    It's bad, story is bad ( you are random guy with a bad life and you take pill ! to resume it ), gameplay is bad ( non existant ), you just click on a phrase too acces a gif and a lot of text with no paragraph. No choices, nothing...